Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Well, it's been a pretty exciting week so far and to think it's only Tuesday! In case you somehow missed it, yesterday, fellow YA authors Kay Cassidy, Tera Lynn Childs, Becca Fitzpatrick, and I launched the new web community, Living Your Five--and were totally and completely gobsmacked (in the good way!) by the amount of goodwill, cheers, and support from all of you who showed up to take part in the inauguration!

Just in case you missed it, you might want to head on over (after you finish reading this of course!) and see what it's all about. We're also giving away some pretty amazing prizes that I guarantee you will not want to miss, so just click HERE to start Living Your Five!!

Speaking of busy, (we weren't but I needed to segue!), things have been especially busy over here at the home office headquarters and so much is happening I wanted to take an opportunity to get all caught up, so here goes:


All signings are always listed on the far right side of this blog as well as on the Events page on my website, but still, I wanted to make you aware of the one coming up on Saturday, September 12th, where I'll be talking & signing at the Mission Viejo Reader's Festival. My panel is from 2:30-3:30 in the Jacaranda Room, and I'll be signing books immediately after. The address is:
Mission Viejo Library
100 Civic Center
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

And just so you know, amazing authors Dean Koontz, Lisa See, and Henry Winkler (yup, The Fonz!) will be there too, and I really, really, hope YOU can make it!

Smart Chicks Kick It Tour:

The Smart Chicks are now confirmed for signings in Toronto, Austin, and San Diego, and there is more good news to come so stay tuned! Don't know what I'm even talking about? Click HERE! for all the info.

The EVERMORE UK release has been moved up to September 17th (woo-hoo!!)!! Which means my friends across the pond will get their very own version where "color" is spelled "colour" and, um, other really cool things like that! I'm so excited to be sold in the UK, it was the first foreign place I ever visited, and has alway remained a favorite of mine! I'm hoping this means I'll have an excuse to go back . . .


I know I mentioned it before, but from the amount of questions and e-mails I'm getting, I think it bears repeating so here goes:

SHADOWLAND will now be released on 11.24.09. That is official. It will also be released in hardcover with a trade paperback version to follow about a year later. And for those of you who prefer your books to match, I'm told that at some point EVERMORE and BLUE MOON will also be made available in hardcover too. I'm really excited about this, and want to thank all of you for your excitement too!

And, speaking of Frequently Asked Questions, as I'm racing toward the end of UNTITLED #4 (yup, still calling it that!), desperately trying to finish it up by its deadline, I've gotten a little behind on answering my e-mails and messages. But since I've I have noticed a similar theme to the questions, I thought I'd post some of the answers right here:

Are you going to make the IMMORTALS into a movie/TV show?

Me, personally? No. This is entirely up to Hollywood, not me. And though a producer has optioned the dramatic rights to the entire series, that is all I have to share with you at this time. But if that should change in some wonderful, dramatic way, I will shout it from the rooftops, and for those of you who don't live nearby, I will also blog about it here!

Would you please consider me to star in and/or help direct the movie/TV series?

See above. If, by chance, the IMMORTALS was made into a movie/TV series, I assure you, I would have nothing to do with choosing the cast. They hire professional casting directors for these things, so it's really out of my hands.

Is SHADOWLAND the last book in the series?

No! SHADOWLAND, will be in stores on 11.24.09, and there will be several more to follow in 2010/11, Ever and Damen have many more adventures ahead of them! Also, Riley (Ever's ghostly sister) will get her own series starting in Fall 2010!

I'm writing a book and was wondering if you'd be able to read it and give me your opinion on it?

I'm sorry, but due to legal reasons, I am unable to read any unpublished works and immediately delete any and all that are sent to me. Though I wish you all the best on your writing!

Okay, that about covers it! But remember to check out what the Fivers are up to HERE.

And stay tuned, tomorrow, I will be posting my Five!

Have a great day everyone!



  1. » αℓεxα☆10:13 AM

    What? I have to wait a year later for Shadowland to come as a paperback? Dang it! Crushed dreams, lol. Well, I guess I'll have to wait till next year. I'm a bit stubborn about getting hardcover since there is no way I could obtain one. *cries at $18* Oh, but then I might be able to convince my friend to buy me one. She knows how obsessed I am towards your series. Yay!

  2. Hi!! I'm spanish fan of the inmortals series, I find de cover of Evermore in Germay, it's here


  3. alyssa12:59 PM

    I can't wait for Shadowland. :) I'm getting it in hardcover anyway. That's so exciting about Riley getting her own series! :O

  4. i'm thinking i'll have to just get it in hardcover. i can't wait a year. or the 6 months it would probably take for it to get to me from the library. unless it's only a few weeks, then i may wait for it to come in paperback. although, i'll probably have to do that for the following books as well... decisions decisions...

  5. Dean Koonz and Henry Winkler? How cool is that! I hope you can take some pictures and will share them with those of us who can't be there. Congratulations on all of your success. I'm looking forward to Nov. 24 -- and when my parents get mad at me for ignoring them because I have my nose burried in a book (they will be visiting for Thanksgiving) I will tell them to blame you!

  6. Hey Alexa--Well, the good news is, most bookstores, WalMart, Target, Costco and Amazon offer pretty steep discounts, on new releases, so there's a good chance you can pick it up for a lot less!

    He Arancha- OMG- I can't thank you enough for sharing that with me--that's the first I've seen of it! I just learned that it'll release in Germany in November! Sooo cool--thanks again!

    Hey Alyssa- Thanks so much! I'm so excited to start writing Riley's series!

    Hey Molly- Like I told Alexa, it'll be at WalMart, Target, Costco, Amazon, and, of course, bookstores, and most of those places will probably sell it at a pretty good discount as they often do with new releases!

    Hey NiGeLa--I know! I'm so excited to stalk-- I mean MEET them!!!

  7. Hey Alyson, just wondering if you knew if the Immortal series is ever going to published in Argentina? Or will I have to get them by other magical means?

  8. Hey Ella- Hmm, I know there is a Spanish version available called Etenidad--I think it's going to be released soon--maybe October? So hopefully it will be near you soon!

  9. I was just checking out Living Your Five and it has me filled with ideas! I have a mission team I am leading to Honduras this November and I am already feeling some tension among two of the women going... reading about Living Your Five suddenly gave my insight on how to prep my team through this.... I have already taken notes and I LOVE this!

  10. Hey Sheila- Aw, I love this!! Thanks so much and all the best with your mission!

  11. i am sooo excited for Shadowland to be complete. I went out the day Bluemoon came out to read it and finally read more into the lives on Damen and Ever. When I finished the book I read the little preview of the new book and it just left me wanting more. I am soo pleased to hear i don't have to wait till next year to read the next one.

  12. Hey Carissa- Thanks so much--hope you like it!

  13. I thought I would have to wait till February til Shadowland came out. I'm glad to hear that its coming out in November. I too like having my series match. Its a fault I cannot rid myself of. But I doubt I will be able to wait for the paperback.

  14. Hey Kimmy- I know, a lot of people like their books to match, and I'm told that EVERMORE & BLUE MOON will be released in hardcover at some point for that very reason!
