I’m so excited to be part of the upcoming anthology, FIRST KISS (THEN TELL)——along with a list of amazing authors like: Deb Caletti, Cecil Castellucci, David Levithan, Lauren Myracle, and more (!)—-all of us confessing the sordid details of our first kiss moments!
Now I admit, when I was first approached to do this, the second after I said YES! I panicked.
Seriously panicked.
Thinking—no way can I tell that story!
I mean, I’d successfully banished it from my memory bank, blocked it out for a reason. But, as they say, truth really is stranger than fiction—or in my case more humbling, more desperate, more overall embarrassing!
So if you’re up for reading all the cringe worthy details—-then you’ll be glad to know that it's scheduled for release on December 26, 2007—(what better way to use those bookstore gift cards?) But you can get a head start by pre-ordering now! Either HERE or HERE!
And just so you know, I recently got hold of an advanced copy—and those stories do not disappoint!
Have a good day!