Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Win A signed copy of BLUE MOON!!!!

(Not a song title, but we'll get back to that soon--promise!)

So, today, not only did I list my Five HERE. (if you don't know what a "Five" is then you really must click!) and I'm also giving away a signed copy of BLUE MOON, so be sure to stop by and leave a comment for your chance to win!

Also, a reader of this blog just sent me the German cover of EVERMORE (above), which I just learned will be released over there in November. Check it out! So dark and dreamy--I love to see how other countries interpret the cover art!

And, last but not least--I did it! Yesterday I typed my two favorite words-- "The End" to UNTITLED IMMORTALS #4. Of course I now have to revise the heck out of it before it's ready for my editor to read, but still--What A Feeling!-- And there's today's song title!

Have a great day everyone!



  1. » αℓεxα☆9:23 AM

    Yes, "The End" are my two favorite words too. :D So... aren't you going to give it a title? Lol. You always come up with a nice title. I hope it's something dreamy and cool. :D :D

  2. Hi alyson. I love your books! I think you are amazing! I hope i am able to talk to you at somepoint on email :) Is it really "The End"? Are there only 4 books? I have no idea how you can be every person in your books! You are a huge insperation for me :) I cant wait for the next book ! i finished Blue Moon in one day! <3

    your number one fan ronnie :)

    (p.s. its my nick name im a girl) lol

  3. Hey Alexa- Well, I'm really getting used to UNTITLED #4, but they probably won't let me keep that!

    Hey Ronnie- No- it's just the end of the 4th book--there are still 2 more to go! Thanks for all the kind words- you are too sweet!

  4. Yes! that is so wonderful! the cover is amazing, congratulations on finishing the book! I am so excited to read it!!!!

  5. oh good! i thought there were only 4! thanks for writing back too! I have a small question ok. Do you find yourself at all like Ever? thanks

    Ronnie :)

  6. Hey Alyson! It must feel great to finally be able to type- THE END! I can't wait till the day I can type those words at the end of my novel. I wish you the best of luck in all of your future work!

    P.S- that cover is siiiiickk!

  7. I can't believe the series is almost over. I love this series!

  8. I'm a YA librarian and I absolutely love having the Immortals to recommend to our teens!! We're very, very excited here for Shadowland- especially now that it's been moved up to November, just in time to curl up with over some Thanksgiving dinner. That cover looks spectacular!

  9. » αℓεxα☆4:43 PM

    Hey Alyson! I just saw the September 2009 Costco Connection and it mentioned Evermore! Just thought I'd say that. I wish they'd include the cover. The article's about the supernatural success. Paranormal fiction gains popularity with teens. When I first saw the article, I rolled my eyes. I'm like they better mention Evermore! And they did!!! :D

  10. Hey Peri- Thanks--I like it too!

    Hey Ronnie- Well, I'm neither blond, 16, or psychic, but i don know what it feels like to lose the ones you love, and Ever's story was inspired by my own period of grief- if that makes sense?!

    Hey Let's All Live In A Book- Best. Feeling. Ever. ! And I wish that very same feeling for you!

    Hey Kristina--Oh no! I just finished writing book #4--there are still 2 more books to go!

    Hey Megan- Aw, you made my day! Thank you so much for recommending them to your teens--and thanks for all that you do to promote books and reading!

    Hey Alexa- Really???!!! Must get me one of those--thanks so much for the heads up!

  11. Alyson, thanks to you and your books, you've shaken & taken the literary world (and mine's) by storm. Muchos Gracias. :)
    Luve ya

  12. Kajikitsune5:28 PM

    I love the German cover of Evermore! I really is amazing seeing what other countries bbok covers of our favorite series are. Congrats on finishing UNTITLED #4. Can't wait!

  13. Omg you should give it a totally dark title. xD Something unique like each book. ;D Usually keep it discrete as in 1 word or two. ;] Great job on the book! I'm going to continue reading every single one more than once! Keep up the good work! We can't wait for future posts on your #5. ;]

  14. Hello, Alyson!

    D. D. Scott here!

    Congrats on your latest NYT's bestseller spots! Well done!

    And I'm sure "The End" you typed yesterday will secure another top NYT's spot!

    I'm enjoying getting to know you through Living Your Five and Twitter.

    Here's to future success, fun, and Paying It Forward...

    Sexy, Sassy, Smart Real O.C. Wishes --- D. D. Scott

  15. Hey Kajikitsune-Me too- I love seeing how other countries interpret it!

    Hey Starfire- Yup, that's exactly what we're aiming for!

    Hey DD- Thank you--and right back at ya!!

  16. » αℓεxα☆9:15 AM

    I finally did it, Alyson! I sent you my artworks! Hope you like them. :D

  17. ronnie9:52 AM

    Thats great that you keep writing :) But how do you come up with all these people? like Damen im IN love with him! lol and riley , its amazing! but how do you know how everyone should act?

    ronnie <3

  18. wow, that cover is beautiful and creepy and mysterious! I almost wish I spoke Geman.

  19. p.s. good luck with the new title :)

  20. Rachael Lynn11:46 AM

    Hi Alyson! Congrats on book 4! I absolutely LOVE Evermore & Blue Moon.. I can't wait for the third to come out. I hope the cover art for shadowland comes out soon! :-)

  21. Hey Alexa--cool! Going to check my inbox now . . .

    Hey Ronnie- Well, they become like real people in my head, with their own personalities that determine what they do and say! Weird, I know, but I think all writers are weird in this way!--And thanks for the cover luck!

    Hey Empress Awesome- I know--it's so darkly dreamy!

    Hey Rachel Lynn- You are too sweet! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  22. No, i dont think its weird at all! i think its wonderful! i was just reading Evermore for the 4 thime lol. im at the part were shes getting a reading at the party :) how does it feel to have so meny fans that love your work?? and you ..

    ronnie <3

  23. Hi Alyson!! I really love your book Evermore, I have to read it in english because I can't wait until october to read it in Spanish ( I'm from Spain, I missed to say it) I think is very beautiful the german cover and I was thinking how would be the Spanish... I hope you can come here and sign some books!! It would be fantastic!!


  24. Hey Ronnie- Wow, 4 times--THANK YOU!! And, to answer your question, it feels great! I LOVE my readers!

    Hey Desy- Thanks so much! And just so you know, EVERMORE is coming out in Spanish I think in October or November--not exactly sure of the date, but it will be there!! Thanks for stopping by!

  25. ;D I'll continue to recommend the books to my friends! I have a couple that went out to buy it and are sooo into Evermore. I told them there's more and it's even more exciting! Again, keep it up. Take a break or two. We're patient... really. ;p Shout out to everyone posting positive feedback! Whooo! ;D Spread the word around about this book series! :D

  26. Anonymous1:41 AM

    ho alyson,
    your books are inspirational.
    when i was reading your books they have sent waves of different emotions, love, humour, loss and grief. your books are awesome.i can't wait for the upcoming books

  27. Starfire- I can't thank you enough for all your kind words! You are too sweet!

    Hey Jessica-- Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy the rest of the books in the series too!

  28. I love that cover! I liked the original of course, but this one is gorgeous!

  29. Aw, thanks Carrie! I think it's pretty cool!

  30. haha Ya i finished it last night and im partly though Blue Moon for the 2 time :) sorry im asking so meny questions its just i love your work and wonder how you do it so well:) im happy you love your readers too. I also write but i write songs not books i have tried but i never love my work if you know what i mean:) how do you feel when you read over your work?

  31. Ronnie- I think song writing is an amazing art form because it tells a story in about 3 minutes, which is pretty amazing stuff if you think about it! And I get how you feel about your own work, I think we are always our worst critics, and can feel everything from disappointment to elation while reading it over--it just depends on the day. But we do it because we love it, and that's what matters most!

  32. I agree strongly :) Some of my songs I love and some i dont .. but i keep all of them in 2 special books, I have written 120 songs all with diffrent tunes and words...the only thing is the only people who know are my parents, my bestfriend and some family...the reason i dont tell them to anyone is because i dont want anyone to stell them. What do you think?

    ronnie <3

  33. » αℓεxα☆1:05 PM

    I'm not too good at writing. Only when it's required. I get a hard time doing it on my own. I get confused a lot. I'm not too good at music. I was in choir once, never going back. The only thing I feel I'm good at is drawing and graphic designing. Then again, I only make great works randomly. So... I'm still out to try and find my talent. I'm glad other people have amazing talents at writing, songwriting, drawing, singing, acting, etc. Did you get my drawings yet Alyson? I'm thinking of drawing an iPod with Ever and Damen in it. Heehee.

  34. Ronnie- I think it's AMAZING that you've written 120 songs--seriously amazing! And you're probably smart to keep them for yourself until you decide you want to do something with them!

    Hey Alexa- I did! And I sent you an e-mail too! Did you get it?? I will go ahead and resend it, but just in case there's a problem--they are awesome and amazing and I'm so grateful that you took the time to do that and would love to put them on this blog, but only with your permission so let me know!! Thanks again!

  35. Thank you Alyson :) I think its great you answer our do you even find the time?? hahah And do you ever have times where you just want to escape everything..all the stress? i sometimes do and i just curl up under my covers and sleep or cry or both haha :)

    Ronnie <3

  36. Thank you Alyson :) umm..i sent a post a while ago but i guess it got lost?? anyway i was wondering..have you ever wanted to escape this world? like go away from your proublums and all the STRESS!? i do all the time :( I just go under the covers and sleep or cry or really sucks :(

    ronnie <3

    p.s. Have i ever told you i LOVE to act? Well i do ever since i was really young! in grade five (a while ago) I got the lead role in the wizerd of OZ haha i had to sing "Somewhere over the rainbow" in front of the whole town! I loved it! haha

  37. I read your book evermore in one day i just couldn't set it down!I would love to own my very own copy and signed that would be amazing! I hope to be a talented writer as you!

  38. The German cover is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see it live in a bookstore. :D

  39. Hey Ronnie- Yup! I usually turn off my computer and go to the beach--always works!!

    Hey Ciarra- Thanks so much- you are too sweet!

    Hey Letter Garden- Danka! I think they did a pretty cool job of it!

  40. » αℓεxα☆8:54 AM

    Hey Alyson! Yeah, I found the email. I said yes you could post it. Oh, I'm so happy! :P I think you're the best YA author ever! You actually reply to email and interact with fans. Usually, the authors are way too busy. Well, thank you for everything!

  41. i tried to look all over your page before i asked but what gave u the idea to write evermore?

  42. That is great you can do that :) Anyway i have a consert (jonas brothers) to go to today my first consert EVER im really excited! Wish me luck ;)

    Ronnie <3

  43. Hey Ronnie-

    Oh, I hope you had fun!! A personally know of a few girls who would be very jealous about that!!


  44. I just finished reading Blue Moon. I really cannot wait for Shadowland. I can't lie and say that I enjoyed the ending to Blue Moon. But I really do enjoy your writing/novels. I find your idea of Immortal beings so interesting. That even though I am upset that Ever and Damen can't "be together" I think that having this happen is a good thing. They have eternity. And nothing is just handed to you on a silver platter. Well in their case it could be if they manifest it. But anyway, I really admire you and your work and I look forward to the next two books in the series.

  45. Thank you so much, Kimmy! I'm so glad you're enjoying the series and hope you continue too!

  46. Hi there Alyson,
    I am so excited to read your series. I have hear so many great things about it!!

  47. Thanks, Ali-- hope you like it!

  48. christina1:57 PM

    Hey Alyson! I love your books!! What was that about Riley having her own series or whatever? I think that would be so cool! well, thanks!

  49. Hi Christina- Thanks so much! And yup, it's true--Riley will get her own series in Fall 2010--I'm about to start writing it now!

  50. I really love the cover, you should add it to a page for international titles on your site.

  51. Hey Kate- Ah, good idea!!!
