Sunday, April 05, 2009

Mr. Blue Skies

It is the most glorious spring day here in Laguna Beach, but I'm inside writing.

Remember yesterday when I blogged that I typed "The End?"

Well, it should've read "The End For Now" since revisions are in order.

But even though it may sound crazy, revising is actually my favorite part, so I'm ready to dig in.

But, as for YOU just wanted to make sure you head over to the Teen Fiction Cafe and leave a comment on the BLUE MOON giveaway for your chance to win one of two signed copies (in July when it's released). You can do so by clicking HERE before midnight tonight, CA time. Winners will be announced sometime tomorrow . . .

And, speaking of free books, be sure to head over to Free Book Friday, both Teens and Adults versions and see what awesome titles they're giving away this week.

That's all for now-Happy Sunday Everyone!



  1. I have weather envy. What a gorgeous view! I've spent the past few hours editing/revising the first five chapters of my story and I have a headache--or it could be from the snow storm that's supposed to drop six inches on us tonight! I hope you have a chance to go outside and enjoy your beautiful weather. Soak up some rays for me, please!

  2. Hey, its an awesome day in Florida too. Sunshine all day. It was really hot though. U know the book giveaway, How many times are we allowed to enter? i really wanna win this contest. Have fun with revising!

  3. Revisions are your favorite part? Seriously? I wish I liked them better. What do you enjoy about them? Maybe I can try to get into that sort of mindset when revising. Instead, they often feel tedious, and I usually end up hating my book...

  4. NiGeLa- Snow storm? Six inches? Aw, now I feel guilty! I will def get outside and soak up some sun for you!!

    LoveHateLive- Aw, yes nothing like the Florida sun--and your water is sooo much warmer too! As for the contest-- only once! No stuffing the ballot box! :-)

    Caryn- yeah, weird huh? I really love that part. I revise all the way through, starting each day rereading and revising what I wrote the day before- before I write new stuff--and then as I near the middle- I usually go back and reread it all the way through revising again--then I do the same as I near the end-- so by the time I really do reach the end I don't have near as much work to do. I know most writers hate this method, and I can see why, it's really tedious, and you do run the risk of hating your work (!) but I really like all the polishing and rearranging--very geeky, I know!

  5. Well I hope I look as good as you when I reach 104... but as my doctor doesn't reckon I'll live out the decade I doubt I'll ever know.

    Best wishes, Shane

  6. well then good thing i only commented once. and yes the water is definitely warmer. it gets too hot sometimes though.

  7. LoveHateLive- coming from CA, water that is "too warm" sounds heavenly!

  8. Shane- best wishes to you too!

    PS- He's a doctor, not a psychic, right?

    Hang in there.

  9. Gorgeous!

    I'm with you on revising.. I love going back and reworking the story until it's just right. Have fun! :)

  10. I love revising, too!

    Gorgeous, gorgeous day. You show much restraint, staying inside....

  11. Hey Amy- Motivated by the deadline--not so much restraint!! :-D
