Wow, I feel like I've been waiting forever to announce this (probably because I have!), but the details on my next new YA series, THE SOUL SEEKERS, can be found HERE!
For the click shy among you, the new series will take place in the Southwest and it's about a sixteen year old girl who is able to walk among the Underworld, the Upperworld, and the dead.
I will begin research/writing the first book sometime this winter (must finish UNTITLED IMMORTALS #6 first!), and it will be in stores probably sometime around early 2012.
And I have to add that I'm especially happy that I'll continue to work with my awesome editor, Rose Hilliard, and my lovely publisher, St. Martin's Press--I've been with them since my debut novel, FAKING 19, way back in 2005, and really appreciate the way they've stuck by me.
In other news, in just a little over a month now RADIANCE will be in stores on 08.31.10 (I can hardly believe how fast this summer is flying by!), and it just got a great review HERE!
Also, I just learned that THE IMMORTALS landed at #6 on Publisher's Weekly's Childrens Series Bestsellers list--and I just wanted to thank you for your continued support!
That's it on my end--must get back to Ever & Damen . . . hope you're all having a great week!