Wednesday, January 09, 2008

It's Official!

Okay, being the superstitious, jinx fearing person that I am-- I was truly chomping at the bit to tell you this-- yet knowing better than to put the cart before the horse or count those eggs before they hatch--I (not so) patiently waited for the official posting in Publisher's Marketplace--and since that just so happened to show up today-- here goes----(feel free to insert drum roll here):

I recently agreed to another two book deal with my awesome editor, Rose Hilliard, at St. Martin's Press!!!

Or, as officially stated in P.M.-

"FAKING 19 and SAVING ZOE author Alyson Noel's MY IMMORTAL, to Rose Hilliard at St. Martin's, in a two-book deal, by Kate Schafer at Janklow & Nesbit (NA).
Translation: kt literary"

Which translates to mean that I am writing a new paranormal series in which the first book will be titled MY IMMORTAL-- and I couldn't be more excited!

I've been interested in all things paranormal ever since I was a little kid (I know that probably sounds weird but I'm dead serious-- yes, pun most definitely intended!), and am actually kind of surprised that I waited this long to write one. But now that I am, I get to delve into all kinds of interesting activities--all under the guise of "research"--including a class with the amazing psychic/medium James Van Pragh!


Okay, and soon, very soon, I will post the cover for my next novel, CRUEL SUMMER, (May 2008). I hope you like it as much as I do!

Have a good day everyone!


Susan Hatler said...

Congrats, Alyson! That's fantastic. And, back in the day, I read two of James Van Pragh's books. A pink one and a blue one if memory serves. Let us know how his class is. Research can be too fun :-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting!

Brooke Taylor said...

Congrats, Alyson! Keep us posted on the research :-)

Spy Scribbler said...

Congratulations, Alyson! (Erica Orloff sent me here.) The paranormal sounds like a blast!

Alyson Noel said...

Hey Susan- I read the pink on and blue on too! I also read a purple one! Heh!

Daphne, Julia, booklady, and Brooke- thanks so very much!

Hey spyscribbler- I recognize you from Erica's blog- isn't she awesome?!

Susan Hatler said...

There's a purple one? Must've come out after I'd read the others. I'm so behind ;-)

J.K. Mahal said...

Congratulations, Alyson! Oooh, post about Van Pragh sometime. I'm so fascinated by him.

Unknown said...

Three cheers! I can't wait to hear about your experience in his class.

Take Care,

Alyson Noel said...

Susan- Yup! the purple one is called- pause while checking overflowing bookshelf--HEAVEN AND EARTH!

JK Mahal- I will def post about him! I met him recently at a bookstore in downtown Laguna and he is sooo incredibly nice-- I'm really looking forward to the class!

Hey there Ms. Castillo- Thanks so much! See you Saturday??

Anonymous said...

Great news, Alyson! Wow, James is someone I've always wanted to meet. Lucky you!!! Can't wait to read your new series.

Alyson Noel said...

Hey there Ladona-
Thanks so much!

Barrie said...

Wow! Wow! Congratulations!

Alyson Noel said...

Thanks, Barrie!