In just one week from today, DARK FLAME will be in stores & I will be on tour!! Details HERE!
But for now, a mini-excerpt:
He smiles, Ouroboros tattoo flashing in and out of view, its beady eyes seeking mine as its tongue slithers about.
Enjoy your day, everyone!
These teasers are killing me...I am so excited for the book to come out next week :)
Ahh I am getting so excited too!
Hmmmmm.... makes me wonder, Jude or Roman? 1 week left! :D
Meaghan, Kai, & Kirsten-- Thanks!! :)
This one is cool too!!!! :)
is she talking about Jude or Roman?
Only 1 more week!!!! :)
Hey Jenna- That would be Roman! :)
It's not fair how you keep teasing us with the book, alyson! Seems kinda cruel don't cha think? :P
I'm so ready for Dark Flame! Hopefully there will be more Roman.
I do love Damen don't get me wrong but Roman is irresistible! :)
It's Roman? Oooh =]
I always team up with the good guys. So of course, I usually hate the bad guys. But there's just something about Roman!
Oh my god!! I have been counting down to the day that Dark Flame comes out for months! I am SO excited about the book! I fell in love with the series and since then and have recommended the series to all of my fellow literature enthusiast friends! Can't wait! :)
Madison- It is a little cruel, yes! Oh, and I love Roman too, he's sooo much fun to write!
Nelly- Agreed. Roman has that certain something! :)
beach_angel 21- Thanks so much for spreading the word to your friends--I really appreciate it!
For some reason, this sounds creepy to me.. Roman is creepy.... I'm SO excited for this book to come out! I annoy my friends talking about it!
Maggie- Aw, thanks so much for the enthusiasm--I really appreciate it!
I've always teamed up with the bad guys, and Roman is the best villain I've seen in a LONG time. I hope Ever and Damen can escape from his clutches this time!
AngelicaKIANA- The bad guys are always the most fun to write!
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