Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Am I the only one who's happy that the holidays are over, not to return until next year?

I mean, don't get me wrong, as fun as it was partaking in things like: an extremely embarrassing dance that seemed like a good idea at the time(look left), overeating, going to the movies, hanging with my niece and nephew who were visiting from Oregon, touring the brilliantly refurbished Griffith Park Observatory, visiting countless model homes (especially the ones with real live cookies so I could indulge in even more overeating), playing RockBand on the wii, partying at Sthnarky's annual New Year's Bash with 450 of her closest friends and the Johnny V band, followed by my mom's annual nod to her Southern Roots where she makes us eat we gather for Hoppin' John and Collared Greens (which accounted for even more overeating!), only to be followed by more movies, more model homes, and more overall Merry Making aka: overeating, until we finally dropped the kids back at LAX and collapsed on the couch and tuned into The Very Controversial Buffy Season 6 (which, coming late to the whole Buffysphere I didn't realize people had serious issues with until I read some nasty online reviews which just made me want to order it even more so there!), swearing off all things even remotely food related for--well--until the very next day.

And as fun as that was there's just no way I could keep up the pace, which is why I was secretly glad when Monday rolled around and I finally had an excuse to get back to work. I mean, Sunday night, when I found myself dreaming about my characters--well I pretty much took that as a sign that they're tired of being ignored.

And while this year will prove to be even more busy than the last--what with the February release of EVERMORE, the August release of BLUE MOON, and the consecutive due dates of the next three, untitled, books in the series--it's exactly the kind of busy I like. Just me, my laptop, and my characters. With the occasional break to watch Buffy season 7!

What about you??  Already missing that Holiday rush?  Or are you like me, glad that it's over??

Oh, and this just in:  It seems that the awesomely talented Deanna Cameron has given me the Premio Dardos award--and yes, it's a good thing!  How cool is that?  And if you're not reading her blog, well, you should because not only is it totally blogalicious featuring all manner of posts on interesting, writerly type, things, but she also has a very cool book, THE BELLY DANCER, coming out soon. So don't waste another minute,  check it out HERE!


  1. I'm both happy and sad the holidays are over. Sad because it means no cool presents for awhile, but happy because it means I a few weeks closer to starting grad school and only four months away from getting married! It's going to be a busy year!:)

    BTW-we just recently started watching Buffy and I didn't realize that season six had so many mixed views either! That's what I get for not watching it when it was on I guess.


  2. Hey Sarah- Wow - grad school and marriage--very big year for you--congrats in advance!!!!

    I know, I came late to the whole Buffy thing too, and now I'm so addicted I have no idea what I'll do once I get through season 7-- start over maybe??

  3. Did you see that Joss Whedon has a new show coming soon? It's called The Dollhouse and my fiance and I decided we were going to watch this one from the beginning (since we failed with both Buffy and Firefly)

  4. Sarah- I'm in! I'm definitely catching this one before the DVDs start piling up!!

  5. Awesome photo, Alyson -- Make me think: "THAT is a girl who knows how to have fun!"

    BTW, I can't wait for Dollhouse!

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  8. Double opps.. :) I need to go to bed. :)

    What an exciting year for you! Love the pic.. Model homes! Nice..

    I know what mean about returning to the routine. :) Ahhh..

  9. Hey DeAnna- oh it was fun!! Embarrassing the next day--but still fun!

  10. Keri- you are cracking me up! Typo is my middle name!

  11. Anonymous12:16 PM

    If, every year, I could spend from the day after Thanksgiving until January 1 far away from all things holiday, I'd be set.

    I know I'm in the minority, but there it is.

  12. Amy- I'm right there with you! I DREAM of going to a sunny locale, lying on the sand, and just getting away from it ALL!
