Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rock the Drop!

Ever since FAKING 19 hit the bookshelves in March '05, I've spent a lot of time in cancer wards, watching too many of my loved ones deal with the disease. And because of that, every time a new book of mine gets released, I donate a copy to the pediatric wing as well. So, I was thrilled when my awesome agent sent me the news about Operation Teen Book DROP (TBD)-- organized by YALSA and readergirlz.

TBD is a massive, coordinated release of 10,000 publisher-donated YA books into the top pediatric hospitals across the country on April 17, 2008, scheduled to coincide with Support Teen Literature Day.

But it's not just the publishers giving away books, as YA authors all around the country (the world!) will be dropping one of their books, somewhere in their community, in a place where teens congregate. I'll be dropping a copy of SAVING ZOE, and while I haven't decided just where I'll be leaving it, if you find a stray copy with the TBD bookplate inside, you're free to take it, read it, and pass it on or keep it-- up to you!

Though it's not limited to just authors and publishers, because anyone who wants to pass on a good teen book is free to participate! Just go HERE to see how it works!

And wait-- that's not all-- after the drop, there'll be an unprecedented online book bash: The TBD Post-Op Party- an online two-hour book party hosted at the readergirlz MySpace forum (http://groups.myspace.com/readergirlz), on April 17th (Support Teen Literature Day), at 6-8pm Pacific/9-11pm Eastern.

Note: you have to have a MySpace account in order to participate. The chat will be in a thread titled "TBD Post Op Party," and the readergirlz divas will be giving away books and prizes, chatting with teens, and offering hope!

I plan to be there-- I hope to see YOU there too!


  1. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Wow. What an amazing idea! I definitely have to remember this one. Although our hospital is too small to have any specific wards, maybe I could leave a book or two in the waiting room. Thanks for getting the word out about this.

  2. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Thank you, Alyson, for spreading the word! And how cool that you've been donating your own copies. We admire your efforts so much.

    See you at the TBD Post-Op Party!

    Best to you,

    Lorie Ann Grover, readergirlz diva/author

  3. What an awesome idea! I'm definitely sending some copies over right away. Thanks for letting me know. :)

  4. Hey Booklady-
    I know, isn't it awesome! You should definitely leave some in the waiting room. City of Hope has a book shelf in their waiting rooms full of good books that people have donated--what better way to pass the time, and get a little escape while you're at it!

    Hey readergirlz-
    I'm thrilled to take part in it-- it's such a great idea! See you on the 17th!

    Hey there Keri-
    Yes, drop copies!!

  5. I'm so excited about this. :)

  6. What a great idea, Alyson! That's so cool that you drop off books for readers. I'm sure it brightens their day. :)

  7. Hey Susan-
    Yup, anything that promotes books is good!
    Have a fun weekend!

  8. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Hey Alyson, it's Jenn again. I haven't commented in a long time, but thats because I hadn't gotten another one of your books. But I did last weekend, and just a couple days ago I finished reading it. It was great. I purchased 'Laguna Cove' and I loved it. So for now, I've read all of you Young Teen Novels from Borders. I can't wait for your new ones, I'm excited. As always, I really enjoyed your book. Kepp on writting them.

    Sincerly, Jenn

  9. Hey there Jenn-
    Always good to hear from you! Thanks so much for all the support and kind words-- I should have new info about CRUEL SUMMER, including an excerpt, on my website any day now. . .
    Thanks for stopping by!
