Friday, October 31, 2008
All Hallows Eve . . .
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Free Book Friday Teen Edition Is Now Open!!!
Hey Everyone-
Just wanted you to know that the teen edition of Jessica Brody's Free Book Friday Teens is now open for business--and she's giving away the VERY LAST Advanced Reading Copies of the first book in my new paranormal YA series, EVERMORE, (generously donated by my awesome publisher!) And since the book isn't scheduled to drop until February 3, 2009, this is your very last chance to get an early read!
Also, everyone who signs up to win will receive a sneak peek at chapter one!
So don't delay-- head over to Free Book Friday Teens now!
Just. Click. HERE!
Monday, October 27, 2008

Those of you who read this blog know how I love a good freebie. And in an economy like this, who doesn't? That's why I'm so excited about the fabulous Jessica Brody's Free Book Friday website, where she gives away a free book every Friday (pretty self-explanatory, I know!). But when she told me she's branching out into a Free Book Friday for Teens, well, I was thrilled.
And while the Teen site won't go live until next week, (when we're giving away The Absolutely Last Two Advanced Reading Copies of EVERMORE generously donated by my awesome publisher, St. Martin's Press since my supply is depleted!), this week she's featuring New York Times Bestselling Author, PC Cast, who pens the totally addictive HOUSE OF NIGHT series with her daughter Kristen! Oh, and there's an awesome podcast interview to go with it!
So don't miss it-- Click HERE for you chance to listen and win!
Also, in celebration of her new release, THE MEMORIST, MJ Rose is offering a free download of her first book in the series, THE REINCARNATIONIST. To get your copy, click HERE.
That's it for now!
Have a good night!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
EVERMORE's First Review!!
EVERMORE just got it's first review, and it's a 5 STAR GOLD AWARD from TeensReadToo, stating:
" . . .Every once in awhile, a book comes along that I end up getting sucked into and become addicted. EVERMORE was one of those books. When I wasn’t reading, I was thinking about how I could sneak away to read some more. I couldn’t put it down. I dreamt about this book. When I finished, I couldn’t get it out of my head. This book was simply breathtaking.
Ever is a wonderfully realistic character that grows throughout the novel. The guilt she feels over her family’s accident and her grieving process are heart-wrenchingly real, as is her growing acceptance of her new psychic gifts. I also loved the scenes with Riley, Ever’s little sister. Who knew a ghost could be so funny and charming? I know she’s just waiting to have her own series written about her. And Damen…well, what can I say - I’m in love. If you’re looking for a new lit-boy crush, Damen is it.
Alyson Noel knows how to write for and about teens, and this is one of her best books yet. I can’t wait to find out more about the mysterious Damen and step into Ever’s world again.
Combining mystery and romance, EVERMORE is the beginning of the next must-read paranormal series. Be sure to get your hands on this one - you’ll be swept away." Sarah Bean, TeensReadToo
To read the entire review, click HERE!!
Also, thanks to everyone who showed up to my book signing last night! I had a great time meeting new people like the sisters from Canada and Gabby the future author, and talking with old friends like Jolynn & Patrick and the talented Debby Garfinkle! And while I forgot to take pictures (despite my camera being right there in my purse), I was thrilled to see so many people out buying books on a Thursday night!
After, we went back to my house for a little post-book-signing-celebration, where my husband put out an amazing spread of Greek delicacies in honor of CRUEL SUMMER (I am sooo lucky to have married a man who cooks!), and Jessica Brody and her partner in crime, Charlie, uncorked a bottle of German champagne to celebrate the EVERMORE and BLUE MOON German translation deal, and then there was more eating, and more champagne, and maybe some red wine . . .and, well, you can imagine how I'm feeling today. (If you are under 21 and reading this-- it is a cautionary tale! If you are over 21, then you probably already know what I mean!)
But with a good supply of aspirin and a steaming hot mug of green tea beside me, I'm off to tackle my BLUE MOON revision!
Have a good weekend everyone!
GCC Presents . . .Kelly Parra!!!
I'm so excited to host double Rita nominee, author Kelly Parra, who I was lucky enough to meet at last summer's RWA conference, and let me tell you she's as nice as she is talented!
Her new book, INVISIBLE TOUCH, was just released by MTV Books and people are already raving about it!
Here's what they're saying:
A magical blending of mystery, romance, and deep and dangerous secrets. Kelly Parra’s Invisible Touch is an action-packed coming-of-age novel, sure to keep readers turning pages and begging for a sequel."-- Laurie Faria Stolarz, Bestselling author of Blue is for Nightmares and Deadly Little Secret
"Readers are going to delight in this fast-paced, gripping story, and be kept spellbound until its surprising finish." --Tina Ferraro, How To Hook A Hottie
"The Gold Award of Excellence! An amazing, touching novel that deals with big issues in an original context."--TeensReadToo
"Five out of five gold pens for Invisible Touch."- The Salinas Californian
Here's what it's about:
Kara Martinez has been trying to be "normal" ever since the accident that took her father's life when she was eleven years old. She's buried the caliente side of her Mexican heritage with her father and tried to be the girl her rigid mother wants her to be -- compliant and dressed in pink, and certainly not acting out like her older brother Jason. Not even Danielle, her best friend at Valdez High, has seen the real Kara; only those who read her anonymous blog know the deepest secrets of the Sign Seer.
Because Kara has a gift -- one that often feels like a curse. She sees signs, visions that are clues to a person's fate, if she can put together the pieces of the puzzle in time. So far, she's been able to solve the clues and avert disaster for those she's been warned about -- until she sees the flash of a gun on a fellow classmate, and the stakes are raised higher than ever before. Kara does her best to follow the signs, but it's her heart that wanders into new territory when she falls for a mysterious guy from the wrong side of town, taking her closer to answers she may not be able to handle. Will her forbidden romance help her solve the deadly puzzle before it's too late...or lead her even further into danger?
Here's the same 5 questions we always ask:1. Every story has a backstory, what's the backstory for your book?
I've always believed in intuitive vibes and repetitive signs and
thought wouldn't it be cool to have a girl who really saw visions and
have to piece the signs together to help others? But not only that,
but this gift had to also be a curse and would a logical mother
believe her? And from there Kara was born in my mind with secrets
and pain and grief and romance.
2. What's your work environment like? Any rituals, totems, or must
My desk is usually a mess, and recently its been cleaned and
organized! I wonder how long it will stay this way. ;) I work a lot
better with organization. It's sort of silly, but I have this old
trophy from fifth grade that was given to me for "Outstanding Award
in Language Arts" and it sits atop my desk as a sort of symbol that
maybe I was meant to be a writer. :) :)
3. If you could live inside any book-- which would it be?
I think it would be really cool to live in J.D. Robb's Death series
world. Its one of my favorite series so of course I'd love to
explore it, but only for a short visit. I'm pretty happy with my world.
4. What book rocked your world growing up?
V.C. Andrew's Dollanganger series and the Castell series. I felt for
these characters that weren't really real, but they felt real to a
sixteen-year-old girl. :)
5. If you could visit any time, place, or person- what, where, or who
would it be?
My father passed away suddenly in my early twenties. I think I would
visit my dad one last time. :)
Also, if you haven't yet stopped by her blog-- run don't walk! She's hosting a Secret Fates Blog Extravaganza through the month of October, with 26 authors sharing secrets and giveaways on the Secret Fates blog. But hurry on over, the party ends on October 31st!
About Kelly:
Kelly Parra is the author of Graffiti Girl, a double RITA nominee and a Latinidad Top Pick, and the contemporary paranormal, Invisible Touch. When not pulling her hair while writing her current novel, she likes to play with her abundance of websites and feed a serious television addiction. For excerpts visit, or follow the Secret Fates blog at
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Last chance to win!
Hey Everyone-
Just wanted you to know that I'm giving away my last advanced reading copy of the first book in my upcoming series, EVERMORE, over at Brooke Taylor's blog. The book won't be in stores until February, so if you want to get an early read head over there now! All you have to do is click HERE!
Good luck!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Book Signing!!
Hey Everyone-
Just wanted you to know I'll be signing copies of my book this Thursday, October 23, 6:30 PM at:
26751 Aliso Creek Road
Aliso Viejo, CA 92625
And I hope to see you there!
Also, I just learned that CRUEL SUMMER was nominated for a CYBIL award, so I'm pretty psyched about that!!
And while the economy may be bad, the good news is, there's free books to be had! So if you haven't stopped by Jessica Brody's Free Book Friday, Kelly Parra's Secret Fates Blog Extravaganza, or Brooke Taylor's Monster Month of Giveaways (she's giving away my very last Advanced Reading Copy of EVERMORE!), all I can say is: what are you waiting for ???
Happy Tuesday!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Weekend Update!
Hey all you teen readers, just wanted to let you know that today is the last day to vote for YALSA's Teen's Top Ten Award. Did I mention SAVING ZOE was nomintated? I did? Okay, well anyway, if you want to vote before the polls close, click HERE.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Heavy Metal
What does sushi have to do with public humiliation? And why did I title this blog post HEAVY METAL?
For answers to those burning questions and more, come on over to the Teen Fiction Cafe by clicking HERE. We're talking about embarrassing moments this week and would love for YOU to join us!
Also, yesterday was an amazing day as I learned that the foreign rights to my upcoming books EVERMORE and BLUE MOON sold to Goldmann (a division of Random House!) in Germany --at auction!!!!!
Also, EVERMORE sold Spanish and Catalan rights to Mondadori!!
And I'm planning an exciting new website makeover to introduce the new series, the unveiling will take place sometime in Dec/Jan!
Speaking of EVERMORE . . .for your chance to win an Advanced Reading Copy stop by Kelly Parra's Secret Fates Blog Extravaganza look for my post and leave a message. Kelly's giving away a lot of great prizes so be sure to check them all out! All you have to do is click HERE.
Oh, and, it's not to late to vote for YALSA's Teen's Top Ten Award (SAVING ZOE is nominated!) just click HERE!
And don't miss the interview with Stacy DeKeyser on the previous post- her new book is amazing!!
That's it for now-- I'm off to Beckman High School in Irvine to talk to some students!
Be well!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
GCC Presents . . .Stacy DeKeyser!!!!
Hey Everyone-
This time around on the Girlfriends Cyber Circuit tour, I'm thrilled to host fabu author Stacy DeKeyser, and her amazing new novel, JUMP THE CRACKS.
Here's the scoop:
What would you do?
As far as I'm concerned, there's no excuse not to be decent...Especially when you're responsible for a kid.
It just figures that fifteen-year old Victoria's dad fails once again to be at the train station like he's promised. Fuming, Victoria watches as a teen mom stashes her bruised little boy in the train's bathroom. When the mom gets off the train alone, Victoria decides she has had it with all the poor excuses who call them selves parents. Making a split-second decision, Victoria boards the next train out of town-taking the little boy with her.
No, really, what would you do?
Victoria's staying on the run until everyone responsible starts keeping their promises. This kid's not falling through the cracks. Not on her watch.
1. Every story has a backstory, what's the backstory for your book?
I saw an upsetting incident on a train that was basically the same as the catalyst for the action in the novel. It really bothered me that there was nothing I could do to help a stranger's child who might be in an abusive home. So I decided to write a story where someone DID do something, and that's how Jump the Cracks came about. It was very therapeutic, even though Victoria causes more trouble than she solves.
2. What's your work environment like? Any rituals, totems, or must haves?
I work in an extra bedroom at home. It has pretty views of woods and a pond.
I must have coffee first thing. I must have quiet. (A little background music is good, but no voices, only instrumental). I can't launch right into writing. I read my email, favorite blogs, etc. I stare out the window. Then when I start to worry that nothing else is getting done...laundry, grocery shopping, vaccuuming... I start writing.
3. If you could live inside any book-- which would it be?
Ooh, fun question, but hard! I think maybe Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I'd love to see the city of Bath, England at its peak, and wear beautiful long dresses. But only for a few days!
4. What book rocked your world growing up?
This is surprisingly hard to answer. I can't name only one single book. I did love the gentle humor and plays on words in the Winnie the Pooh stories my mom read to me. That's still my favorite kind of humor.
The old Dick Van Dyke Show reruns on TV were a huge influence in a lot of ways, mostly because I could watch someone making their living as a writer. I wanted to do that.
5. If you could visit any time, place, or person- what, where, or who would it be?
I wish I could meet Sacagawea. My first book was a short biography of her, and I'm so in awe of her strength and intelligence. She was teenage Shoshone girl alone among 32 white male soldiers, and yet she wasn't afraid to stand up for herself. She's one of my heroes.
What people are saying about JUMP THE CRACKS:
"Bracingly realistic….With a combination of lively adventure and humane treatment of its characters, this is an absorbing and emotionally effective read.” — BCCB
"Strong characters and fast-paced action." — VOYA
"Thought-provoking....Introspective tweeners will find plenty to chew on." — Booklist
“Teens are sure to find this an interesting read.” — School Library Journal
"Teen kidnaps toddler--or does she? The story was terrific...The ending fits the story perfectly."
— Linda Sue Park, Newbery-winning author
"Julia LOVES your book. She has told a few kids in her 6th grade class about it and has informed me that they get first dibs on reading her copy before me!" — mother of Julia, age 12
“I thought it was amazing! I couldn't put it down. The end almost made me cry.” — Jessica, age 17
Nominated for YALSA's Popular Paperback for Young Adults 2009!
FAQs and Trivia about Stacy:
Favorite food that's not 98% sugar: This changes pretty much daily. Check here for today's answer!
Refuses to eat: Coconut; raw onions.
Favorite color: Red. No, pink. No, red. Definitely red...I think.
Pets: A golden retriever named Chipper (after Chipper Jones of the Atlanta Braves).
Sisters: Three
Brothers: Zero
Favorite sport to watch: Baseball
Favorite sport to play: Does bike riding count?
Favorite book: This is another answer that will change often. This week: Pentalty by Mal Peet.
Afraid of: Roller coasters; centipedes.
Jobs I've had: Dishwasher, laundress, snack bar waitress, proofreader, hospital analyst, medical transcriptionist, receptionist. (Come to think of it, I'm still most of those things.)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sneak Peek at EVERMORE!!
Want to win an Advanced Reading Copy of EVERMORE???
Friday, October 10, 2008
Teen Read Week!
Teen Read Week has officially started, and I, for one, am thrilled! Not only because I'm all about teens and reading (especially reading teens!), but also because SAVING ZOE is nominated for YALSA's Teens Top Ten Award!!!! Alongside these awesome titles:
Laurie Halse Anderson. TWISTED.
Libba Bray. THE SWEET FAR THING. (Gemma Doyle Trilogy, #3)
Meg Cabot. JINX.
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast. BETRAYED. (House of Night, #2)
Cassandra Clare. CITY OF BONES. (The Mortal Instruments, #1)
Jenny Downham. BEFORE I DIE.
Jessica Day George. SUN AND MOON, ICE AND SNOW.
Anna Godberson. THE LUXE.
Ellen Hopkins. GLASS.
Catherine Jinks. EVIL GENIUS.
Juliet Marillier. WILDWOOD DANCING.
Melissa Marr. WICKED LOVELY.
Richelle Mead. VAMPIRE ACADEMY. (Vampire Academy, #1)
Stephenie Meyer. ECLIPSE. (Twilight, #3)
Andrew Nance & Colin Polhemus, illus. DAEMON HALL.
William Nicholson. JANGO. (The Noble Warriors, #2)
Alyson Noël. SAVING ZOE!!!!
James Patterson. SAVING THE WORLD AND OTHER EXTREME SPORTS. (Maximum Ride, #3)
Mal Peet. TAMAR.
Neal Shusterman. UNWIND.
Scott Westerfeld. EXTRAS. (Uglies, #4)
Voting takes place from Sunday October 12 to Saturday October 18th, and all you have to do to vote for your favorite (er, SAVING ZOE perhaps??) is click HERE
Happy Sunday Everyone!!!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Cover Girl!
Ever wonder about the journey behind a book cover? How it goes from idea to picture, and just who's responsible for getting it to look that way anyway? And just how much input, (if any), the author had?
Well, wonder no more! The awesome Melissa Walker has been posting a weekly cover story on her blog, and today it's my turn as I tell all--giving you the story behind the story on the CRUEL SUMMER cover!
All you have to do to read all about it, just click HERE.
Oh, and how's this for the power of television! Straight from the New York Times mass-market paperback bestseller list:
1. NIGHTS IN RODANTHE, by Nicholas Sparks
2. THIRD DEGREE, by Greg Iles.
3. BOOK OF THE DEAD, by Patricia Cornwell
4. DEAD UNTIL DARK, by Charlaine Harris
5. STONE COLD, by David Baldacci
6. PLAYING FOR PIZZA, by John Grisham
7. COMPULSION, by Jonathan Kellerman
8. LIVING DEAD IN DALLAS, by Charlaine Harris
9. PROTECT AND DEFEND, by Vince Flynn
10. SANDPIPER WAY, by Debbie Macomber
11. CLUB DEAD, by Charlaine Harris
12. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED, by James Patterson and Howard Roughan
13. DEAD TO THE WORLD, by Charlaine Harris
14. SWEET REVENGE, by Diane Mott Davidson
15. SHOW NO MERCY, by Cindy Gerard
16. KEEPING FAITH, by Jodi Picoult
17. DEAD AS A DOORNAIL, by Charlaine Harris
18. TRUNK MUSIC, by Michael Connelly
19. DEFINITELY DEAD, by Charlaine Harris
20. ALL TOGETHER DEAD, by Charlaine Harris
Yup, that's Charlaine Harris occupying a ton of (count 'em--seven!!) spots for her Sookie Stackhouse series, which HBO's new show, TRUE BLOOD is based on! I don't even know Charlaine and I've never read the books (though I have watched the show), but I was so excited for her when I saw this--talk about an author's dream come true! Rock on, Charlaine!
And speaking of writing, literary agent Donald Maas is giving away free downloads of his book, The Career Novelist: A Literary Agent Offers Strategies for Success
All you have to do to download your copy is click HERE!
That's it for now--
Happy Monday Everyone!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Keeps Gettin' Better!!
It's Saturday, which means it's time for another round of Jessica Brody's FREE BOOK FRIDAY!
This week she's featuring the awesome Lisa Lutz who's giving away a signed copy of her New York Times bestselling novel, THE SPELLMAN FILES, so be sure to go HERE for your chance to listen to the podcast interview and win a copy of this amazing book!
Also, talented debut author of UNDONE, Brooke Taylor, (who I was lucky enough to meet at the RWA national convention in San Franciso last summer and she totally rocks!) is holding a Monster Giveaway (seriously monster sized!) on her blog this month, with prizes so great you won't want to miss it! I'll be giving away a signed ARC of the first book in my upcoming paranormal series, EVERMORE, at the end of the month, but trust me, you're going to want to head over there now for your chance to win the awesome, New York Times bestselling, HOUSE OF NIGHT series! Just. Click. HERE!
And did anyone watch THE EX LIST last night? I did, right after GHOST WHISPERER, it's kind of a MY NAME IS EARL (mostly because of the list) meets SEX AND THE CITY (mostly because of the dating--only it takes place in L.A.) hybrid. If you didn't see it, it's about a girl who goes to a psychic and learns that she has one year to get married (or it will never happen) and that her soul mate is someone she's already dated. So I'm guessing each show will be about her going through her (long) list of exes, trying to figure out who it could be. And while it got me thinking about my own list of exes (not that long-- I swear!), it also reminded me of the time I went to a psychic with a friend who predicted my future husband to a T. Seriously. All the way down to his education, birth place, astrological sign, etc. The reading took place eight years before he would come into my life (which she also predicted!) and it seemed so crazy at the time I put it right out of my mind- until the night we met, (yup, 8 full years later), and it went just as she said . . .
So, in celebration of all things paranormal, Halloween, and THE EX-LIST, tell me:
Have you ever been to a psychic--and did any of the predictions come true?
Friday, October 03, 2008
Okay, I admit, I totally have election fever!
Debate watching party? Check.
Lapel pin? Yes!
Bumper sticker? Mais oui!
T-shirt featuring my candidates logo? You bet!
And while I won't tell you who to vote for (even though I'd LOVE to), I will urge you to vote.
Yes YOU!
It's never been more important!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Speaking of Books . . .
Lots of exciting things happening in the world of books this week, including:
It's Cybils time again! That's right, nominations for the Children's & Young Adult Blogger's Literary Awards are open for nominations! To nominate your favorite book, just visit HERE and leave the title in the comments section--it's so easy!
Also, the Leave a Mark auction has begun! This is the one where various authors (including moi), mark up one of their books (thereby turning it into a sort of director's cut edition!), and auction it off to benefit First Book, a wonderful charity providing books for the needy! This amazing idea was the brainchild of Lauren over at Shooting Stars Magazine and Chelsea at The Page Flipper. They'll be auctioning off a different title every few days (including my marked up version of SAVING ZOE- though I'm not sure which day it will run so check back!), and all you have to do to participate is click HERE!
And, as it that wasn't enough, today also marks the start of Kell
That's it for now-- Happy October Everyone!