So, I've just returned from 2 amazing weeks vacationing in Prague, Budapest, Vienna, and London where I ate my weight in Sacher Tortes
and had amazing fangirl moments like the one below --that's me with Paulo Coelho, author of one of my all time fave books- THE ALCHEMIST!
And now I'm back in my post-vacation world of jet lag and laundry while counting down the days (39 Days, 6 Hours, 2 minutes a the time of this post!) until the simultaneous global release of UNRIVALED in over 200 countries on May 10! (Squee!)
For my international readers, I'm happy to announce that the UNRIVALED international microsite is now live! For sneak peeks into the world of UNRIVALED and a chance to pre-order your copy, all you have to do is click HERE!
For my US readers, I've got some exciting events coming up and I really hope to see YOU at one or all of them!
First up, is the LA Times Festival of Books!
Sunday, April 10
USC campus, Los Angeles, California
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Panel- Young Adult Fiction: Suspense in Series
Co-Panelists: Ally Carter, Maggie Hall, Tarun Shanker, Moderator Maurene Goo
Location: Seely G. Mudd 123
2:00PM Panel Signing
3:00 - 3:45PM Harper Collins Booth Signing
Location: Harper Collins Booth #713
Then on April 30 - May 1, I'll be at YALLWEST in Santa Monica, California
Details to come!
On May 13 &14 I'll be at BookCon in Chicago, IL
Details to come!
More events and event details are coming, so stay tuned!
But meanwhile, a full list of places where you can pre-order your own copy of UNRIVALED is HERE!
Until then-
Peace * Joy * Love