Wow. Things have been crazy/busy here at Casa Noël.
I'm wrapping up the final book in THE IMMORTALS series (yes, we finally have a title--I'm just waiting to announce it), wrapping up the summer (can't believe it's almost over!), still unpacking from our move (the boxes are multiplying!), gearing up to head off on the Smart Chicks Tour (hope to see you on one of the stops!), and, in the midst of all that, the KISSES FROM HELL anthology was released last week!

My story, BRING ME TO LIFE, got a nice review from The Examiner who said:

My story, BRING ME TO LIFE, got a nice review from The Examiner who said:
"Alyson Noel’s Bring Me To Life is particularly enthralling, with a setting reminiscent of old British romances like Wuthering Heights and a creepy, unrelenting fog that will chill your bones."
And RADIANCE, book 1 in Riley's new series was released yesterday, to lots of great reviews (see blog post below), including this one from that just came in, saying:
"I must admit there is not one thing I don't like about this book. I just listed all the pros and there are no cons. I would rate it FIVE STARS."
Oh, and the RADIANCE tattoos have also arrived, and I will be passing them out on The Smart Chicks Tour (There will be lots of great swag on that tour--I'm telling you, it is not to be missed!)
(Um, that is my very pale wrist looking much cooler now thanks to the tattoo!)
Okay, there's probably more, but that's all I can remember at the moment due to all the busyness, so I'll leave it at that and say--have a great night!!
Im so excited!!!!!!
cool tattoos!! :)
Thanks, Leilani & Jenna! :)
Hey Alyson, i cant wait to read your story. Ive always liked these books. Ive read Love is Hell like twenty times. Haha (: So it says your coming to the Washington State Library Conference. I live here in Washington but i have no idea where that is.
Hi Echo- Thanks, I hope you enjoy the story, it was really fun to write! And yes, I'll be in Seattle for a library conference, it's a private conference for librarians and I'll be giving 2 talks--really looking forward to it! :)
hi Alyson i noticed that there is a cover for night star and i was wondering when you were going to post it so more people could hear about it and also i love your books and can't wait for soul seekers and to get radiance Sunday and of course night star and shimmer
Hi Anonymous-Oh,you're right! I need to get that up on my website soon!! Look for it in the next few weeks--thanks for the reminder! :)
Can't wait for the last 2 Immortals books, though I'll be really sad to see it come to an end. Gotta go grab a copy of Kisses From Hell :-)
Thanks, Lori! Hope you enjoy it!
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