I'm super excited to announce the Dark Flame tour info--so without further ado:
Tuesday, June 22 (Dark Flame release day!)
6:00 pm--Reading & Signing
Barnes & Noble
118 E. Broadway, Mall of America
Bloomington, MN 55425
*Launch event will take place in Mall Rotunda.
Wednesday, June 23
118 E. Broadway, Mall of America
Bloomington, MN 55425
*Launch event will take place in Mall Rotunda.
Wednesday, June 23
7:00 pm Reading & Signing
1500 16th Street, Suite D
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Thursday, June 24
1500 16th Street, Suite D
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Thursday, June 24
7:00 pm
Reading & Signing
Reading & Signing
Barnes & Noble
7700 West Northwest Hwy
Dallas, TX 75225
Friday, June 25
7700 West Northwest Hwy
Dallas, TX 75225
Friday, June 25
8:00 pm
Reading & Signing
Reading & Signing
Books & Books
265 Aragon Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33134-5046
If your city is on the list--awesome! I can't wait to see you there!
265 Aragon Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33134-5046
If your city is on the list--awesome! I can't wait to see you there!
If not--definitely a bummer--but please note that I can only visit so many places and still get the books written on time!
So exciting!
I will see you in Illinois! I can't wait!
YAY!!! You don't know how excited I am to see Florida on here!!! Finally!
im in florida but your so far away :( man this sucks. but i know there will be other tours
I just wanted to let you know that Evermore only a month after it has been published in Croatia in Croatian is already number 8. on the top best selling foreign books in Croatia... Good luck with your tour. Dina
Aww thats too far a drive from Connecticut :(
That sucks, I'd love to come see you!
Thanks everyone!! Sorry if I won't be in your town--hopefully next time though!!
And Dina- Really?? I had no idea!! Thanks so much for sharing that good news with me!
I'm so going to try to make it to the Dallas one.
I live in Reno, Nevada, and no one ever comes here.... :'(
i know u can only go sooooo many places at once and still get ur books done i mean u r an amazing author but can u ask ur publisher if u can come 2 las vegas,nv because my friends and i would reallt like 2 meet u
Kelley- Awesome--look forward to meeting you!
Hayden- So sorry, but really, authors never get to choose the cities--publishers do!
Anonymous- I'm afraid the tour is set, but there will be others!
Hey Alyson,
My name is Igor and I am editor of the Lit!, A publication dedicated exclusively to Brazilian literature. We partner Intrpinseca to his publisher in Brazil and to our second edition, we are preparing a story on Para Sempre(Portuguese name of Evermore).
We are making this contact to invite you to an interview (via email) to our second volume. Please send the reply (even negative) for revistalit.contato@gmail.com
Igor Silva
OMG miss noel im such a huge fan of ur books i live in london and i jus recently finished Evermore and Blue Moon and sad to hear that we dont get ur third book Shadowland til july!! i really wana read it now =( buh i didnt know u hav the forth one out already?!!! ohh myy im so excited ur books r so great, lookin forward 2 reading em all and i defo recommended em to my mates aswell!! Wish u all da best frm Amzi xx =)
Thanks, Igor-- I'll be e-mailing you soon!
Hi Anonymous- Wow, thank you so much, I'm so glad you're enjoying the series and really hope you continue to! Thanks for stopping by! :)
Congrats on all your success! I'm a fan of your books (& I'm also a YA writer myself -- seeking publication!). Also, very impressed by the way you handle yourself, so grounded, and so sweet. Keep it up and all the best to you! P.S. How's it feel? re: braces, mighty fine eh?!
Hi B Jas-- Thanks so much for all the kind words--and I wish you all the best on your writing! YA is the most rewarding, fun genre EVER!!
I really want to follow your blog, but there is no follow button. How do I follow your blog?
OMG! Gutted! I live in the UK and I absolutly LOVE The Immortals series, my BFF got me Evermore for Xmas and I've been kooked ever since, lol. Cnt blieve the fourth books out over there already, not fair. Do you think you'll be on tour in the UK at some point? Ur an amazing author, I love ur work. How can I follow this blog? there isn't a follow button :( is it possible? thnx for your time, ur awesome.
Hi Roxy- I've been meaning to get more buttons on here, just haven't had the time! But for now, there is one just under "View my complete profile" and more will come soon--stay tuned!
Hi Cherise- thanks so much, I'm so glad you're enjoying the series! A UK tour would be amazing--I love it there--fingers crossed! As for the follow button, there is one just under "view my complete profile" and more to come!
Hello Alyson Noël.
I am Portuguese and I love your novel: The Immortals.
My Blog about your books: http://osimortaispt.blogspot.com/
Thnx Alyson! ur awesome, the UK does rock (not that I'm byased or anything lol) is there really gonna be a film or tv show on the series? cause Im an actress and was wondering if there would possibly be auditions here? if there is could u post it on the blog? by any chance? Thnx
And again, Ur amazing :D
Hi Cherise- As of now, there's no real news on that front, but if that should change, you can be sure I will shout it out to the world!!
Thanks so much, Danyela!! That's so cool--I really appreciate it! :)
Thnx Alison! That would be gr8! :D
I really appreciate it, now I just need to finally get my hands on Blue Moon, on that front...England sucks, lmao. Thnx again, u rock :D
I can't find the follow this blog profile under view complte profile, please help!
I am bummed that you won't be coming near me, but I am going to be at BEA so I will hopefully be able to find you there!
Hi Meagan- I'll be signing books in the Macmillan booth on Thursday at 10:30 am--would love to meet you if you make it!
Will your immortal book series become movies? I really do think it should. I'm 45 and I'ved enjoyed the series. Can't wait for Dark Flame to come out. Will you be writting a book about Damien's past life. It would be interesting to know more about him and his journey as an immortal and finding and losing his love.
Hi Ketty- A movie would be a dream come true, but it's really up to Hollywood, so we'll see . . .
And you might want to subscribe over at The Immortals site because there will be a small surprise regarding Damen . . .
The site is here:
Thanks for stopping by!
dear alyson
i have just finished reading my fav book from ur series and it was cruel summer i love how she goes to live with crazy aunt tally!
i have one last question will you ever make any of your in a movie.
Hi Anonymous- Thanks! Cruel Summer was a lot of fun to write, so I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
As for a movie, well, that's really up to Hollywood, not me, but my fingers are crossed!
Hi.. Alyson, just wanted you to know I finshed reading The Immortals books and they were really good! I'm going to get Dark Flame today (can't wait)! These are the best books out there! Hopefully someone in Hollywood reads your books and feels the same way I do, so they can make it into a movie, that would be cool! :) Hope there are more books to come in The Immortals! Love you, Regina <3
Thanks so much, Regina! My fingers are crossed for a movie too! :)
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