Saturday, January 03, 2009

Presenting . . . the EVERMORE BOOK TRAILER!!!!!

In stores 02.03.09!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ooh I love it! I totally got chills! Can't wait for my copy to come from Amazon. :)

  2. Looks great! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. :) Congrats.

  3. Hey Jessica- Thanks!

  4. Hey Tami- Thanks so much--hope you like it!

  5. That's very nicely done! It gave me chills!

  6. Looks awesome....can't help but wonder what her decision will be. ;)

  7. Wow, what a good trailer.

    Would you say that the fantasy in Evermore is a lot or a little subtle?


  8. Hey Tracy- I'll never tell! :-D

  9. Hey Vanessa- Hmmm, probably more subtle, especially in the first book.
    Thanks for watching!

  10. Wow, Alyson! Amazing trailer! What an exciting launch. I can't wait to run to the bookstore and snag my copy.

  11. Fantastic, Alyson!! :) I can't wait to read it!

  12. This looks amazing! I just can't wait til Evermore comes out. One more month thank god!!! Great trailer!

  13. It's wonderful! I love it.

  14. Alyson, that was awesome!

  15. Keri, Jessica, Stephanie, Wendy, & Trish-- Thanks so much!!!

  16. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Congrats!!! I looks really great i'm so happy for you, and even more excited to read it!

  17. I love it! What a beautiful trailer. I can't wait to start passing this book around at my library!:)

  18. Thanks so much GREENBEAN--and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  19. I read this and I love it so so much! Better then Twilight! Cannot wait for the sequel in august! This should seriously honest-to-God be a movie. Damen should be Bill Kaulitz. Ever should be someone other than the stars we know today. Someone new. Maybe me? Acting is fun! lol :)

  20. Hey Krista-


    Actually, the dramatic rights were sold to Spring Creek Productions and Warner Horizon who want to make it into a TV series- so fingers crossed that it happens!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  21. Wow ! This sounds like a really good book!!!!! I can't wait till the rest of the books come out!!!! = )

  22. Hey Ana-

    Thanks! Hope you like them!

  23. Anonymous9:56 AM

    the book was great!!!! i cant wait for Blue Moon to come out in August. my sisters birthday is August 21, so im hoping i can snag her a copy for her birthday.

  24. Hey Rachel-

    Thanks so much!!

    Actually, BLUE MOON is coming out a month earlier now--on July 7th instead of August!!

  25. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Evermore was absolutely amazing. I've read it twice already and could read it forever and never tire of it! :D I love your style of writing! Although I would like to see a picture of Miles, because I can't exactly visualize him. Haha [: Oh! And I did the aura thing on here and it worked! I could actually see my aura! At the time, it was violet-ish.

    Can't wait for Blue Moon!!

    -Just call me "Tess" [:

  26. Hey Tess-

    You saw your aura-and it was violet??!!!

    Yay, you!! That's awesome!!

    Thanks for all the kind words, I'm so glad you liked the book and hope you like BLUE MOON too!

  27. Mary Jo10:34 PM

    I liked this book! Oh silly, silly Damen. Haha! The 2 main characters in this book remind me of the photoshoot with Steven Strait in teen vogue. Haha, can't wait for the next one to come out!

  28. Thanks, Mary Jo-- hope you like it!!

  29. Anonymous3:55 PM

    This book is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!! I finished it in one day. And now I can't wait till blue moon. Thank-u so much Alyson for this book your amazing!! never stop writing.
    By the way my name is June.

  30. Kelly G6:58 PM

    I really enjoyed Evermore and Blue Moon! I teach 8th grade, and have been looking for something to steer my Twilight obsessed girls to read after the Twilight saga. I think I have found it! I can't wait to find out what happens to Ever and Damen...You have earned a new fan! :)

  31. Hey June- Thank you so very much!! I hope you like the rest of the series!!

    Kelly G-- You made my day! Thank you so much for stopping by to share that!

  32. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Hey Alyson I know your busy and all but i just wanted to say GREAT job on the books.I'm a twilight fan and i think I'm getting addicted to this to. It ranks just as well. I'm reading blue moon rite now and nice plot. Anyway just wanted to comment. I think , if you make the series in couple years into a movie, that a new actress/actor should play in it. If the star is to big the movie will be dismist and the celebs will be getting the glam shots.I love the setting of the book ha ha. Any way can't wait to finish blue moon!! and wonder what will become of Roman.=>

  33. HI Anonymous- Thanks so much, I'm so glad you're enjoying the series and really hope you continue to!
    As for a movie, well it would be a dream come true, but whether or not it happens is really up to Hollywood, not me! Thanks for stopping by!

  34. i love these books. im on shadow land right now its good so far your a great writer

  35. Thank you Jo Jo--that's so sweet of you!

  36. Thank you Jo Jo--that's so sweet of you!

  37. Anonymous10:22 AM

    this book inspired me to open my mind and draw again :) every place ever went i have drawen :)

  38. Anonymous12:52 PM

    i love the book ever more!

  39. Anonymous - Thanks so much! I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the series! :)

  40. Jaycee (:7:18 AM

    I've read this book; It is just simply AMAZING! I've read Blue Moon and Shadowland. I'm getting my mom to buy me the fourth book. ^.^

  41. Hi Jaycee - I'm so glad you're enjoying the series and I hope you continue to!
