Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Soul Seekers!!!

Wow, I feel like I've been waiting forever to announce this (probably because I have!), but the details on my next new YA series, THE SOUL SEEKERS, can be found HERE!

For the click shy among you, the new series will take place in the Southwest and it's about a sixteen year old girl who is able to walk among the Underworld, the Upperworld, and the dead.

I will begin research/writing the first book sometime this winter (must finish UNTITLED IMMORTALS #6 first!), and it will be in stores probably sometime around early 2012.

And I have to add that I'm especially happy that I'll continue to work with my awesome editor, Rose Hilliard, and my lovely publisher, St. Martin's Press--I've been with them since my debut novel, FAKING 19, way back in 2005, and really appreciate the way they've stuck by me.

In other news, in just a little over a month now RADIANCE will be in stores on 08.31.10 (I can hardly believe how fast this summer is flying by!), and it just got a great review HERE!

Also, I just learned that THE IMMORTALS landed at #6 on Publisher's Weekly's Childrens Series Bestsellers list--and I just wanted to thank you for your continued support!

That's it on my end--must get back to Ever & Damen . . . hope you're all having a great week!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Day

(blog title courtesy of Sheryl Crow)

IMMORTALS Fan Art by Kim Harris!!

IMMORTALS Fan Art by Kia Amazona!!

Hey Everyone-

Well, I just wanted to start off by saying THANKS for keeping DARK FLAME at #5 on the New York Times Series Bestsellers list for the 4th week straight! The series list is an incredibly tough one so I'm absolutely thrilled with the news and just want you to know that your enthusiasm and support means the world to me!!

And speaking of The Immortals, a reader recently sent me THIS LINK showing that Ever comes in at #17 on the list of "Hottest Baby Names for 2010"--and, there are two variations thereof as well--how cool is that?

And speaking of Smart Chicks--the Smart Chicks Tour is just around the corner (Sept 13-25), so be sure to check out the awesome new website HERE, the blog HERE, along with the Q&A which answers all of your Smart Chicks Need-to-Know-Now burning questions HERE!! This tour is going to be epic--so I really hope to see you at one of the stops!

And lastly, don't forget to cast your daily vote in the Teen Reads Awards! The more often you vote, the better your chance of winning prizes!! SHADOWLAND is a finalist for "Best Read" --the link to vote is HERE!

Okay, now that the business portion is concluded, I just wanted to wish you all a great summer! Mine is turning out to be insanely busy with finishing the final Immortals book (still no title yet, though I will say UNTITLED IMMORTALS #6 is beginning to grow on me!), moving (yep, I moved, which means I spend most the day digging through boxes searching for things!), oh and my niece and nephew are now here for their annual visit (I just wish we had better weather for them--cold, foggy, and drizzly is not exactly the California promise!)!

Well, that's it for me--have a great day everyone!


PS- Isn't that fan art ah-mazing???!!! Thanks so much to Kia & Kim for creating such beautiful images!!

Monday, July 19, 2010


I'm so excited to present the RADIANCE book trailer--enjoy!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Bitten by Books!!

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday, July 13, I will be chatting over at Bitten by Books, starting at noon (CST), and would love to see you there!

There are some awesome prizes in store--to learn more about it, and RSVP (note, you don't have to RSVP, but you've got a better chance at winning those prizes if you do!)--click HERE!

Have a good day everyone!


Thursday, July 08, 2010

Catching Up . . .

Taking a quick break from working on UNTITLED IMMORTALS #6 (yep, still no title!), to catch up on a few exciting things that have been happening around here . . .

First: I'd just like to THANK YOU for keeping THE IMMORTALS series on the New York Times Bestsellers list again this week--and for keeping DARK FLAME on the USA Today Top 50 bestsellers list as well--I truly couldn't do it without you!

Second: Huge thanks to my readers in Brazil for putting BLUE MOON (LUA AZUL) at #4 on their overall fiction bestsellers list--and to my readers in the UK for putting SHADOWLAND at #6--Thank You * Thank You * Thank You!!!

Third: I'll be chatting and answering questions over at Bitten by Books on July 13th--and would love it if you would stop by and join in! Just click HERE!!

Fourth: Have you voted today for the Teen Read Awards?? If not, head over there now! There are lots of great categories where you can vote for your favorites, and I'm thrilled to announce that SHADOWLAND is up for "Best Read!!" Also, every time you vote you automatically enter yourself to win prizes--and you can vote once a day! So, don't delay, just click HERE to get started!

Fifth: For a limited time only, the EVERMORE e-book is available for $2.99--so head on over to your fave e-book provider and download a copy!

Sixth: A Huge Sparkly Thank YOU to all of you who've messaged, posted, e-mailed, & twittered your kind words about DARK FLAME--I am thrilled that you've enjoyed it--and hope you enjoy NIGHT STAR as well!

Seventh: For those of you who've been asking for something in Damen's point of view, head on over to THE IMMORTALS site, and sign-up to receive ETERNAL FLAME, a free short story available to subscribers--it's all HERE!

Eighth: Haven't seen the DARK FLAME trailer yet??? Click HERE to view!

Ninth: Oh, and for those of you who've been asking about Riley's series, beginning with RADIANCE, you can read an excerpt HERE!

Tenth: Okay, back to work on the final IMMORTALS installment . . .

Eleventh: Have a good day, everyone! Alyson xoxo

Saturday, July 03, 2010

DARK FLAME-- a Wall Street Journal Bestseller!

I just learned that DARK FLAME came in at #6 on the Wall Street Journal's Bestsellers List--and, again, I can't thank you enough for all of your support!!

You guys have made this the best release week ever, and I just can't thank you enough!!

Hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!
