Saturday, April 04, 2009


Just typed the two most beautiful words ever invented:

The End.


And yes, now I have to revise, but still!


  1. Congrats Alyson!!!

    I just received a copy of Evermore from Alexa so I am very excited to jump in and read it. Thank you so much for taking the time to sign it - meant the world...scrap that, universe!

  2. OMG! Yes! Whoohooo! Congrats! Celebrate! Vacation!

    I'm so excited!

  3. alright, u finally finished. congrats! yaahhhhhhhhhh. im so happy i can barely contain myself!

  4. YES!! done... not the easy part....maybe?

  5. Thanks, Adele! Really hope you like it!

    Hey Kelsey-- You know, the truth is, it should really say, THE END FOR NOW--but still, it feels good to get to the last page, even if I do have to revise!

    Hey LoveHateLive--I could hardly contain myself either--it's always such a relief!

    Hey Reverie- You know, I really like revising, and polishing and all of that stuff--I'm looking forward to it!

  6. Congrats! Those are two of the most beautiful and prolific words in the English language I've come to find...

  7. Woohoo! Those are the best words in any story.


  8. Casey & Amy- No doubt!

  9. How cool! Congratulations! Best of luck with the editing and revising!

  10. Anonymous8:27 AM

    you maybe post sum of it? I CANT WAIT!

  11. Hey Anonymous-- I'll post from it a little closer to the pub date so there won't be any spoilers for BLUE MOON!

  12. Madison8:02 PM

    i've read Evermore and i just got done reading Blue Moon. all i have to say WOW! bravo alyson!! they are sooo good! i can't wait for Shadowland i'm sitting at my computer trying to find a link to it but Nada. it's very frustrating,lol. ..Well anyways i just want you to know your an amazing author and by the time the series is over you might be just as good if not better than stephanie meyer. :) xo.

  13. Hey Madison- Thanks so much!! The only link up for SHADOWLAND at the moment is on the new IMMORTALS website at:

    And every time you click on a tulip you'll hear an audio clip of a scene not included in the book--it's pretty cool!

  14. i read evermore &i fell inlove!! &i was just counting the days for blue moon to be finally out !!! Do you have a date set for when shadowland will be out ? i could hardly wait ! WOOT WOOT !!

  15. Hey T.ROD- Thanks so much, I'm so glad you liked it!

    To answer your question, SHADOWLAND will be in stores on Jan 5, 2010 but in the meantime,be sure to check out the new website at:

    Every time you click on a tulip you will hear an audio clip of a scene not found in the books!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  16. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I really love Evermore.
    I just bought a copy of Blue Moon and Im really excited to read it.

  17. Hey Anonymous--Thanks so much--really hope you like it!

  18. Seema Patel10:09 PM

    *spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't read Evermore/ Blue Moon yet*

    I just finished Blue Moon and I LOVED IT!!! You have no idea. I literally finished it like two minutes ago and I'm already trying to figure out when the next book is coming out! Please don't delay it too long! I really won't be able to handle it! lol
    I really thought they'd "get together" in Blue Moon and in those last few pages where you find out they can't- EVER...I was screaming in frustration!!!! hahaha
    Alyson, you're an amazing author and I'm so thankful to my local library for having your book because if they didn't carry it, I never would have bought the sequel (and seriously, I never buy books since I don't have much money, being a student and all. So the fact that I couldn't wait for the library to get your sequel and then sign up to be on the waiting list for it says something hahahah)

    Cannot wait until the sequel hun :)

  19. Hey Seema-

    Wow, I can't thank you enough for your support--it really means a lot to me! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!

  20. Just finished Blue Moon late last night. Loved it! Can't wait for Shadowland. I am hoping that it'll release sooner than 2/2010!!!

  21. This was both incredible to divulge but also very depressing and melancholy. But I can really feel where its coming from. In the past two years my grandmother passed away the day after my birthday and my aunt just last year passed on christmas day from cancer. So this book is really helpful and soothing in a way. I love the fact that its different from all the others out there. I think the idea that you took a new approach is inspirational. I can't wait till shadowland comes out. Thank you for writing a series that has taken hold in my heart.

  22. Thanks so much, Aubs-- I hope you like it!

    Hey Jenny- I am so sorry to read of your loss, I know how painful it is to lose the ones you love, and am so glad my book could help in some small way. Thanks so much for stopping by to share that with me.

  23. jennie1:59 PM

    OMG!! i luv your series! i borrowed evermore from my fiend leah and wuz like ssooo excited when i finally saw blue moon in took me less than a day to read.i wanted to cry when i thought damen wuz gonna die and then again when i found out they can NEVER be together. i dont think i can wait for shadowland to come out.

  24. Alyson Noel! Evermore & Blue Moon were amazing books. Like undescribably amazing! The Immortal Series are like in my top 3 fav books! SERIOUSLY. :) I can't wait til Shadowland comes out! Whenever i was reading your books, i couldn't put them down! I read Evermore in one day, and then later bought Blue Moon and read that in one night! But it makes me kind of sad that Shadowland will be the last Immortal Series! :( YOU SHOULD LIKE TOTALLY CONTINUE! I would totally read them all if you continued. Lol. But oh well! I LOVE THE IMMORTAL SERIES! ♥

  25. Jennie- Thanks so much! Hope you like SHADOWLAND too!

    Hey Mai- SHADOWLAND is NOT the end!! I'm not sure where that rumor started, but there will be 6 books in the series!

  26. ***SPOILER ALERT for anyone who hasn't read Evermore/ Blue Moon yet***

    I just finish Blue Moon and it was...AMAZING! I can't wait for Shadowland!!! It seems like years for january! Congrats on writting such an awsome series. Best wishes.


  27. red flame3:27 PM

    thanks for the books they are just wonderful it gives me something new too do over summer blue moon really shoked me i did not see that coming but that's what i love about all of your books they never go the way i expect

    thanks again

  28. Thank you so much, Yaracet!! Hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!

  29. Hey RedFlame- Thanks so much! Be sure to stop by the new website at:

    Every time you click on a tulip you will hear a hidden audio clip of a scene not contained in the book! And if you subscribe, you will be alerted when new clips are added!

  30. Anonymous5:16 PM

    W-O-W. I read Evermore about a week ago and I just got Blue Moon in the mail and I can't wait to read it. Alyson, you are such a talented writer and your series is truly phenomenal. Your characters are well developed and are relatable. Everytime I wasn't reading Evermore, I was trying to predict what was going to happen next. Unfortunately, most times I was wrong. lol. I truly enjoyed reading your novel and have reccommended it to my friends. I just know I'm going to enjoy Blue Moon.

  31. Anonymous--you are too kind! I hope you like BLUE MOON and thanks for spreading the word to your friends!!

  32. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Oh my gosh! I loved Evermore and Blue Moon!!!!! I am dying to read Shadowland and hopefully more books from your immortal series! You are such an awesome author!!! Wish i had a copy of Shadowland right now! I got all my friends addicted to Evermore, so we all can't wait!
    - Aly

  33. Hey Aly -- Thank you so much! The books are so fun to write, I'm thrilled you're enjoying them!!

    To see a short summary of SHADOWLAND be sure to visit the new website at:

    And every time you click on a tulip, you will hear a hidden audio clip of a scene not contained in the book!

  34. kathyy12:00 AM

    I just finished new moon..I wudnt go to sleep till I was donee! evermore&blue moon are truly AMAZING! and I REALLY can't wait till shadowland comes outt! I want to know how damen reacts!!! lol
    this series truly is amazingggg!<3

  35. Thanks so much, Kathyy--I really hope you like SHADOWLAND and the rest of the books in the series as well!

  36. Jennifer7:09 PM

    Oh my goodness, I can hardly wait! I am so very excited!! :) Evermore and Blue Moon were absolutely amazing! I can't wait to know what will happen next! You are an amazing writer Alyson!

  37. Jennifer--Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!

  38. Tatum lynn8:03 PM

    i read both of your books that are out so far and the were both so wonderful. im a very sensitive person so i cried on the second book so i cant wait to read also reading ur other books and i read saving zoe and i cried and cried. it was sad. but i loved it. ur a wonderful writing! keep writing!

  39. Thanks so much Tatum Lynn- I'm sorry I made you cry, but I'm so glad you enjoyed them!

  40. your books are amazing! THANK YOU for "gifting" your beautiful stories to us all. I'll admit- I bought blue moon a few hours ago and finally put it down since it ended. I can't wait for shadowland!!! it's killing me!!

  41. I love you books, they grabbed m efrom the first chapter and held on right through the second book. Ever and all the other characters are awesome! Can't wait for shadowland, I am so excited!

  42. Hey Cheyenne--Thanks so much-I'm thrilled you're enjoying it!

    Hey Maisie-Thanks so much, I'm so glad you liked it!

  43. Shaley8:48 PM

    THis book is very inspiring. Its authors like you that make me want to be a writer. I have almost finished my first book. But now I dont know what to do next. I wish I had someone in the business read and help me out. But I am just lost as to what to do next for my baby book. Have any advice on how to help my book makes its first steps??

  44. Hey Shaley- The best thing you can do if you can is to join a professional writer's organization--there are many, so you'll have to research the right one for you and your genre- like RWA, SCBW, BACKSPACE, etc. If you can't do that, run a Yahoo search on online writing groups that deal with your genre. Also, you might want to check out the Verla Kay Boards (you'll need to run a search since I don't have the address), Publisher's Marketplace, and various agent and editor blogs to get a feel for how it's done. Publishing is a very tough business, so it's important to go out there fully armed to give your book the best chance possible! I wish you all the luck in the world!

  45. Emily2:32 PM

    I have read both Evermore and Blue Moon many times. They are absolutly wonderful and I have no doubt Shadowland will be just as great! Ha I'm sure you've heard this all before but its true. You are an amazing author. I Can't Wait For SHADOWLAND!!!
    Love ya

  46. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Hey Alyson,
    I was in america on my holidays and bought Evermore and i just finished it now and i love it but im back from my holiday and i live in Ireland and i've searched everywhere for blue moon and i cant find it so i ordered it od Amazon and i can wait to get it but is there any chance the books will actually reach Ireland? and is there going to be another book in the immortal series after shawdowland? Thanks, Evermore was just amazing!

  47. Becca2:36 PM

    Is there going to be another book in the immortal series after Shadowland?

  48. Hey Emily- You are too sweet!! I really hope you like SHADOWLAND!

    Hey Anonymous- Thanks so much! The UK rights have been sold, and I think it'll be published on your side of the pond in October!

    Hey Becca- Yes, there will be 3 more! And in Fall 2010, Riley will get her own series too!

  49. Anonymous10:16 AM

    i have been trying to find a way to conact you when i came across this.
    Your books were amazing, i finished them both in three days because i couldnt put them down. i was wondering when shadowland will come out and what the other two books withh be called. i really hope you write back because you are definatley my favorite author and your books are my favoirte, they blew twilight out of the water!

    Taylore :)

  50. Hi Taylore-

    Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet message!

    To answer your question, SHADOWLAND will be in stores on Jan 5, 2010, though I don't yet have titles for the following 3 books!

    Also, starting in Fall 2010, Riley, Ever's ghostly sister, will be getting her own series and I'm really excited about it!

    But in the meantime, be sure to stop by the new website at:

    Every time you click on a tulip you will hear an audio clip of a scene not contained in the book! And if you subscribe, you will be notified when new clips are added!

    Thanks again!


  51. lizzie8:31 PM

    i cant wait to read shadowland! i finished blue moon in one day it was so amazing, i swear my mouth fell to the floor at the end!i heard it comes out on jan 5, thats my birthday i was so excited! i cant wait to read the rest ofthe series, i love it!!!

  52. Hey Lizzie- Happy-very early- Birthday!! I hope you enjoy SHADOWLAND and the rest of the series!

  53. Meagan5:13 PM

    omg im so excited i read evermore and blue moon so i cant wait till shadowland comes out! :D

  54. Hey, Alyson

    Thank you very much for writing such good novels for everyone to read.
    I was blown away by Evermore and can't wait to read Blue Moon, and then Shadowland. The covers of the books are so vibrant and eye-catching.
    Evermore was absolutely amazing and I loved every bit of it!

    Thank you so much and good luck for the rest of the series.


  55. Hey Megan- Thank you so much!

    Thanks so much, SK!! I love the covers too--the art department is a very talented bunch of people--can't wait til I can share the SHADOWLAND cover!

  56. Tasha8:51 AM

    Hi Alyson!!! I just finished both Evermore and Blue Moon and I absolutely loved them. Can't wait to see how the story plays out in Shadowland! I also have a question, is Shadowland the last book of the Immortal series or are there more? Do you plan to keep them surrounding Ever and Damen if there is more or do you plan on focusing on characters we already know or creating new ones?

    I know that was a mouthful but what can I say. I'm curious!!!

  57. Hi Tasha- thanks so much, I'm so glad you liked them! To answer your question, there will be 3 more books following SHADOWLAND, which comes out on Jan 5 btw and not February as originally planned, and all of them will focus on Ever & Damen though there may be some new characters introduced as well!

    If you haven't been to the website yet, be sure to check it out at:


  58. Nicole11:41 AM

    Hi Alyson!
    I was at my aunts house bored out of mind when I came across Ever More and Blue Moon and I had to say that I enjoyed them a ton. January can you please come sooner?? haha. Do you have any idea when the book after Shadowland is set to come out yet? Cant wait to finish the whole series!!! Also, I was wondering if you did any author signings or had anything coming up like that? Thanks for your amazing books. Cant wait for the rest!

  59. Hey Nicole-
    Aw, thanks so much--and thank your aunt for me too!

    The book after SHADOWLAND, otherwise known as- UNTITLED #4 will be in stores in July--although I don't have an exact date yet.

    As for my upcoming signings you can find them on the homepage of this blog, listed on the far right side or on my website at:

    Hope you can make one of those!

  60. Allie9:01 AM

    I just finished reading the first two books of the Immortal series and they are really good! I was wondering how people get ARC's? Is there a contest or something?

  61. Hey Allie- Thanks so much! As for the ARCs no, it's not a contest, my publisher sends them out to reviewers, librarians, etc! Thanks for stopping by!

  62. I just read evermore and blue moon in 2 1/2 days. I'm so ready to find out what happens next!

  63. Keree1:36 PM

    Dear Alyson,
    I recently finshed Blue Moon, while I unsuspectantly read Evermore at camp. (I stole it from a friend) and I totally enjoyed both of your books!!!! I can't wait for Shadowland to come out so I can see whats going to happen between Damen and Ever. I can't believe the no physical contact thinger that Roman did, I was like "What the heck, they were made to be with eachother," when I noticed I was screaming at the book..... Good luck with Shadowland!!! Can't wait for it to come out!!!

  64. Hey Lexy--Thanks so much! SHADOWLAND will be in stores now on 11.24.09 now!!!

    Hey Keree--Aw, thanks so much, and thank your friend for me too!! And just so you know, SHADOWLAND will be in stores much sooner now, so look for it on 11.24.09!!!

  65. sarah7:55 PM

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Evermore and Blue Moon! They are sooooo amazing. You are a GREAT author. I cant wait to read Shadowland. I am sooooo excited!

  66. Hey Sarah- Wow, thanks so much for being so sweet! Hope you like the rest of the series too!

  67. cant wait 2 read

  68. ive read evermore and blue moon cant wait 2 read shadowland
    thats great marked 1/2/2010

  69. OMG!! YAYS! I cant wait for it to come out. I've been waiting forever and I need something good to read especially since school starts. Ill need something to do during advisory. I hope it's very good. Please don't leave me disappointed at the end like other books do. Any ways celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. Hey Emma--thanks so much--but the release date has been moved up so it will now be in stores on 11.24.09!!

    Hey Saphy--Oh, I hope you like it too!!

  71. SisCo1:47 AM

    I love your books. I was just wondering when you make Riley's series will Ever and Damen be in it too?

  72. Hey SisCo- Well, I haven't started writing it yet, so I can't be sure, but I imagine it being more about Riley's life in the afterlife-so they may get a mention, but the probably won't really be in it!

  73. Anonymous4:32 PM

    i was wondering when is Shadowland coming out. Because i can't wait I love The Immortal series. It is the best.

  74. Anonymous1:46 PM

    when are is shadowland going to come out

  75. Hey Anonymous-- SHADOWLAND will be in stores on 11.17.09!!!

  76. Anonymous3:34 PM

    The Longer the better in my opinion. I loved Evermore and Blue Moon was delightfully infuriating becase I just couldn't figure out how it was going to end. More Damen please! Can't wait for Shadowland!!!

  77. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I love your books! You are a very inspiring authour. I read both books in one sitting. Congrats on finishing Shadowland. Can't wait for the rest of the series. :)

  78. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Is the boo kcoming out Jan 5 2010
    or nov.17/09

  79. Hey Anonymous-- Thank you! SHADOWLAND will be in stores on 11.17.09--the release date was moved up!

  80. Anonymous12:34 PM

    wow i've never been so touched by a book before untill now when i read evermore and blue moon it hit a spot and stuck with me. i think why most girls love the series is because of their indying eternal love for eachothger, true and pure love and we can't seem to find that kind of love today and how them being immortal means they will be togeather all eternatiy. Thank you for giving me the chance ti have a way to ecscape from my world and into the world of Damen and Ever. you book is blissfully hooking and beautifuly romantic i've never been so touched before.


  81. Anonymous- You made my day--thank you so very much for taking the time to stop by and post that!

  82. Molly2:33 PM

    I cant believe we have to wait till january for Shadowland, thats a long time. Im telling all my friends who loved the twilight series to pick up ur book because we need to make this series the next big phenomenon. I honestly have to say that I am a die hard twilight fan but I think that this series is better. I hope that Shadowland isnt the last book in the series because i dont think anything can beat the romance between Ever and Damen. Blue Moon made me feel so many different emotions it was hard to put down. Keep up the amazing writing, I hope that someday my writing can compare to yours

  83. Hi Molly-

    Good news- SHADOWLAND will now be in stores on November 17, 2009!!! Also, there will be 6 books in the series, and I really hope you enjoy those too!

    Thanks so much for all the kind words and for spreading the word to your friends--that really means a lot to me!

    Hope you're enjoying the weekend!


  84. OMG Evermore was a delicious novel that had me craving for more long after i turned the final page. OMG have to start Blue moon now...

  85. OMG Evermore is a delicious novel that had me craving for more long after i turned the final page. Im excited to start Blue moon and then read shadowland. IM SO EXCITED!!! WOO-HOO!

  86. Hey MickeyMouse- Thanks so much! Hope you like BLUE MOON too!

  87. Hey Alyson(: Twilight was always my favorite series & i just wanted to let you know that i've been looking for a book to just catch my eye when i read the summary of the book & when i found your book i just HAD to buy it. after i read your book, i'm so speachless! i LOVE it! it's great. now i don't know which one i like more! I'm about ready to go out and buy your blue moon book! (:

  88. Hi Connie- Thank you so so much!! I hope you like the rest of the series too! Thanks for stopping by!

  89. Hi Alyson! I love your books. I can relate to Ever so easily. Evermore and Blue Moon are one of my two favorite series, no the other one is not Twilight. LOL. I can't wait for Shadowland to come out, when exactly will i be able to get it?

  90. Hey Firegirl-
    Thanks so much for the kind words, to answer your question, SHADOWLAND will be in stores 11.17.09!!

  91. TiffW4:05 PM

    OMG!!! Congrats Alyson on finishing Shadowland. I just finished Evermore and Blue Moon(which is now my fav. 2 books- they're even better then Meyer's series!!) and had to look up anything about Shadowland. I heard it's coming out in November... Is that right? I can't wait until it comes out!!! Your books and Shadowland have been on my mind since I finish the shocking end of Blue Moon. I'm pretty sure you've heard this before but YOU'RE SUCH AN AMAZING AUTHOR! I waz also wondering when Riley's series comes out? I can't wait!!! Keep writing and inspiring your readers(including me)!


  92. Hey TiffW- Wow, thanks so much! To answer your questions, SHADOWLAND will be in stores on 11.17.09, and the Riley series (which I'm about to start writing now!), will be out sometime in Fall 2010--no exact date yet!

    Thanks for all the kind words!!


  93. Barbara1:15 PM

    Wow! I just saw the cover for Shadowland and I loved it! I'm in love with the Immortals Series and I can't wait to get a copy of Shadowland. But I'm not sure when and where I can get it because I live in Austria (Europe)...

  94. Hey Barbara- Thanks so much! I think my UK publisher is the one who's releasing it in Australia, but I'm not sure when that will be . . .

  95. Anonymous12:54 PM

    omg these books are sooo good!!!!!!! id think i can wait for the last one any longer!!! i loe your other books too

  96. Thank you Anonymous--I really appreciate your kind words!

  97. cazysarah5:06 PM

    Dear Alyson,

    i got evermore over the summer and thought it was the best book ever untill i read blue moon. i would be up till 2:00 reading i just couldnt put it down.i was surprised when i figured i loved this series more then the twilight saga. i cant wait untill shadowland im so excited.i wish the series will never end i love it so much.thety should make evermore,bluemoon,and shadowland a movie. well u are deffently my fave. auther plzz keep on writing more books like the immortals serious.


  98. Aw, thank you Sarah! I really hope you like the rest of the series too!

  99. Anonymous11:55 AM

    i was wondering when Shadowland is gonna be published? you said on ur website that it is nov 17.. but here u say in jan of 2010. i'm so excited to read it!! my school's library just got the first two books and i read them both within 24 hours. can't wait!!!!


  100. Hey Anonymous- This is an old post, from April--since then the SHADOWLAND release date was moved up to 11.17.09!!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  101. D@n!3L7:52 AM

    i know this is an old post, and all,but CONGRATULATIONS!, lols, I have read Evermore and Blue moon, and i cannt wait for shadowland! =] , I love this series a lot, and i am a guy! haha I got some friends to read the book too! and they loved it!!!
    I cant wait til november!!! =]

    THank You for Writing This series!!! =]

  102. D@n!3L-- Oh, I just love that guys are reading it--thanks for spreading the word!

  103. Hi Alyson! Your one of my favorite authors! your books are just so wonderful and i LOVE how your one of the few authors who accually replys to the posts we write on your blog! [: also when are you coming to San Diego? i would love it if you came to tour here!
    thanks so much!

  104. Thanks so much, Sheila!!

    And, as a matter of fact, I'll be in San Diego on Monday! Well, it's Oceanside actually, but still close! The details are:

    Monday, October 26th
    Time 6:00 - 9:00 PM
    Book Discussion & Signing
    Barnes & Noble
    El Camino North Shopping Center
    2615 Vista Way, Oceanside, CA 92054
    (760) 529-0106

    Hope you can make it!


  105. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Just read Evermore and Blue Moon and loved both books. I'm a mom and I'm hooked on your books! It's a great series and I look forward to reading Ever and Damen get together. I'm dying to know what is going to happen to them in Shadowland!

  106. Aw, thanks so much Doris!! I love it that so many adults have discovered teen books--there are so many good ones these days!

  107. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Alyson, You are my inspiration you are a very talented author, and I thank you so very much for creating such a wonderful series! I cannot wait for Shadowland I'm sure it will be fantastic. I have litteraly read Evermore and Blue moon 8 times and I'm rereading it AGAIN. You are a spectacular author and I wish to be just like you one day, your type of writing is like no others it has everything a book should have. And its not like all those books that have the same begining and ending. So I just though I would share that with you(:


  108. sierra shae6:09 AM

    omyygoodness!!! all i have 2 sayy about the immortal series is "AMAZINGGGG" :) I love it sooooooo much!!!:D thats a little obvious though...:) keep doin your thing alyson your books r great!!!:)

  109. Afton- You have truly made my day! Thank you so very much for taking the time to stop by and leave such a nice post! I really hope you enjoy SHADOWLAND and the rest of the series too!

  110. Gosh, I must say these books are amazing and awfully addicting. I've read evermore, blue moon and cannot wait for shadowland. These books beat the twilight series by far. Keep writing Mrs. Noel.

  111. Thanks so much, Sierra!!!

    Thank you so much, Deanna- I really appreciate it!!

  112. Danielle1:38 AM

    This whole series has me hooked. I can't wait until the 17th. I'm really looking forward to seeing what's in store for them in your next book. You are an amazing author. Really excited for the Riley series, too.:]

  113. Thank you so much,Danielle!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the series as well!

  114. aYaH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3:49 PM

    OH MY GOD!!!! I love the immortal series!!!!!!!! you are an awesome writer! i couldnt put the books down and now shadowland is comiong out!!!! woohoo! I'm actualy writing a story myself i'm only on about the 50th page but i'm working on it. It is just really hard because i have to maintain a straight A's report card too. Any tips on writing my book? thanx! =]

  115. María Sol6:19 AM

    Hi Alyson!
    Im Sol from Argentina. Congratulations! You are a great writter! I cant wait to read Shadowland.
    I loved Evermore and Blue Moon. Very exciting!.
    I wish you all the lucky in the world! and sorry for my english,its bad.

  116. María Sol6:19 AM

    Hi Alyson!
    Im Sol from Argentina. Congratulations! You are a great writter! I cant wait to read Shadowland.
    I loved Evermore and Blue Moon. Very exciting!.
    I wish you all the lucky in the world! and sorry for my english,its bad.

  117. Hi aYaH- thanks for all the kind words and congrats on your story! My only advice is to let your schoolwork come first (but you already know that) and to let yourself get the story out, to not worry about every word or trying to be perfect. Just get the story down on the page, because you can always go back and change it later!

  118. Hi Maria- Wow, thanks so much for dropping by all the way from Argentina--I've always wanted to go there! I'm so glad you're enjoying the series and really hope you continue to!

  119. Julia7:24 AM

    I finished it! I read shadowland and finished at 6:17 last night! I loved it! thanx for writing awesome books alyson!

  120. Thank YOU Julia! I'm thrilled that you liked it!

  121. Maysen8:58 PM

    Omigoshh! Alyson! Youu are freakingg amazingg! I am practically obsessed withh The Immortals series! When I first bought Evermore, I was just infatuated! I couldd NOT stop readingg! As the same as when I got Blue Moon!! And I cannot wait to go to Target tomorrow and buy Shadowland! Youu are so talented, Alyson. Seriously. Unbelievably talented. I absolutely love youu! Haha. And so does my friendd, Ashton! He especially loves youu for puttingg Miles in there. :D I have reccomended youu to many of my friends, and so far theyy have all loved youur novels. Suchh as my friend, Diana. I lent her my copy of Evermore and she was addicted! She called me that night and told me she criedd. Lol. She then begged for Blue Moon. And that especially made her cry. (She seriously hates Roman now! Haha. So do I!) I wishh youu could come to other states for book signinggs! I mean, I'm in Tennessee! And I don't know the next time I am goingg to southern California! (Whichh, by the way, is an amazingg place! My favorites were Anaheim and Newport Beachh! (Go, Shake Shack! Haha.)) The Immortal Series seriously needs to be made into movies! That would be soo awesome! Youu could be bigger than J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, and Jodi Picoult all put together! Haha. I know this is longg, but I still have a bit more to say. I, myself, am writing a book. But, it will probably never be published :( I sometimes email publishers but they NEVER reply! Ughh. What shouldd I do?

    Well, alas, I must go! Youu musn't ever stop writingg, Alyson! Youu are truly gifted!


  122. Hi Maysen- Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to write such a nice post and for spreading the word about The Immortals series to your friends-- I really appreciate it! You know, I have a couple tours in the works for next year, and TN just might be one of the stops (my publisher chooses not me) fingers crossed . . .


  123. Maysen4:42 PM

    OMG! Seriously?! Ohh, I do hope so! It would mean the world to me, really! And thank youu so much for replyingg to my post!

    But, youu never answered my question. Lol. How do I get publishers to answer me? How did youu get them to answer youu?


  124. Oops, sorry Maysen!

    Okay, the thing is--you don't want to contact publishers directly, you need to get an agent first. It's a very specific process and the best thing you can do to start learning the ropes is to frequent agent blogs:
    You can google:
    Nathan Bransford
    Book Ends
    Pub Rants

    And also check out, and, if you can, join some professional writing organizations like or -depending on what you write, as well as join some online Yahoo writing loops as well-you can run a yahoo search to find the right ones for your genre.

    The truth about publishing is that it's extremely difficult and the competition is fierce, so the more you know going in, the better for you.

    I wish you all the best!


  125. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Hey im from Spain and i read Evermore yesterday, in one night, i really enjoied it im in love with Damen and with all the characters. But i don`t know when Blue Moon and Shadowlands are goning to be published in here in Spain, AND I CAN'Y WAAAIT!do you have an idea?

    P.D: pleaaase tell me that Ever and Damen still together until the end! i love them soo much

  126. Hi Anonymous- Thanks for stopping by all the way from Spain-- I LOVE it there! I'm so glad you enjoyed Eternidad, as its called there, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the series too! Though, since its a different publisher, I'm not sure what the release dates are yet-sorry! But thanks for all the kind words!

  127. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Thank you Alyson for answer my coment! if you don't know about the dates i will ask here in spain =D and i'm recommending it to my friends because i think that is an special book! and i want a tattoo with a red tulip! do you know if there will be a movie about the book or something like that?

  128. Hi Anonymous- Thanks so much for telling your friends--I really appreciate it! As for a movie, well, a producer optioned the rights so I'm hopeful that something will happen with that!

  129. lisaa7:52 PM

    my little sister recently asked me what i wanted for christmas....and i quickly anwsered SHADOWLAND! ive been waiting for this book and i didn#t realize it was out already till a couple of days ago..!but now i have to wait for christmas to read it :( i should have just bought it myself..but i cant wait too!

  130. Hi Lisaa-Aw, thanks so much--I'm so honored that you asked for it!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family--hope you enjoy it! :)

  131. i just finished blue moon and im dieing to read shadow land.. i went on and read the firt two chapters and it made me even more excited thank you for taking the time to write this series it really has changed my perspective on life. =) thanks again


  132. I love this series and i cant wait to read Shadowland my best friend and i just cant get egnough of it we love your books. Keep up the good work.
    - Rani-may

  133. Thank you, Rani-May!! I really appreciate it!

  134. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I just finished reading Shadowland and it was very good!!!!! I am very excited to read your next book!!!! I just have to wait a while which will be very hard to do!!!!

  135. Hi Anonymous- Yay! I'm so glad you liked it, and really hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!


  136. you guys r so lucky. i live in england n bluemoon dont come out till March. ive read evermore 16 times in just one month! that how addictive it is.
    Alyson i have writen a story online on scribd n i got a little inspiration from your book. it would be amazing if you could read it for me, i would love to know what u think. :D this is the web address
    thank you
    Love Fran x
    p.s. do u know when shadowland comes out in the UK?

  137. Hi Fran- Wow, thanks so much for your support--I really, really appreciate it!! I think it's so great that you've written a story, but unfortunately, I'm not allowed to read unpublished works so I can't go to that site. Still, I want to wish you all the best with it and any future ones that you write!

    As for DARK FLAME's release in the UK, well, I'm really not sure! It's a different publisher so the dates aren't the same as they are here, but I think it will be sometime later this year.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  138. Maysen.9:07 PM

    Heyy! It's me again. I just have one question. Youu know that shack where Damen and Ever went to in Evermore? The one where they had the date malt and the other shake? What is it called? Is that in Newport?

    Thankks so muchh! Love ya!


  139. Hi Maysen-

    Yep, the Shake Shack--you can see it here:

  140. riley bloom7:00 AM

    i am so happy alyson i am 9 and i love your books you are my inspiration this is my favorite series and i am so glad it comes out june 6th cuz then i can get it for my birthday i love your books ok so here is how it started ok i went to our public library and there on display was evermore i couldn't help but grab it literally i was hooked i read the back and i said this sounds awesome so i got evermore and i didn't read it but then someone put a hold on it and they made me take it back then for christmas this year i got evermore and blue moon. then i went to barnes and noble and found shadowland so we bought it and i was hooked to evermore i finished it at 1 in the morning and then started blue moon and i hated roman and i cried a few times i did not want damen to die and i finished it in 4 hours then i started shadowland a week later and i love it i am on chapter23 i can't wait till i finish poor charm i feel so bad for haven i am happy for miles florence italy my mom was born in italy.i also cant wait till riley's series comes out i am so happy acctually extremely overjoyed i never feel like that unless i read your series

  141. Thank you, Riley Bloom!

    I'm so glad you liked it, and I hope you like the rest of the series too--including Riley's new series beginning with RADIANCE on 08.31.10!

  142. Beatrix7:37 AM

    I absolutely LUV your books! they are soooo....ok i can't find a good enough word. sry it's not my fault they're so good. i read evermore and blue moon in 1 day and 1 night. they are so addictive. i took them everywhere with me till i finished them. even when i ate no one could get a word out of me coz i would only tell them SHHHHH IM READIN! lol pls whatever you do dont stop writing the series! NEVER EVER stop writing cos you r d best author EVER!btw when get shadowland i will buy it on express coz d stores in Malta dont have shadowland unfortunately.

  143. Hi Beatrix-
    Wow, thank you so much for all the kind words!! I hope when you do get your hands on Shadowland you enjoy it too!

  144. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Hey Alison, Ive never done anything like this before so i dont know if this is right but I wanted to tell you how amazing your books are. My best friend borrowed them and she loves them too. Ive always wanted to be a writer and your books inspire me to start writing. Thankyou and I just want to say again how great your books are. Wow!
    I live in the UK and I wondered when Shadowland will be available here.

  145. Hi Anonymous- Thank you so much for all the kind words, and I really appreciate it, and I wish you all the best on your writing!!

    To answer your question, Shadowland will be in the UK in July!

    You should check out the UK Bebo page to keep up on all the info and watch the TV ads, and stuff, here:

    Thanks so much for stopping by!



  146. Hey Alyson,
    Thanks so much for writing Evermore and Blue Moon! They are the best books I have read since I dunno, The Twilight Saga - or maybe the House of Night. Not that I don't like them, but it's nice to see something that doesn't include all this vampire blah blah.
    Could you give me some tips on writing. I want to be an author someday, but every draft I write seems much too short =- not fair! And what font should I use?...

    Thanks x

  147. Hi Poppy- Thanks so much, I'm so glad you're enjoying the books! As for tips, well, I use a 12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced. Don't worry about your book being "too short" just use as many words as it takes to tell your story. Teen books can fall anywhere from 40,000 to 100,000 words and up, but the average is somewhere around 65,000 --The Immortals books are around 85-90,000. If you still feel your book is too short, maybe there are parts you can beef up--either with tension, or description, or more obstacles? It's always a good idea to set your story down for a few weeks after you finish--when you revisit later, you'll be amazed at what a new read with fresh eyes will reveal!

    All the best!

  148. Paige2:36 PM

    OMG! i was eagerly recommended to read this by my cousin and so i bought evermore and just couldnt put it down and read it in one day... i have just finished reading blue moon and that was just mind-blowing!!!.. your series are better than twilight and i am a true twilight fan... i was wondering though if you have the release date for shadowland in the UK?? thanks ... keep writing :) your an amazing author!!!
    Paige :D

  149. Thank you so much, Paige!! And thanks to your cousin for recommending it!

    As for Shadowland, if I'm not mistaken, it'll be released in the UK in July!

    Hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!


  150. Ashley7:48 AM

    Your books are amazing :) im 17 years old and i hate reading. but these are the best books ever. My mom 1st got me evermore for a independant reading book. I started reading it and got so hooked i couldnt wait to get the next book. I am now on Shadowland :) i love it! thank you so much! keep writing! :)

  151. Ahsley- you made my day--truly!! Thank you so much for taking the time to write that, and thank your mom from me for giving you the book! :)

  152. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I love ur books! i think since haven is an immortal now she should know everything!

  153. Thanks Anonymous! Haven will have an interesting journey . . .

  154. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Aneesah - I really love the immortal series but I need to know when the UK release date is... Do u know??

  155. Anonymous- Well, Shadolwand just came out in the UK on Friday, DARK FLAME will follow in a few months, though I don't know the exact date just yet. Hope that helps!

  156. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I am only 13 and i've been fixated on books likee this but never really could fuind any, i got the first two xxx Finished the first one and was straight into the second one and was finished in the same day xxx The book is brilliant i love it soo much and i am out looking for the next book in the immortal series Shadowland xx You inspire me in so many ways and i can't put your books down lovve them, they are great books and i just want to say cngartulations on all your sucsess with the books they're brilliant and don't let anyone tell you the're nawt !!

  157. Hi Anonymous - Thank you so much for the kind words--much appreciated! I hope you continue to enjoy the books!
