Awhile back, uber cool reporter, Daisy Whitney, contacted me about the
EVERMORE book trailer I hired Circle of Seven to make, and today her report on "Young Adult Authors Embracing Book Trailers" is up and mine is featured!!
You can watch here at:
How cool is that?!
Thanks, Daisy!!
Have a good day everyone!
Thanks for the mention! I'm flattered! The episode is live on ABCNews.com at http://blogs.abcnews.com/aheadofthecurve/2009/05/publishers-keep.html
Thanks Daisy--this is so awesome!!
Daisy is so supportive of books! Very nice!
And of course Evermore has just taken on a life of its own!
Hey Sheila- You guys did a GREAT job!! Can't wait to see what you do with BLUE MOON!!!
I can't wait to see what COS does with Blue Moon too! That way I can justify a full-blown video review of the book, which should arrive any day now! (Not that I'm counting down or anything...)
Hey Daisy- Yay! Hope you like it!
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