(blog title courtesy of The Beatles)

(28 more days!!)
So, after weeks and weeks of what pretty much amounted to non-stop, book related travel, I dedicated yesterday to laziness. My one and goal being that I'd fail to accomplish much of anything.
I started my day on the couch, drinking coffee and getting all caught up on the first 3 episodes of this season's
Bored to Death, but then, it wasn't long before it started to feel like a sick day. And since I wasn't sick, and since I'm really not that great at daytime couch-lounging (I get antsy), my husband and I decided to head out in search of shopping and eating (lots and lots of eating!), making sure to return home in time to watch episode 4 of
Bored to Death along with the latest
Dexter, and, while it may not have turned out to be quite the "do absolutely nothing" day I'd envisioned, it was pretty dang great all the same!
But today I'm back in business. In fact, I'll be heading to LA this afternoon as tomorrow at O'Dark Hundred I'm scheduled for a full morning of back-to-back interviews for a TV/Radio satellite tour.
Basically I'll head for a studio in the early AM (my wake-up call is set for 3:15--yikes!), where I'll get made-up, miked-up, and lit, so I can chat with various people I can't actually see, answering questions about
RADIANCE, Riley, and more, that'll be beamed out all over the nation.
The full schedule is below, and though it looks daunting, I have to say that I'm actually pretty excited about it--well, other than the wake up call that is ...
I'll let you know how it goes!
5:20–5:30 AM WVES-FM, “Country Mornings,” Norfolk, VA (LIVE RADIO) 5:40–5:50 AM WRAL-CBS, “WRAL Morning News,” Raleigh, NC (LIVE TV)
5:50–6:00 AM KJAG-AM, “Morning Show,” Salinas (Wichita), KS (TAPED)
6:35–6:40 AM WFTX-FOX, “Fox 4 Morning Blend,” Ft. Meyers, FL (TAPED TV)
6:40–6:50 AM WTSP-CBS, “Tampa Bay’s 10,” Tampa, FL (TAPED TV)
6:50–7:00 AM WCIV-ABC, “Lowcountry Live,” Charleston, SC (TAPED TV)
7:00–7:10 AM “Get Connected,” Syndicated in Regional South East (TAPED TV)
7:10–7:15 AM WSET-ABC, “Living in the Heart of Virginia,” Roanoke, VA (TAPED TV) 7:20–7:30 AM Radio TV Daily, “Shannon’s Corner,” National (TAPED RADIO)
7:50–8:00 AM KCTU-ION, “Your Hour,” Wichita, KS (TAPED TV)
8:00–8:10 AM WTVR-FM, “Middays with Kat,” Richmond, VA (TAPED RADIO)
8:10–8:15 AM KCMN-AM, “Morning Show,” CO Springs, CO (LIVE RADIO)
8:15–8:20 AM KTNV-ABC, “The Morning Blend,” Las Vegas, NV (TAPED TV)
8:20–8:25 AM “The New Englanders,” Syndicated in Regional Boston (TAPED TV) 8:40–8:45 AM KGUN-ABC, “The Morning Blend,” Tucson, AZ (TAPED TV)
9:23–9:30 AM WGHP-FOX, “Fox 8 Noon News,” Greensboro, NC (LIVE TV)
9:30–9:40 AM KHHT-FM, “Weekend Show,” Los Angeles, CA (TAPED RADIO)
9:50–10:00 AM WCPO-ABC, “9 News at Noon,” Cincinnati, OH (LIVE TV)
Have a great day, everyone!