Lots of news to share here, so I'll get right to it . . .

The photo above appears in the July issue of RIVIERA magazine as part of a fun interview I did that you can read HERE!
Also, just wanted to thank you for your continued support of EVERLASTING, which has put it on the Publisher's Weekly bestsellers list as well as the New York Times, USA Today, and Walmart lists--you guys ROCK!!!
And, speaking of EVERLASTING . . . it's about to release in the UK on July 7, and I'm thrilled to say that I will be there to celebrate! A lot of you have been asking for the schedule of events and it's finally here! So without further ado, I present to you the UK Tour Schedule!! I can't wait to be there and look forward to meeting all of you!!
Friday, July 8 Reading, Q&A and meet Alyson
6pm, Eason, O’Connell St, Dublin, Ireland
Details here: Easons
Saturday, July 9
Signing and meet Alyson
12noon – 1pm
Eason White Water, Co.
KildareDetails here: Easons
Sunday, July 10
Alyson will be at the London Comic and Film Con at Earl’s Court
Signing and meet Alyson
11 – 3pm
Details here: Comic and Film Con
Monday, July 11
Immortals Party!
For your chance to win an invitation go to MyKindaBook
Tuesday, July 12
Private schools event at Newcastle Central Library.
Wednesday, July 13
Private school event at The Angmering School in Littlehampton
Thursday, July 14
After school in-store signing
5pm, Waterstone’s Southampton
Details here: Waterstones
Friday, July 15
Private event at Chorlton High School, Manchester Deansgate
6.30pm After school in-store signing at Waterstone’s Manchester Deansgate. (This is a ticketed event the cost of the ticket can be discounted off the price of Everlasting)
Details here: Waterstones (scroll down to see details or call 0161 839 1248)
Saturday, July 16
Alyson will be on a whistle-stop signing tour in London we will let you know exact locations and timings shortly so keep your eyes peeled and check back HERE!
Sunday, July 17-- Home Sweet Home!
Hey, I just finished reading Everlasting. The ending was all I could've ever asked for. I was thinking I wish the ending would happen like this and that but no way would the author do that cuz no author for paranormal romance does that!! Thank goodness you wrote the ending the way you did. Amazing. Fulfilling. Everything I could ever ask for in an ending. I wonder if Ever and Damen will appear in Riley's series... hmm~
OMG... I want to live in UK now!!!
I can't spend one more day without Everlasthing were in Portugal...
You are one of my favorite writers... you inspire me for I write my books... You are my inspiration Miss Alyson Nöel... And for me, The Immortals saga will never ends...
Ana Alves
London is the closest to me but still just over an hour away and I can't make it on the 10th because I have Diving club, and the 16th I have a competition. :(
Hope I win the invite to the Immortals party, only way I can meet you.
If I don't manage to catch up with you, I hope you have a fantastic tour in the UK. :D
Its really good, Alyson :)
Finally Everlasting has been released, and the cover of Dreamland.
Both covers are really good, and i cant wait to bought them here in Portugal. Dark Flame has been released here a few days ago, so i'm waiting for money to bought it aind to bought Radiance (both of them in portuguese) :)
Have a good day and a good writing :)
Kisses from your portuguese fan :)
Hi Alyson,
im super excited to see you next week in kildare! i live in kildare and when i was in whitewater in newbridge yesterday me and my friend stopped dead in out tracks on our normal trip to the books store! unfortunately one of my friends who is a huge fan will be unable to attend but myself and the friend who know about the visit are planning on surprising her with a signed book! :) i have a question, will it be possible to get everlasting signed for my friend and get evermore signed for myself? i have never been to a signing before and im so excited and nervous! i love the immortals series, im waiting to start the riley bloom books and i also love the stand alone books you've written i just bought the Forever Summer double book and can't wait to read it :) safe travel and i hope the weather holds up :D
best wishes, Paula Redmond :D
I hope you enjoy your visit & wish you were coming to Wales :D
For the manchester event how do you get tickets??
I just got home from visiting Austria and Italy. We passed through London, but due to the labor strike, we did not ride the tube into the city. Take pics... I cannot wait to see them. Have a great time! Be safe!
Alexa - Thank you! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it!
Ana - Thank you so much for all your support--I really appreciate it!
barmybex - Hope to meet you at the Immortals party. Best of luck with your competition!
Vitor - Hope you enjoy DARK FLAME and RADIANCE!
Paula - Look forward to meeting you! And, yes, I'll be happy to sign a book for your friend. If I wrote it, I'll sign it! :)
Book Angel Emma - Thanks so much for your support! My publisher decides which cities I visit, but I'll be sure to announce if I'm ever signing in Wales.
Beka - To inquire about tickets for the Manchester signing, you can call Waterstone's Manchester Deansgate at 0161.839.1248. Hope to see you there!
BIG Give Believer - Thank you for the well wishes--much appreciated! :)
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