Wednesday, November 18, 2009

C'mon C'mon

(Blog title courtesy of the Von Bodies)


All I can say is THANK YOU to all of you who either:

A) Ran out to buy a copy of SHADOWLAND yesterday

B) Came to my signing at the B&N in Orange


C) Both

The signing was amazing! There were so many of you lined up way ahead of time--and you were all so gracious, and friendly, and patient, and kind, I felt so lucky to have such awesome readers!

There were people who regularly stop by this blog, Facebook and Myspace friends, people who I recognized from my last signings, old friends that go all the way back to my Girl Scout days, new friends who brought their adorable kids along, a family member or two--and I can't thank you enough for carving time out of your schedules to stop by and say Hi!

And for those of you unable to make it, well, THANK YOU for all of your wonderful messages! I'm amazed by how many of you have already finished SHADOWLAND (wish I could write them that fast!) and I'm so thrilled with your describing it as "awesome!" "epic!" "best one yet!" "amazing!" and all manner of day-making adjectives! I couldn't imagine a better release day!

And don't forget, tomorrow night I'll be at it again, signing books at Border's in Bakersfield, CA and I'd love to see YOU there!!

Thursday, November 19
Time: 7:00 PM
Border’s Books
4980 Stockdale Highway
Bakersfield, CA 93309

Thanks again everyone--have a great day!



  1. Congrats, I am getting great response to your interview on my blog! Some new readers for you!

  2. Beautiful new blog design, too!

  3. Aw, thanks elnice!!

    Hi Pamela- I owe it all to my publisher . . .

  4. I finished Shadowland on Tuesday, and I have to agree with all the ajectives you listed, but I would like to add one more--wow. :D

  5. No Fair you have to come to the midwest

  6. Hey Kay- Thanks so much--I'm thrilled that you liked it!

    Hey CozyLittleBookCorner- I love the midwest! My husband's from Chicago!

  7. Alexa4:38 PM

    4:31 PM on 11/18/09...

    I caved in and read Shadowland. So far... EPIC. I already saw Jude and kind of like him. He's the type I really adore in books. Damen is the type I am crazy for. ROFL. Ever, Ever, Ever, she's just the Ever I enjoy reading. I'm taking it slow, trying to savor every moment. Actually, I am about halfway. Really really good so far. Continue writing more and more.

    BTW, I work as an assistant at my school library. I was bringing Shadowland there today. The librarian took an interest. She said if I think she should add your series to the library. I said yes and also talked about your Riley Series. Hopefully, she'll buy all Immortals books and put it in the library. So cool if the Riley Series is out soon too. Then I get to read both series!! Still, I will buy a copy of all so I can collect. Haha.

  8. gracy4:54 PM

    OMG!!! i just got shadowland (i know, a day late) i cant wait to spend all night reading it and sleeping through my first period tomorrow, mumbling my favorite lines from the book in my sleep!!!! haha! ;)

  9. Hey Alexa- Yay! I'm so glad you're liking it so far! And how cool that you work in a library, I always dreamed of doing that!

    Hey Gracy- Thanks so much-- Hope you like it!

  10. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Hi :)
    Thank you for sharing the pictures Alyson. Congratulations again on the release of SHADOWLAND. I love the book display. And it looks like the signing was a fun success.
    Love & Best Wishes,

  11. Nessa5:45 PM

    I got shadowland yesterday, and I love it so far. I'm getting comfortable with Roman and well I kinda like him. Even though he's evil, He's sexy & dangerous. And I've always been attracted to danger :D

  12. Woohoo! Almost time to meet you and get your book!!!!!

    I am so jazzed about it! Be prepared to have pics taken Alyson and be prepared for me to show them off on my book blog! LOL...

    Almost less than 24 hours!

  13. Hey RK Charron- The signing was a blast! Looking forward to tomorrow's!

    Hey Nessa- Well, I have to say that Roman is incredibly fun to write--the dangerous ones always are!

    HI Amy- I am sooo looking forward to it!

  14. Happy bday Shadowland! May your life be long and prosperous :)

  15. It was really nice to see you. ;)

  16. Hi .libiel.- It was so great to finally meet you! Thanks so much for coming out to see me--I really appreciate it!

  17. Anonymous12:44 PM

    hello this is Renee I am doing a report on you for school, and i was wondering if you could answer some questions for me. So if you could write back to me I would love that and i will subcribe or whatever to this site so you can tell me then THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! P.S. by the way i LOVE the new series and all of you r other books to!!
