Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Interview With an Agent

Well, after spending a weekend in San Diego followed by a day wandering the desert (literally!), I returned home to catch up on all my e-mails and bulletin board posts only to find several new messages asking all manner of writerly-type questions like-

How does one get an agent?

Do I really need an agent?

And, what does an agent actually DO?

And as luck would have it, my own agent was interviewed by the awesome Jocelyn over at Teen Book Reviewer, and thus, did all the hard work for me!

Just click HERE to read the full interview in it's entirety! Me, I've got laundry to sort!


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Wonderful picture. I love to wander out in the desert, especially when the weather is as beautiful as it has been lately. Hope you had a good time!

  2. Hey booklady-
    It was one of those warm, amazing, calm, still, vast-- desert days! I loved every second of it!

  3. Great interview. Thanks for the link! ;) Very informative. Have fun with the laundry.

  4. Hey Keri-
    Still sorting through piles. . .it seems to be multiplying!!
