Friday, August 21, 2009


I'm a Fiver.

So is she.

And she.

And she.

Are you??

Find out soon . . .

Have a good weekend everyone!




Noah's Mommie! said...

Sooooooo....we can't be fivers yet??!!!!

Anonymous said...

what is a fiver if you don't mind me asking?

Alyson Noel said...

Hey Noah's Mommie- soon--very soon!

Hey Katie--All will be revealed very soon . . .


Jessica Brody said...

Okay, this is really suspenseful! I'm on the edge of my seat!

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Looking forward to finding out what a Fiver means.
All the best,

Alyson Noel said...

Hey Jessica & RK-- Soon . . . any day now . . .


» αℓεxα☆ said...

I feel like all fivers are going to write a story together.. Lol. Or a blog where you guys rant about stuff. Lol. You're such a suspenseful person. Lol. Eek, wonder what it is!!

Anonymous said...

lol okay i was like me is lost.........

Alyssa said...

Ohh Alexa's guess sounds good. I'm anxious too.

Anonymous said...

Super cool!