Okay, I promised you more Paris pics and here they are--enjoy!!!
The Champs Elysee & Arc de Triomphe at night!
The book fair- I arrived a little late due to the snow-and was greeted by a long line of lovely readers!
Including Celine who I know from Twitter!
Slightly blurry action shot of signing!

A quick interview after the signing
Inside the gates of Versailles-thinking about all the times Damen used to visit!
The very snowy gardens!
I was so excited to find a Murakami exhibit in the works! The blend of the formal & whimsical was brilliant!
Love this little blue haired girl!
In the hall of mirrors--Damen has walked there many times!
Hall of mirrors . . .
Photographing ourselves in the hall of mirrors!
More Murakami magic!
Marie Antoinette's bed!!!
I can never resist a visit to Le Louvre!
The charming streets of Montmartre!
Our hotel featured a Swarovski crystal exhibit-this one reminded me of the infinity symbol, which reminded me of The Immortals!
That's all for now . . . have a good day, everyone!
wow, its amazing. last year we did a visit to paris, too, but then it was summer ant it was HOT. But it must be like a fairytale in winter. The pics are great. ^^
Thank you for sharing more lovely photos. Can tell you're having a great time.
Sounds like an amazing trip. And how cool that you're getting to visit some of the places that your characters used to hang at.
*long low whistle*
I'm deeply appreciative for you sharing the pictures.
Looks like you are having a terrific time & the events are going extremely well.
All the best,
(RKCharron on Twitter)
oh that's so sweet to put a picture wiht me! You're so wonderful and generous! love ^^
Oh wow, Alyson I am soooo enjoying ur pics Thank you. Beautiful.
Hi Tenshi- It's beautiful here in the winter! Though I love it here in summer too. :)
My pleasure, Victoria--thanks for reading!
Anita-It's so fun to envision them here!
Thanks, Rob!
Thank YOU, Celine. It was so nice to meet you!
Thanks for stopping by, Martha! :)
Lovely pictures of Paris! I would love to visit there again. :)
I lover how alot of things remind you of your books! And I love it(: I read the immortals-amazingggg thanksnfor sharing your pictures
Hi Katie - Thanks for reading! So glad you're enjoying the books!
Everything is so beautiful, I'm sure you had a wonderful trip! Oh and is it true that you like the book "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret"? Because I just finished reading it and it is amazing! (: -Sara
Hi Sara-
That's one of the books that made me want to be a writer. I love Judy Blume's work! Wishing you and your family a happy holiday! :)
Hi! My name is Natalia and I live in Brazil! I wanted to ask how many books will be a whole on Immortals ... Because here in Brazil I don't find the information ... Thaks a lot Natalia..
email: natquintao@hotmail.com
Wow! Looks like you had alot of fun! Someday I will go see all those wonderful places!
Brandy - It was amazing! Hope you get to go someday too. Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Hi,my name is Victoria and i am a huge fan of you! by the way im from Norway and my best friend, Camilla, is also a huge fan of you and i just wanted to ask if you have ever think'd of making movies of the imortals? that would been really cool :) and by the way im reading Evermore for the sixth time now! From your fan Victoria:)
Hi Victoria - Thanks so much to you and Camilla for your support! I'm so glad you're enjoying the books. As far as a movie goes, we're in the final stages of negotiations right now, so I hope to announce something soon-ish. Stay tuned! :)
Hi, its Victoria again:) Its always been a dream of mine to be a bookwriter and I want to write books that are exiting and I know that its hard to write books, but can you give me some advice to help me write a book? and I really are inspired of your books, but I also know that im never gonna be a good writer like you:( help me please.... From Victoria
hi, its Victoria again, the pictures of marie antonioette or something, i dont remember name exactly but is that where you have the idea of the custume Ever is wearing in Evermore? and Damen?
Hi Victoria - I just recently added a new section on my website with advice for aspiring authors here: http://www.alysonnoel.com/immortals/faq.php. Hope this helps! Wishing you the best of luck with your writing!!! :)
hi, um, i wanted to know how to make the cover of the book..... do you have to make the cover on the cumputer or is it something else??
Hi Victoria - The art department at St. Martin's (my publisher) designs the book covers--they always do an amazing job!
Hi Alyson im 11 and my names maia and i got Radiance 4 christmas and i luved it!!! so i got evermore and finished it in 3 hours i luved it sooo much! now i m on shadow land and i m on pg 244 and i am so scared 4 damen!!! i usually pretend i am ever or one of the twins or riley!!!! i luv ur writing!!! i cant stand it i gotta go and finish shadowland! btw i m ur #1 fan! lol! btw i pretend i am immortal sometimes! gotta go bye.
Hi Maia,
Wow--thank you for taking the time to write such a nice comment. That means a lot to me! I'm thrilled you're enjoying the characters so much. Hope you like the rest of Shadowland! :)
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