Summer. A break from the burdens of school. Deep tans, deeper thoughts. Far away from the everyday. Closer to making dreams come true...What does summer mean to you? For the two teenage girls in these two unforgettable novels, summer means being torn away from the familiar and finding new friends. A new place in the world. A new sense of self. And maybe even new love along the way...
Forever Summer: When you're having the time of your life, you never want it to end.
Hey Everyone-
I'm so excited to announce that FOREVER SUMMER, a special edition 2-in-1 reissue of LAGUNA COVE & CRUEL SUMMER is in stores now! Just looking at the cover makes me dream of long, lazy days on the beach--and I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I enjoyed writing them!
For your chance at a free copy, check out the interview I did HERE --be sure to read all the way to the bottom where they've posted the rules.
And speaking of reissues, SAVING ZOE, just got a nice review over at Fresh Fiction, which you can read HERE.
And, for those of you interested in signed copies, I'll be appearing this coming weekend at the LA Times Festival of Books - held this year on the USC Campus in LA! My schedule follows below--I really hope to see you there!
LA TImes Festival of Books
USC Campus
Los Angeles, CA
April 30, 2011 4:00 PM
Signing in Mysterious Galaxy booth
May 1, 2011 3:00 PM Panel:
“Perfectly Paranormal: Writing the Fantastic”
I LOVE the cover of Forever Summer :)
Dear Alyson!
I just wanna tell you I love your books. Since I started reading them I just have to read one after the other, although I don't have to much time because of school and stuff... I can't await to read the last book of the immortals series, they are so much better than Twighlight, I can tell you!
You know, I read your books in English(I'm from Munich) because I wanna read the original not the translation in german!!!
I also think it's great you have this blog, so you can stay in contact with your readers.
Thank you for writing so unbelievably gorgeous books, I'm always so happy while reading them I sometimes scream :D
Your Nini
Thanks, Ingrid--I love it too! :) The St. Martin's art department never ceases to amaze!
NiNi--Thank you so much for that nice message! I'm so glad you're enjoying the books and I hope you continue to!
I wanna read it too! When will have it in Brazil?
Hi Babi - Each country uses a different publisher and, while I'm not sure of the release date for Brazil at the moment, I'll be sure to announce as soon as I know! :)
Is there a sequel to Laguna Cove?! Just finished it and all I wanna do is keep reading it!! I read Saving Zoe in one day and Laguna Cove in two all within one week! New favorite author alert!
Hi Emma,
Thanks for stopping by! So glad you're enjoying the books--and, wow, you read fast! :) I don't have any plans for a sequel for Laguna Cove at the moment, but you never know in the future!
Dear Alyson,
I love your books so much. They are all so wonderful from the first time i picked up one of your books I fell in LOVE with them. I'm a picky person when it comes to reading the books I read have to get my attention from the first sentence, your books did that. I can't wait till i go and get your book Forever Summer, I really want to read Saving Zoe, I want to read all your books. You are an amazing author!! Thank you for writing don't ever stop I don't know what i would do with out your books. I always find time to read your books with school and homework.Thanks for writing.
Love, Ileana
Thanks, Ileana--that really means a lot to me! I hope you continue to enjoy the books! :)
Hello Alyson!!!
I just finished reading laguna cove and oh myy god! I fell in love with it and want to know what ellie did for anne in the end. I was wondering if it is in any plans for you to make a second book continuing laguna cove, I really hope so!!!
Your an AMAZING author! your book was the first book I read in like 3 years because I couldn't find one that I could enjoy from anybody else.
Yours truly
Kaisha - Thanks so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the book. I'm currently on deadline for a new YA series, so I don't have any plans to continue LAGUNA COVE at the moment--but who knows in the future! :)
Hi Alyson!
I was wondering if there is a difference between Laguna Cove and Forever Summer? I'm new to these books and I am not quite sure which one to order on Amazon! Thanks!:)
Anyonymous - Thanks for stopping by! FOREVER SUMMER is a 2-in-1 reissue of LAGUNA COVE and CRUEL SUMMER. Hope you enjoy it! :)
Why aren't you writing a sequel to Laguna Cove? There are still so many relationships to explore like Anne and Jake, Chris and Ellie, Lola and Dean, and Jade and Ben. Plus Anne's dad and brooke and Anne's mom and new stepdad. Also Anne and her newfound relationship with surfing
Hi Anonymous - I'm currently on deadline for my new SOUL SEEKERS series, so I don't currently have any plans to continue with LAGUNA COVE, but who knows in the future! :)
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