Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Orange Coast Magazine Interview is out!!

So awhile back I blogged about this awesome photo shoot I did for an upcoming interview in my local glossy, Orange Coast magazine--and it's finally out!!

Amazing photographer, Jen Rosenstein and I holed up in the Laguna Beach High School Girl's Locker room for hours--and when the freshman girl's soccer team came in, we decided to include them, and this is the shot they chose!!

I don't know about you, but I LOVE it!! It's perfect! Which, trust me, has way more to do with Jen's amazing abilities than anything I contributed!!

If you don't get Orange Coast and want to read the interview just click HERE.

Also, if you're heading out to CondorCon today, be sure and stop by the Dealers Room at noon, I'll be signing copies of EVERMORE and would love to meet you!  I'm also taking part in a couple panels, one on: When Does Genre Fiction Become Literature? (I'm hoping I'll learn the answer to that since I've no idea!), and: Writing YA Fantasy, at 3:00 and 4:00 respectively, both in the Balboa room.

For more info on CondorCon click HERE.

But whatever you do this weekend-- be sure to have fun!!



  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I love the photo! Having the girls in there is a great touch, and they look so involved in what they're reading.

  2. That's one of the coolest photos, A! Awesome. :)

  3. Thanks, Caryn! Those girls were the best!

    Hey Jessica-- thanks so much!!

  4. Anonymous7:44 PM

    How exciting!!! Love the photo and the article. Oh, and I went to Borders today to buy another copy of Evermore and the checkout guy said "Oh my god! Have you read this? I LOVE it so much, my younger sister and I have all of her books!" It was so cute, and he was even more excited when I mentioned I knew you. He wanted me to tell you that him and his sister LOVE your books especially Evermore. Naturally of course I didn't get his name. But If you ever go to the Borders in YL don't be surprised if a tall guy with glasses and black gelled hair comes running up to you all giddy!

  5. Lamia- Seriously??? Me thinks a trip to YL is in order . . .
