Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Every Picture Tells a Story

So, things have been rather busy here at the Alyson Noel headquarters (aka- The Home Office). As I may have noted earlier, EVERMORE was released in the UK last week, and they've done some really cool things to promote it, like this cover on Bookseller magazine (I hear it's like the Publisher's Weekly of Britain!)--

And THIS Bebo page where you can watch the trailer and download some very cool skins and stuff.

Or you can even watch the trailer HERE, your choice.

And speaking of trailers, I've hired Circle of Seven to make one for SHADOWLAND so stay tuned for that!

And speaking of the UK, I'm just finishing up a short story (a gothic romance!) for next fall's KISSES FROM HELL anthology, that just so happens to take place in the UK, which has really made me want travel to the UK as I really, really love it there . . . hmmm, maybe a quick trip can be arranged . . .

And in more IMMORTALS news, BLUE MOON was chosen as a Justine magazine Page Turner!

And since that print's kinda hard to read, here's what they said:

"Why Read It: Together Ever and Damen are a great love story that spans the centuries! There life as immortals is addicting, and this book takes you back into their long history as star-crossed soul mates. In this book they say, "Never fast forward into the future. You rob yourself of the journey." Blue Moon is a great journey that will have you wishing that a gorgeous guy would bring YOU red tulips!"

Also, some of you have been asking what happened to the 3 chapter excerpt I had posted on my website last week--well, it seems I may have jumped the gun on that one as my publisher has something exciting planned for the unveiling so they're gone for now . . . though they will return so stay tuned!

And, I did a fun interview HERE on Robert Kent's site, and while you're there you might want to look around a bit, he's got some interesting stuff posted on there!

And, last but not least, the Fivers are featured on Stephanie Kuehnert's Women Who Rock Wednesday, so click HERE to read about our rock star moments and for your chance to win some cool swag!!

And, my hunt for new reading glasses continues . . . did I mention I've been wearing the same frames for five years now?? Time for an update!

Have a great day Everyone!



  1. Great stuff, Alyson!! :) Congrats!!

  2. Gracie3:55 PM

    coolio! congratulations!!! :D

  3. Thanks Keri & Gracie!

  4. » αℓεxα☆6:49 PM

    It's a good idea to hire Circle of Seven for the trailer of Shadowland. I'm sure they'll do a good job! Who made the other ones?

  5. Hey Alexa- Yup, they're great! They made all of my other trailers too!

  6. I can't wait for the trailer, and the book. They are both going to be fabulous! Oh, and I've read all of the Hell books, and I'm pumped that you have a short story in one of them coming out! Can't wait to get my hands on that!

  7. Anonymous5:31 PM

    hey alyson i just looooove evermore & blue moon.i read the twilight books & thought that they were good but after i read evermor i fell head over heels for damen <3 i love ever's character. thanks for readin w/m/b

  8. Hey Kay- Thanks! I love the HELL books too and am really excited to have a story in one!

    Thank you so much, Anonymous-- I hope you like SHADOWLAND too!

  9. Wow! What a fabulous kind of busy. May you always be so swamped!

  10. Hey Pamela- Yup, swamped indeed! But it keeps me out of trouble . . .
