Since it fell around the time of my husband's b-day we tacked on a few extra days so we could celebrate it in the city, and since one of his favorite things in the world (seriously, in the world) is caviar, we started the day having caviar for breakfast at The Russian Tea Room. (Okay, maybe it was noon when we got there, but since we were on California time, it was breakfast for us!)
The much anticipated caviar:
Um, me!
Right after we left The Russian Tea Room there was a brief flurry of excitement when we saw Tobey Maguire on the street!
Only he wasn't really dressed like that.
But still, he was really, really cute.
From the Tobey Sighting we went over to MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) and took in the amazing Henri Cartier-Bresson exhibit
If you squint really hard, the kissing guy kind of looks like Tobey Maguire, right?
From the Tobey Sighting we went over to MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) and took in the amazing Henri Cartier-Bresson exhibit
If you squint really hard, the kissing guy kind of looks like Tobey Maguire, right?
We'd just unintentionally relived Sex & The City episode #86--in reverse!
You know the one where Carrie & Charlotte take in a Marina Abramovic exhibit and then Carrie meets Alexander Petrovsky (as played by Baryshnikov) who takes her to The Russian Tea Room.
Only they called it the Russian Samovar.
But same difference.
So weird when art imitates life!
Anyway, there was more excitement & mayhem for sure, but then BEA started and the crazy/whirlwind schedule began, and since I'm lousy with the picture taking, especially once things get busy, all I really have to show for it is this pic of The Duchess of York (aka Fergie, aka Sarah Fergusen)
Taken at the Children's Breakfast where she spoke along with Cory Doctorow, Mitali Perkins, & Richard Peck--all of whom gave amazing speeches!
And that's it!
I know, sad, right?
Despite seeing various celebs signing books, tons of authors, & bloggers, & booksellers, & librarians galore, the only other photo I got was of me & my friend Felix: aka brilliant inventor, multiple patent holder, & band leader of Felix & The Cats--an awesome swing band you should def take in if you ever get the chance!
Oh, and I almost forgot--the art in my hotel room totally reminded me of the art that inspired the RADIANCE cover--including this pic:
(yes, that is the bathroom door reflected in the picture--try to squint & look past it!)
Which reminds me somewhat of the bridge that's on the cover!
Or maybe that's just me?
Anyway, thanks to all of you who came to the RADIANCE signing--I had a blast and it was so great to meet so many of you!
Happy Memorial Day Everyone!