Sunday, December 05, 2010


What can I say? Paris is pretty much my favorite city, so when my French publisher, Michel Lafon, extended the invitation to visit, I didn't hesitate to say, "Oui!"

We started at the Museum of Romantic Life, where I was interviewed by channel M6

before moving on to Montmartre where the interview continued as I had lunch with two amazing French readers, Maud & Laetitia, at Le Moulin de la Galette--

Then we all moved on to the Children's Book Fair, where I signed books, met some lovely readers, and continued the interview which you can view HERE! (It's the very last story, so scroll to the end!)

The next day I headed to the Michel Lafon offices where I did a really fun online chat with French readers

Then I moved on to a slew of interviews (including one in French Cosmopolitan!), followed by a photo shoot for a piece in Closers magazine, which I'm told is like the French version of People!

Then my husband and I headed out to the famous Les Deux Magots Cafe for champagne to celebrate NIGHT STAR's second week on the New York Times & USA Today's Bestsellers lists!!

More pics to come . . . stay tuned!!


Anonymous said...

Wow. That museum was gorgeous.
You've definitely had very full days.
Thank you so much for sharing the pictures, links & some of what your tour is like.
All the best,

Britta said...

Congrats! I am finally getting the chance to read NIGHT STAR I already had a little list of books before the release, so I had to finish two first (I snuck this one in early!). I am about 100 pages through and I forgot how much I love them! Absolutely superb writing!

Colene Murphy said...

That is the most beautiful room I have ever seen! What a fun time it looks like you're having!

Victoria said...

Looks like you're having a great time - I'm so happy for you!

Birgit said...

Oh Paris! Sounds like a lot of fun but also very hectic. I'm feeling stressed out (and cold!!) just reading all of this :)

Caitlin said...

Je suis tres jalouse! Paris is my favorite city in the world; I went there last summer (alongside Nice) and am dying to go back. I'm a total francophile. I hope you had a fun trip!
I just finished Evermore and am left with so many questions (and an anger towards Drina)...eek...I have to wait until Christmas for the other books, but I can't! Dying to know what happens!
I have to say, I love Sabine- mainly because my French teacher is named that and she has been very influential. I want to know more about her character! :)



Anonymous said...

Your book looks so pretty on the French poster! Also there was an Emily the Strange Poster along with the new book! Sorry I am a masive Emily fan aswell!

Martha Ramirez said...

Wow! Beautiful pics, Alyson. Thanks so much for sharing. How exciting!!

Alyson Noel said...

Thanks, Rob! The museums here are amazing--and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to see such beautiful places and meet so many awesome readers!

So glad you're enjoying Night Star, Britta!

Colene- Isn't it goregous!? I had so much fun.

Thanks, Victoria--I appreciate your support.

Birgit--It's been a whirlwind tour--but it's been so much fun! :)

Caitlin-It's my favorite city too! I'm so glad you enjoyed Evermore and I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the books.

Thank you so much, maicon!

Thanks, Roxy--I LOVE the French posters.

Thanks, Martha! :)