Hey Everyone-
As most of you probably know, I wrote 7 stand alone novels before THE IMMORTALS & RILEY BLOOM series that you can read about HERE. Over the last year, my publisher has been repackaging them, giving them shiny new covers (kind of like a makeover!) and, today, the brand-spanking-new version of my 2nd novel, ART GEEKS AND PROM QUEENS is in stores!!
The old cover looked like this:

And while I liked it at the time--the new cover is so much better now. I also I think it depicts the protagonist, Rio Jones, a little better too!
Anyway, just wanted to share--let me know if you spy a copy when you're out & about!
Have a good day all!
Hi, Alyson. Okay? Last week I finished rereading Evermore. I have not started re-reading Blue Moon because of the college, I have many activities to do ... Well, let me share with you my greatest dream: to become a writer. I started having this dream with 11 years old, I actually wanted to have many professions, but writer is the true in my soul.
I love writing, love reading, writing is absolutely everything to me, is what sustains me. I have many examples of writers, you're one of them, your success, your love, your good work as a writer just inspires me more to go on that dream. Paulo Coelho is also a great example, I love his books, I suggest you read all of them are great, just like yours. But it is a pity that here in Brazil is not as easy as here in the United States, being a writer is very difficult here. But I will not give up, anyway I love writing. And I hope one day you can read my book and enjoy =) Kisses!
I prefer so much more the new cover, I love how do you write you are amazing, do you know when they are coming this books to Spain? I love your book but no many people know you here in Spain and I think Spanish readers deserve your writing.
Keep on :)
Ebert--That's wonderful that you're pursuing your dream! Wishing you all the best with your writing!!
Marta - Thanks--so glad you like the new cover. Each country uses a different publisher and, while I'm not sure of the release dates for Spain at the moment, I'll be sure to announce as soon as I know. :)
Hi! I must read your new books! I love your books, so I writen about you in a school projct. (I hope it's OK) Anyway, I am from Norway, and LOVE the books you write about Ever. I am just 13 years old, and love to read. I looking forward to read more of your books. You are a wonderful writer! :) Big hug from a girl :)
PS: I am on book 3 about Ever. 4,5 and 6 have don't come to Norway yet :(
Thanks so much, Kamilla--I'm thrilled you're enjoying the books and I hope you continue to! And thank you choosing me for your school project--wishing you the best of luck on it!
Thank you :) And today I heard that number 4 is comming on Monday ! YES! Big hug from Kamilla :)
PS: I just must write it ;P
How beautiful!
I loved it =)
Much more success for their books.
Kisses ...
I'm really looking forward to Soul Seekers, I'm sure it will be very good. But I found nothing talking about the right theme ... Can you talk a little bit of plot, just a little? =) I love talking to you. Oh, I Almost forgot, today I made an advertisement in the college about your books, for that my classmates can to know your work and buy your books. Kisses and sucess.
That's great, Kamilla--hope you enjoy the book! :)
Pri - So glad you like it! My publisher has an amazing art department! Thanks for all your support!
Ebert - Thanks so much! SOUL SEEKERS will take place in the Southwest and it's about a sixteen-year-old girl who is able to walk among the Underworld, the Upperworld, and the dead. I can't wait to share the first book with everyone! And that's so cool about the ad at your college--I'm honored! :)
The honor is all mine, Aly. Thank you for sharing with me a little of the history of SOUL SEEKERS, I found very interesting the topic, the book will be fantastic. I am very excited about the launch ... And even more anxious for the fifth volume in the series Riley Bloom, which will have characters from Brazilian folklore, I can imagine ... Next week I'll reread Blue Moon, because this week I have to study hard for the math test.
Well, I know you have traveled so much, is too busy with work, and this is one more reason for us, their fans , thank you for taking time from your day to speak with us, answering our questions, to give us attention. Thanks for all the love Alyson. That is why God has blessed you so much. Cheers!
Thanks so much, Ebert! Hearing from readers is truly one of the best parts of this job--and I am lucky to have amazing readers! Hope your math test went well! :)
i am reading shimmer and it is a great book so far. i am actually not a big fan of reading i am more into drawing. i draw, flameing hearts, hearts with cross bones, hearts with wings,and peace sines with wings. but thats not all i draw i also draw people, houses, and people in houses and some animals i draw are, horses, cats, dogs, turtles, and bears. some plants i draw are flowers,and trees and now there is just 2 more things i draw and that is ponds and butterflies.
Anonymous - I'm so glad you're enjoying SHIMMER and I hope you like the rest of Riley's series too!
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