Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Booktrailer "Sin igual" - Alyson Noël

I'm so excited about the upcoming global launch of UNRIVALED - 17 languages, 200 countries  - on May 10! And now, for my Spanish speaking readers, this just in from Harper Collins Iberica- the Sin Igual book trailer!

Welcome to the Party!

Also, I'll be signing early copies of UNRIVALED this Sunday at the LA Times Festival of Books and would love to see you there!

The details are:

First up, is the LA Times Festival of Books!
Sunday, April 10
USC campus, Los Angeles, California

1:00 - 2:00 PM
Panel- Young Adult Fiction: Suspense in Series
Co-Panelists: Ally Carter, Maggie Hall, Tarun Shanker, Moderator Maurene Goo
Location: Seely G. Mudd 123

2:00PM Panel Signing

3:00 - 3:45PM Harper Collins Booth Signing
Location: Harper Collins Booth #713

More soon!



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