Thursday, March 27, 2008

Teen Ink!

Keeping with the theme of writerly-type questions (see post below), lately I've received an inordinate amount of e-mails from teen writers interested in getting their work published, and since I recently stumbled upon THIS site-- a magazine run for and by teens-- I thought I'd share it with YOU!

And for those of you writing middle grade-- the submission period for the Delacorte Dell Yearling Contest for a First Middle Grade Novel will run from April 1 to June 30. Go HERE
for all the details.

Best of luck- and --Happy writing!


Susan Hatler said...

Cool link. Thanks for sharing :)

Rachel said...

I know this is the wrong place to advertise, but I recently just started to promote author's book, and if this is in the least bit of interest to you then please vist my site...or just click here:

Alyson Noel said...

Hey Susan-
Thanks for stopping by!

Hey Rachel-
I stopped by-- very cool site!

Anonymous said...

I know some authors have a section for that on their websites, usually in the FAQ or For Writers section. You could always type something up, and then point teen writers there.

Alyson Noel said...

Hey Caryn-
Yeah, I'm planning to add a bunch of stuff to my website later this year, and this is definitely one of the things that's going in there!