Last night's signing at Barnes & Noble in Orange was such a great way to end the EVERLASTING Tour--and I just wanted to THANK ALL OF YOU who came out to celebrate with me!!
I also want to THANK EVERYONE who joined me in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Portland, Seattle, and Pasadena -- as well as those who couldn't make the signings but still shared your excitement with me via Twitter and Facebook and Myspace and GoodReads! Your support of the series and your kind words on EVERLASTING mean more to me than you know!!
Today, I'll be a guest on #YALITCHAT from 6:00 - 7:30PM Pacific Standard Time, where I'll be talking about writing, longevity, keeping it fresh, and answering any questions you may have. To access the chat, just head over to Twitter and use the hashtag #YALITCHAT.
For my UK readers who've been asking, I have a tentative schedule of events posted HERE, with more details to come! And if you haven't checked out the new UK site, be sure to do so--they did such an amazing job--I just love it! Click HERE to see it!
Also, if you haven't checked out the amazing offer from Creative Labs --they're selling MP3 players like the ones pictured above, complete with the audio version of EVERMORE already pre-loaded and ready to go! There also offering a generous discount to all IMMORTALS readers--it's an amazing deal you won't want to miss-- click HERE for the details!
And, just a reminder--to keep up on book releases, signings, and more, be sure to download the free Alyson Noel App--available HERE!
Thanks again, everyone for choosing to join me on Ever & Damen's journey--it's been the highlight of my career--a genuine dream come true--and I couldn't have done it without you!!
Peace * Joy * Love

Thank you so much for everything. The necklace is beautiful. Diana and I were surprised that I did not cry. I was just so shocked when I realized it was the necklace from the book. I was so thrilled to show it to Diana because it is one thing to describe and imagine it and actually knowing what it is like. I never even let you tell me about it. Sorry about that. Diana is really determined and inspired to follow through with her idea to write a book. You gave her that extra motivation and determination. I look forward to reading all your books and so does Diana. She hopes that they have the full series at the Braille institute soon. So far I think they have evermore and blue moon. The question I had was why are the titles of the immortals series not capitalized and the Riley series are? Wish you the best in the rest of the tours you have soon! Thank you again!
Ms. Arellano- It was so good to see you at the signing--and wonderful to meet Diana! I'm thrilled you enjoyed the necklace, I only had a few made and was thrilled to give one to you! As for your question regarding the titles, well, my publisher is in charge of all that. I guess it's just one of those designer/marketing things--a way to distinguish the series from each other--even though Riley is spin-off of The Immortals.
I'm so thrilled to know that the books are at the Braille institute--I hope they'll get the rest of them too! In the meantime, there's always the audio books--the reader did a really great job with them!
Thanks again for making time to come to the signing--and say hi to Diana!
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