Wednesday, February 11, 2009

EVERMORE on NYT!!!!!!!!!!

I was trying to find some cute, funny, and/or nice way to intro this, but I'm so dang giddy I'm just going to dive right in!

I just learned that EVERMORE made the New York Times Bestseller List!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It debuted at #3!!!!!!!!

Also, it made the USA Today bestseller list!!!

Coming in at #84!!!!!!!!

Also, the film rights were just optioned to Spring Creek Productions and Warner Horizon for a TV series!!!

I think I might faint!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what I really want to say is:

Thank you!

To all of you who supported my books for the last four years:

Thank you!

I couldn't have done it without you--you guys are truly THE BEST!!!!



Khy said...


Congrats! Definitely deserved. :D

Iserr said...

This is so awesome! I'm so happy for you! Hope it all turns out well.

Anonymous said...




GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

Alyson that is GREAT news! Congrats a million times over:) What an awesome week for an awesome book. You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Huge congratulations, Alyson!!

A.J. said...

Wow, congratulations! :D

Anonymous said...

My prediction was correct. If I flunk out of high school I may have a promissing career as a magic eight ball in my future.

There is no way I could express how happy I am for you, my only wish is that you have even more success with the next title in the series.

Go celebrate!


S.J. Day said...

Congratulations x3!!! :)

Brooke Taylor said...

Awesome!!!! So deserved and #3!!!! Major congrats!!

Michele said...

Congratulations, Alyson!! I read your news on The Morning Juice! How incredibly exciting! Way to go!!! :)

Michele Cwiertny

Alyson Noel said...

Khy, Iserr, Amy, Sarah, Robin, Alexandra, JT, SJ, Brooke, Michele-

Thank you guys so much for sharing my excitement--it means the world to me!!



Keri Mikulski said...

So happy for you, Alyson!!!!!!

ENJOY!!! :)

cindy said...

so excited for you, alyson! this is fantastic awesome news! i need to buy your book next time i'm at the local bn!!

many congrats!!! eee!!!!

Alyson Noel said...

Keri & Cindy- Thanks so much!!

Jessica Brody said...

I must have congratulated you a zillion times by now and yet I never seem to tire of doing it. CONGRATS!!!!!

Alyson Noel said...

Aw, thanks Jess!!!

Anonymous said...

Aw, aw, congratulations! :))

Alyson Noel said...

Thanks so much, insidehabit!!

lena said...


congrats Alyson!!!

I´m soooo happy for you!!!!!!!!! XD

And i wish for you that everything that comes in the future will go so good as now XD


Alyson Noel said...

Thank you so much, Lena-- I really appreciate it!