Well, things have been a little quiet round here for the last week or so, and I'm blaming it on The Deadline, or, The Deadlines (plural) as the case may be.
I spent part of last week holed up in a
Vegas hotel room, hunched over my computer, writing like mad, while my husband enjoyed a little time by the pool reading the pages I'd written the day before--yup, we're quite the team! The trip was planned many, many months ago, so many months ago that I actually got the dates mixed up and we almost missed the first day! Of course, back when we planned it, I imagined myself by the pool as well with deadlines the farthest thing from my mind, but still, it wasn't so bad and I think I might be onto something. There's something to be said for things like room service and freshly made beds and clean towels when you're down to the wire!
Of course it wasn't all work and no play, I managed to get out at night for some
really great meals, and we even saw
Jersey Boys, which was fabu!!! If you get a chance to see it--GO--I'm so serious, it was awesome and I've been listening to the soundtrack all week!
But the best part of all is that I actually got the book done a day before it was due! The book being
DARK FLAME which is now with my editor, as I roll up my sleeves (metaphorically speaking, it's hot here, so I'm pretty much wearing tank tops these days!), as I finish up a story for the
KISSES FROM HELL anthology, and get started on the first book in Riley's series . . .
But before I get back to work, I wanted to make you aware of a couple things, the first being my talk and sign this Saturday at the
Mission Viejo Reader's Festival. I'll be partaking in a panel and signing right after, the details are:
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Mission Viejo Readers Festival
Teen Panel- 2:30-3:30
Jacaranda Room
Signing immediately after
Mission Viejo Library
100 Civic Center
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
And, the second being this
EVERMORE video made by a reader (shout out to Alexandra!) that is just
awesome! It contains spoilery parts so if you haven't read the book yet, proceed with caution, but still, it's really great and you can check it out by clicking
HERE. (I was going to post it directly, but Blogger is acting all testy today, hence the link!)
And last but not least a big, huge, confetti strewn
THANKS to all of
YOU for keeping
BLUE MOON in the
top 5 on the
New York Times Bestsellers list for 31 and 9 weeks running!!! I couldn't do it without you!
And . . . that's it!
Have a great day everyone!