But now all of that changes, as I'm going to try to get caught up in a combination of photos and links over the next couple days--beginning with Copenhagen!

So, without further ado, here goes:
All I can say is that Copenhagen was beautiful, and snowy, and charming, and friendly, and I had an absolutely amazing time meeting all the readers!
It started in the airport bookstore where I was thrilled to see my books on display!
And then I went on to La Glace to meet some amazing Immortals fans- Helena & Anna Katharina, where we ate cake and talked while being filmed byt the TV2 news crew.
You can see more photos on the blog post below--and you can watch the televised interview by clicking HERE!
I also got to meet Heidi who I've been corresponding with online for a while, and she's as awesome as I knew she would be! You might also recognize her from the televised news piece from the link above!

I did several really fun signings where I was thrilled to meet so many Danish readers!!
And of course, no trip to Copenhagen is complete without a visit to the Little Mermaid!!
Okay, tomorrow, more pictures from Oslo--but for now, I'll soon be heading out to the Children's Book Fair where I'll be singing in the Michel Lafon booth from 2 - 4 PM.
Hope to see you there!!!
Hi Alyson :)
Thank you for sharing the pictures and the links.
It looks like a lot of fun.
Travel safe & Be well.
All the best,
Alyson, i bought Blue Moon in portuguese and i just read it today and finished.
Its a really good book, with that Roman that makes Ever angry and scared, perhaps xD
Have a good day and a good writing
Kisses from your portuguese fan :D
u look amazing! have lots of fun! :D
p.s. hope to see u here in portugal and now you are closer :)
Thanks for the update and all the lovely photos.
Oh my gosh! this is amazing! you must be having an awesome time!!!
Rob - Thanks so much! It was a blast--I enjoyed meeting so many readers!
Vitor - So glad you enjoyed Blue Moon and I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the series.
Tinkerbell - Aw, thank you! I hope to announce more tour dates in the coming year.
Victoria - My pleasure! Thanks for reading. More to come soon!
Potatoehead89- It's been so much fun. I'm lucky to get to travel to such amazing places and meet so many awesome readers!
Hi i'm Patricia, a portuguese fan. I love your books and i want read, and read. Is vicious. I already bought Blue Moon and i love it. I have 13, And i love read so much and the shadow land is not yet published in Portugal and i am very anxious for the next books. I love your job an di hope you continue do a great job.
Kisses, i hope you come to Portugal.
Hi Patricia - Thank you for the kind words! I'm thrilled you're enjoying the books and I hope you continue to!
Hi ALyson
I LOVE your books!
I cnt wait to get Night Star.
Your amazing!!!!
I have also read Cruel summer nd Savin Zoe
I live in Mozambique.
Plz keep writin.
Love Vivian
I loved your novels called "The Immortals"! I am from Greece! However i can't find the Dark Flame and the Night star translated!
I hope you will visit our country at once Alyson!
Lots of kisses!
Vivian - Thank you so much for your support! I'm thrilled you're enjoying the books and I hope you continue to!
Maria - Each country uses a different publisher and while I'm not sure of all the release dates at the moment, I'll be sure to announce as soon as I know. I love Greece and I actually lived in Mykonos for a little while. So beautiful!
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