Thursday, September 17, 2009

Just a Song Before I Go

Hey Everyone-

I'm on my way out the door, but just wanted you to know that the first three chapters of SHADOWLAND are now up!!!

You can read the excerpt HERE!

Also, today is the release of EVERMORE in the UK (I know the link shows October 2nd- but they moved it up!) and it feels just like a birthday--you know, English style, with tea and crumpets and stuff!!

Have a great day!




  1. yay! i'm going to read them right now! thank you! this is so exciting!

  2. Thanks Molly! Love your picture!!

  3. alyssa3:54 PM

    AHHH!!! I am going to read the chapters right now!

  4. Lucia5:00 PM

    I just read the chapters of Shadowland. I loved them! Can't wait till the book comes out; I can't wait to find out what happens!. I hope they move the date as they did in the UK with Evermore.
    Congrats on the book again!

  5. » αℓεxα☆5:26 PM

    Thank you so much for the excerpts. You've made my day! Now I'd be happy enough to help my friend with her book report (on Blue Moon) and start on mine.

    My friend whom I bought Evermore for is doing a book report on Blue Moon. I'm kind of glad cause I'd be able to help edit her grammar and stuff. She is hooked now!

    The banner looks different. Pretty nice. Well, back to reading your excerpts and doing my book report on Evermore!!

  6. Congrats on the UK release!!

  7. Thanks, Everyone! And Alexa- thank your friend for me for choosing BLUE MOON for her book report!

  8. Yay!! :) Enjoy wherever you're off to. :)

  9. » αℓεxα☆4:50 PM

    What happened to the 3 chapters of Shadowland? I tried to show it to my friend (the one doing book report on Blue Moon) but it didn't work. I'm refreshing on that page right now but the 3 chapters aren't there!

    When will the excerpts be on Other question: who came up with the series's name? :P

  10. Hey Alexa-

    Well, it seems I jumped the gun! My publisher has something exciting planned for the excerpt and asked me to take it down for now so as not to wreck the surprise!

    It'll be back up again though, so stay tuned . . .

    Oh, any my publisher came up with THE IMMORTALS series-- I came up with the individual titles!

  11. Hey Keri- I went to buy some new reading glasses--but couldn't find anything I like . . .

  12. » αℓεxα☆8:52 PM

    Your publisher is the best. Always coming up with surprises. Well, I'm happy I got to read them before you removed them. Haha. Well, eager for the surprise. I hope I don't have to wait till NOVEMBER to see!!

    My friend finished her report on Blue Moon and her teacher gave her an A!! She says thank you for an excellent book. Right now, we're getting people to read your series. My school librarian loves Evermore. So does my other teachers. :D

  13. Hey Alexa- Oh, that's so great--tell your friend CONGRATS from me!! Have a fun weekend!

  14. LinzReads9:13 AM

    I read the chapters and all I can say is WOW! They are amazing. I am dying for Shadowland. And I'm so glad the date got moved to November. I don't think I could've waited until January.

    PS-I love the new background and layout. They rock.

  15. Thank, Linzreads!! So glad you enjoyed the chapters--I had to take them down, but they'll be up again!

  16. Bella6:00 PM

    Hey Alyson!:]
    i just had a quick question for you about your evermore series.
    if you did make evermore a movie, which actors would you get to play Ever and Damen??
    i know it would be the directors decision but i wanted to know your opinion.

  17. ooo i am so bad at timing! i read the first chapter before school and i planned on reading the other two after school! but when i got home the chapters were already down! least i know it wasnt my computer acting funky or something haha.

  18. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I love the new layout for your site; it's beautiful! Your books are amazing! I got two of my friends hooked, and we're pumped for November. One of them is even counting down the days! Can't wait!

  19. Hey Bella- Well, it def would be up to the director, but a couple people have said Ben Barnes for Damen and I think he'd be good--and as for Ever-- I honestly have no idea--who would you pick??

    Hey Gracie- Sorry about that--hopefully it'll be up again soon!

    Hey Anonymous- Thanks--my publisher designed it! Also thanks for spreading the word to your friends--it's very much appreciated!

  20. well i have a fantasy cast in my head. but if i had to choose the actress for ever i'd go with meagan park :)

  21. Hey Bella- Oh, she's gorgeous! She'd make a great Ever!

  22. ♥Bella2:14 PM

    thank you!
    but i miss spelled the name it's "megan park".
    sorry, my mistake

  23. Hey Bella-
    No worries-- I still found her!

  24. just got this book and finished it in a day i really enjoyed it. it had a great story and was different from everything else on the shelves.

    awesome book cant wait for blue moon..! =]

  25. Thank you so much, erinlovesparamore!!

  26. Janie1:41 PM

    blue moon was amazing!
    your a very talented author, dont let anyone tell you different. =]

    at the end i thought that to get the formula Ever was going to have to "get with" Roman. but i liked your twist to it. i would have never suspected!:)

  27. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I only found the first chapter. Are there 3 uP?

  28. Hi Janie-- Thanks so much for stopping by to say that--it's much appreciated!

    Hey Anonymous- well, they were up, but then I had to take them down since my publisher has something special planned for them! They'll be back though, so stay tuned!

  29. Alyson,
    i love to write,and i would like to be an author someday. do you have any tips for teen writers? :)

  30. Hey Ava- The best tips I have are two things and I'm sure you've heard them before, but that's only because they work!

    First, Read! Read as often and as widely as you can. Read with an analytical mind, when something works or doesn't work--ask why. The more you read, the more the storytelling rhythm will start to ingrain itself in you.

    Also, write! Write in your journal, for school, if you have a school newspaper- write for that too! The more you write, the better you get--and allow yourself to write without judgment--most of writing is rewriting, it takes many revisions to get something into good shape, but you can't fix a blank page, so just allow yourself to tell the story--you can always go back and fix it later!

    Wishing you all the best!


  31. » αℓεxα☆4:34 PM

    What a nice tip, Alyson!

    Hey, I'm going to use your tips! So that's why my story doesn't flow in the right pace. Cause with every word I write, I rewrite.

    When you write, do you usually write in a journal or on the computer? I like to write on the computer, edit and then write the final in my journal. :D

  32. Hey Alexa- I write everything on the computer, and because I'm so used to typing, I now have the worst penmanship ever--it's so sad!!

  33. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Ummmm..... i went to read the chapters but i only get to read the first one. The other two dont even show up... =(

  34. Hey Anonymous- Sorry! I had to take them down because my publisher has something special planned for them, but they'll be up again. . . stay tuned!

  35. Anonymous10:53 PM

    hay alyson! i love the series!!!! i have a quick question: do you have any idea when the three chapters will be able to be put up again? thanx :)

  36. Hi Anonymous- Oh, probably very soon!! Sometime in the next few weeks~

