Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's Here!

Wow, I can hardly believe it, but as of today, SHADOWLAND, book 3 in THE IMMORTALS series is finally, really, and truly in stores!!!

And to celebrate its release, Macmillan audio is giving away daily prizes and a chance to win a $100 gift card!

All you have to do for your chance to win is follow them on Twitter HERE!

I really hope you all enjoy this book, it's pretty special to me, and when I turned it in my editor said it was the best one yet--we hope you agree!!

Thank you for all of your enthusiasm and support--I have the best readers ever and I couldn't do it without you!

And for those of you in Southern California, I'd love to see you at one of my signings if you can make it:

Tuesday, November 17
Time: 6:00 PM
SHADOWLAND release & signing!
Barnes and Noble Booksellers
791 S. Main St., #100
Orange, CA 92868
tel: (714) 558-3029

Thursday, November 19
Time: 7:00 PM
Border’s Books
4980 Stockdale Highway
Bakersfield, CA 93309

Again, thanks for making this release day so special!

Happy Reading Everyone!



  1. When I received my Borders email this morning, I saw Shadowland prominently displayed and almost yelled out loud.

    Congrats! May you have three on the NYT list now.

  2. Thanks Pamela! My editor sent that to me, and I was pretty excited! As for the list. . . well, now that I've got three out I'm no longer eligible for the individual list and it's on to the series list--a very tough one to crack as they count the sales of ALL the books in the series, so my 3 books are competing with series with 6-8 books! Fingers crossed though . . .


  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO it is finley out!!!!! i have to go get it NOW!

  4. Thanks, Anonymous! Hope you like it!

  5. YAAAY! Finally!
    I'm going to go get it after I get out of the university.
    I'm so happy!
    I wish I lived in California so I could go to your signings :(

    Come to Boston soon!!!!

    Now I can hardly wait for Dark Flame... Ridiculous.. Haha


  6. Beyond Excited!!! woo hoo!!! :)

    Now if only they were a movie or show i'd be on cloud 9 :) fingers toes and eyes crossed that happens

  7. Happy release day Allyson! Can't wait to get my hands on it ;-)

  8. congrats Alyson hope it will be a bestseller :D and i want to get it, i will read in english, but for those who don't understand the language, i hope the rights of realease will be available soon in portugal, so everybody can read!


  9. Lucia- Aw, Boston--such a great city! My fingers are crossed!

    TeachingMyLittleBookWorm--You & me both!

    Bella- Thank you so much, hope you like it!

    Tnkerbell- Thanks so much! It will be in Portugal for sure, the rights have been sold, I just don't know the release date yet . . .


  10. Kim M.1:58 PM

    I'm so happy I gotthe book today! I was kind of worried it wouldn't be out in Canada yet. I still haven't read it but I already know it's going to be great! :)
    I'm so glad I got it on the day it was released.
    Only thing that dispointed me was the fourth book is coming on summer 2010. Don't think I can wait that long :(
    I could hardly wait for today to come.
    Please keep writing ! :)

  11. Just wanted to wish you a good time signing tonight. Wish I could be there.

  12. Hey Kim- Awesome, I'm so glad it's there! As for DARK FLAME, there's no actual release date yet, so who knows it could be sooner!

    Hi Victoria- Thank you so much--wish you could be there too!

  13. Lucia3:08 PM

    I'm in the process of doing homework, so I can start reading Shadowland quite yet (although I reconsidering because the voice in the back of my head yelling "Shadowland! Read it! Shadowland!! You waited six months, what are you still waiting for?! Read it!" won't shut up).
    I just HAD to let you know that the book is so beautiful, Alyson! I love it. The cover it's quite more marvelous than when you see it online, maybe it's the texture.
    And call me crazy, but don't you love the smell of new books? It's not as overpowering as the smell of old books, but I love it.

    Anyways, just letting you know :)


  14. I so need to go to the store!!!! I want to read this book. So tomorrow when I get off work. I guess I will just have to hunt it down. I so forgot that it came out today or I would have hunted it down today. They had all better not be gone. :) I know that would be good for you but really bad for me.

  15. Hey Jessicue- Thanks! Hope you can get your hands on a copy soon!

  16. I'm going to the signing today at B&B!!

  17. Lucia- You crack me up!

    I know that little voice all too well . . . it always leads to trouble . . .


  18. Thanks libiel.(zombie).--I'm leaving soon myself--look forward to seeing you there!

  19. I bought SHADOWLAND today! I wish I could go and get a signed copy! I do hope you can make it to texas at some point... I would def go no matter what city! lol.... yaay Im excited to start! Good luck with all the signings!

  20. I bought my copy! I couldn't believe how beautiful the cover actually is! It is seriously haunting and magical. I cannot wait to sit for hours and read!


  21. Alexa6:11 PM

    As of 11/17/09 @ 6:08PM, I am a proud owner of Shadowland by Alyson Noel. Haha.

    I just got home from Borders, holding Shadowland in my arms. May I say this... It is gorgeous. I could hardly believe it's been 4 months since I got Evermore. Time really flies and I hope it does so so I can get Dark Flame soon!

    In getting Shadowland, I have to clear make space in my "Most Prized Books" shelf. I hope that I can get all of your books and have it on there.

    I'm almost afraid to read Shadowland.... Dark Flame will take forever to be here... I think I'll save your book for the weekends, when I can finish it in one sitting. :D Always supporting you!!

  22. i'm so excited! i just bought mine a few hours ago and i can not wait to start reading!

  23. Shadowland is being sent to me through the mail and should get it by next week. And I can't wait to hear the next instalment of Ever and Damen.

    Also, I just want to say that I love your Immortal Series, Alyson, and thank you for writing such a wonderful tale for us readers to enjoy.

    <3 Erin

  24. Julia7:48 AM

    OMG! Im going to every store to get this book! I hope I can stop my excitement! I LOVED the first books and cant wait to read this one!

  25. Well, it's two of my friends bday and what better gift that shadowland? : )

    I just bought two more copies!

  26. Hi Smiling Sarah-Thanks so much for buying a copy, and as for Texas, who knows, maybe on one of my tours next year!

    Thanks so much V.S.! I love the cover too, the art dept out did themselves this time!

    Thanks so much for being such a sweetie, Alexa--I really appreciate it!

    Hi Little Dhampir- Thank you so much for all the kind words-- I really hope you enjoy the book!

    Hey Julia- Thanks so much--hope you like it!

    Hey V.S. - Aw, really?? That is awesome! Thanks again--and Happy B-day from me to your friends!!

  27. Laura Meirowski9:32 PM

    I just got my copy in the mail! Awesome! You should have a book signing in Canada! Huge fan base here :)

  28. Hi Laura- Thanks so much! And there's a really good chance I'll get to Canada, Toronto actually, in 2010 for the Smart Girls Tour!

  29. Celena6:06 AM

    When I got home from work at 1am, my copy of Shadowland was sitting on my counter where my husband left it for me...that was 8 hours ago and I sat up all night to read it. AMAZING!!! I am so excited about where the story is going. Keep up the great work and try to get down to see us in the Florida Panhandle sometime!!!

  30. I finished Shadowland yesterday and I LOVED it!
    Thank you so much for writing an amazing series! I can't wait for Dark Flame! =D

  31. Yaay!!! I got mine today! I totally freaked out, because I thought it was the 27th that it was coming out! Gahh! So I was extremely surprised when I saw it at Target today. Anyways, I've gotten all three books within a week of their release date now, and hope to do the same for the next ones! :D This is my favorite book series, and if it's true that it will be a TV series, I can't wait to watch it!

    I have high hopes for this book. I hope I won't get let down. (I'm sure I won't! : D)

  32. Alyson I read Shadowland and I have to say it was the best one! When is Dark Flame coming out I can't wait for the next one?

  33. Alyson it was the best book ever! When is the next one coming out I can't wait? I read the entire series again because it was so good!

  34. Hi Celena- Wow, that's so awesome! Thanks to you and your husband!

    Hi Molly- Thank YOU for all your support!

    Hi Hen- Thanks so much, hope you enjoy it!

    Hi Priya- Yay- I'm so glad you liked it! I don't have a release date yet for Dark Flame, though I promise to post if as soon as I get it!

  35. Charmy Canuck10:49 AM

    What a great series! Very beautifully detailed and enticing. I can't wait for Dark Flame to arrive. Will Dark flame be the last of the series? Or are there more to come? I am very greatly anticipating the release of Dark Flame. Summer seems so far away now :)

  36. Hi Charmy- Thanks so much--I'm so glad you're enjoying the series! As for Dark Flame- I don't have an exact release date yet-they're still working on it- but I'll announce it as soon as I get it! Also, there will be 2 more books to follow - making for a total of 6! Thanks for stopping by!
