Monday, January 05, 2009

GCC Presents . . .Eileen Cook!!!

The fabulous and funny Eileen Cook's newest book, WHAT WOULD EMMA DO? was just released by Simon Pulse on December 30, 2008. I was lucky enough to meet Eileen, however briefly, at a writer's conference last summer, and she reminded me so much of someone I know that every time I saw her I thought: Oh look! There's so and so . . . only realizing it wasn't 'so and so' after my hand was sort of half mast in an awkward wave . . . and even after that, she agreed to stop by and answer a few questions!!

But first, The book:

Thou shalt not kiss thy best friend’s boyfriend…again….

There is no greater sin than kissing you best friend’s boyfriend. So when Emma breaks that golden rule, she knows she’s messed up big-time. Especially since she lives in the smallest town ever, where everyone knows everything about everyone else….and especially because she maybe kinda wants to do it again. Now her best friend isn’t speaking to her, her best guy friend is making things totally weird, and Emma is running full speed toward certain social disaster. This is so not the way senior year was supposed to go.

Time to pray for a minor miracle. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s time for Emma to stop trying to please everyone around her, and figure out what she wants for herself.

The Praise:

“Sassy and sly and sweet all at the same time, this book made me laugh out loud.” – Meg Cabot author of the Princess Diaries

“Not since Judy Blume’s Margaret introduced herself to God has there been such a funny, geuine, conflicted, wanna-be-sort-good-maybe-later girl as Emma. Eileen Cook’s tone as she takes on the big ones – life, love, faith and friendship is pitch perfect.” – Jacqueline Mitchard author of Deep End of the Ocean and Midnight Twins

“Smart and fun and full of heart.” – Sarah Mlynowski author of Bras and Broomsticks
About the Author:

The same 5 questions I always ask

1. Every story has a backstory, what's the backstory for your book?
I had recently re-read the Crucible. In the play a group of people begin blaming others of being witches and the situation burns out of control. It got me thinking about what would be the worst thing you could accuse someone of today and how easy it is for the mob mentality to take over. Those thoughts were the beginning of the story that would grow into What Would Emma Do.

2. What's your work environment like? Any rituals, totems, or must haves?
I love my office, but I write about half of the time there and the other half of the time wherever my laptop and I end up. When I’m stuck I tend to write better in public like a coffee shop or the library. If I am really stuck then I write by hand. I think I’ve convinced myself that if I’m touching the paper I must be closer to the story. I am aware that this is completely illogical- but it works for me so I go with it.

3. If you could live inside any book-- which would it be?
Pretty much any book by Roald Dahl- in particular Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He had such an amazing imagination.

4. What book rocked your world growing up?

I loved the book The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankenweiler- I was fascinated by the idea of running away and living inside a museum.

5. If you could visit any time, place, or person- what, where, or who would it b
I would love to go to the ultimate writer’s conference where all my favorite writers (Living and dead- because- hey it’s my dream) are gathered. I can picture Jane Austen chatting up Stephen King.

The Author:

Eileen Cook spent most of her teen years wishing she were someone else or somewhere else, which is great training for a writer. When she was unable to find any job postings for world famous author, she went to Michigan State University and became a counselor so she could at least afford her book buying habit. But real people have real problems, so she returned to writing because she liked having the ability to control the ending. Which is much harder with humans.

You can read more about Eileen, her books, and the things that strike her as funny at Eileen lives in Vancouver with her husband and two dogs and no longer wishes to be anyone or anywhere else.


  1. Hi Alison!
    Happy new year!
    Hope to read and review your books for my review site !

    all the best,

  2. Hi Marjolein- Happy New Year to you too!!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hi, Alyson & Eileen!
    Two of my favorite authors :-)
    This is a great interview, and just one more reason why I think you deserve the Premio Dardos award I gave you on my writing blog. I've given it to all of my top 15 must-read blogs. You can check out more at if you're interested.
    See you soon,

  4. Thanks DeAnna-- you're the best!
