Friday, February 27, 2009


Well since it just went up on Amazon I figured I may as well post it here!  This is the cover for BLUE MOON, book two in the IMMORTALS series, in stores on 08.04.09!! 

Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. It's beautiful! I can't wait to read it. August seems so far away.

  2. The book cover is fantastic! I can't wait to read it! I bet its a wonderful book it sure looks like it. Your a wonderful writer:) My best to you Alyson.

  3. Ooooh, pretty!! :) Love it, Alyson.

  4. Thanks Sarah, Trish, and Jessica-- but I can't take any of the credit, the St. Martin's art department does a great job!

  5. it is so beautiful! I love it

  6. It's so pretty! :3 They did an awesome job!

    Oh yeah, I received the bookmarks the other day. Thank you so much! :D Btw, who made them? Just wondering because it would be so cool if promo / advertising postcards were made for the books too. (I had to mention that because I'm so addicted to postcards. XD)

  7. Alyson - it's gorgeous! I was wondering how they would manage to live up to Evermore's cover but they totally did it!!!!!!

  8. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Holy crap, that's gorgeous! Any chance you'll have advanced copies for RWA Nationals? ;)

  9. Thanks so much, Erika! I love it too!

  10. Hey Alexandra- Oh good, I'm so glad you've received them! I order them from Su at Earthly Charms - they do an amazing job!!

    Hadn't though of doing bookmarks, hmmm, maybe I'll check into that!

  11. Waving to Alexandra again-- Um, I meant "postcards" not "bookmarks" but you knew that, right??!!

  12. Aw, Amanda, you are too kind!!


  13. Thanks, Pam!!

    I'm sorry to say but I won't be at National's this year-bummer, huh??

  14. WOW! it is stunning! congrats!!!

  15. So pretty! And I had the mother of a fourteen year old tell me how much her daughter loved Evermore--and how frustrated she is that she has to wait for the next one! :D

  16. Thanks, Cindy!!

    And Trish- really??? I think you just made my day!

  17. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Excuse me while I pick my jaw off the floor.

    That is hands down one of the most attractive covers I've ever seen.

    Lucky you, the art department at St. Martin's has great taste, have you seen the cover of the next House of Night book? to die for.

    Best wishes.


  18. Ahhh!!! I love it so much I want to cry! Is that Summerland in the crystal ball?

  19. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Hi, I'm Kendall. I just read EVERMORE. Your book was totally awesome. I can't wait till August, it was that awesome. Please release it sooner. Oh please please. I dont think I can wait that long. You are very talented Miss.Noel.

  20. Hey JT-- Agreed. House of Night has amazing covers--the St. Martin's art department rocks!!

    Jessica- what a good eye you have, why yes, that is Summerland in the crystal ball!

    Thanks, Keri!

  21. Hey there Kendall--

    I'm sooo glad you liked EVERMORE and I really hope you like BLUE MOON too! As far as releasing it sooner, it's totally out of my hands, my publisher is in charge of that.

    Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend-


  22. So far away Alyson! How will I wait??

  23. Hey ReaderGirl- haha!! It'll be here before you know it!

  24. Anonymous6:27 PM


  25. The cover looks really good! And blue is my favourite colour as well!=P
    I need to read Evermore soon! I read the first chapter in your site and it left me wanting more :P.
    Thanks for writing good books! =)

  26. Hey BlackSunshine- Thank you for taking the time to stop by!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  27. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I love the cover! I'm so excited for the book to come out. I really loved Evermore. I thought it was just going to be a copy of Twilight but it was so so so much more than that. I read the book in less than a day and I'm really mad your next book doesn't come out until August. I think I'm addicted... You are an amazing writer!

    Oh, and I love all the characters in the book! Wonderful job!

  28. Chelsea--thank you so very much for taking the time to write that-it really means a lot to me!

  29. Anonymous1:49 PM

    As a regular reader for many different novels, including some of your previous works, Evermore was OUTSTANDING, it was just so addictive! I absolutely loved Evermore and am truly excited for Blue Moon to come out!

    My Best Luck to You,

  30. Carleigh- I can't thank you enough for taking the time to write that!!

    I'm so glad you liked EVERMORE and I really hope you like BLUE MOON too!!

  31. I'm soooo excited for this.
    i read Evermore in two days and im sad i cant keep reading.. I'm probably gonna end up reading it again:)
    aha, great work once again.

  32. Thanks so much BellaLovesEdward!!

  33. its pretty, me likes!!

  34. Thanks, Sam! I like it too!

  35. Love,It!!
    But Don't You Think The Name Is Over The Top,Like The Second Book To Twilight Series is NEW moon..And Now The Second Book To The Immortals Is BLUE moon...
    So Not Original..Don't Get Me Wrong Evermore Is Totally Awesome But Don't You Think Alyson Is Biting Off Of Stephanie Meyer A Bit Too Much..


  36. Hi Trinity-

    Glad you love the cover--thanks so much!

    As to your response to my title, BLUE MOON, is in no way mean to "bite off of Stephenie Meyer" but the BLUE MOON in my case, actually features quite prominently as a precipitator to a major event in the book, heralding a major decision that Ever must make and is therefore entirely relevant, not at all random, and chosen only for that reason.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Alyson Noel

  37. Anonymous5:55 PM

    love it, cant wait to read it!!!

  38. I finished reading evermore today. I couldn’t stop reading it. It kept me intrigued to know what he was. I love the way he loves her. I look forward to Blue Moon. I hope the book is turned into a movie.

  39. Thanks so much Mina! It might become a TV series--my fingers are crossed that it does!

  40. Nikkie97956:24 PM

    omg Agust!!! thts so far away! I love EVERMORE! I can't wait to read BLUE MOON!

    I love the cover. It's rly amazing and the Summerland in the crystal ball is even awsome-er.

    Really! This might become a T.V. show! I would so watch it!

    And, just to let u no, younge readers are into it too! I, Myself, am only 13 and me nd my friends absolutly love this book, Even though i'm the only one who finished it!

    To tell you the truth, I loved twilight but in my oppinion, I think EVERMORE is better because Damen has tht whole bad-boy secretive thing nd u dont find out his 'secret' till like right at the end. I loved your book so much!

    Can't wait for BLUE MOON!!!

  41. Winnie6:55 AM

    I loved Evermore!
    I really can't wait until
    this book comes out in August
    although that sounds like a
    really long wait.

  42. Hey Winnie- Good news-- BLUE MOON is coming out one month earlier, so look for it on July 7th instead of August as originally planned!!

    So glad you liked EVERMORE--thanks for stopping by!

  43. Hey Nikkie-

    Aw, thanks so much-- I'm so glad you like EVERMORE, and just so you know, BLUE MOON is coming out one month early now-- on July 7 instead of August!!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!

  44. Superpower4:54 PM

    Hey Alyson Noel. I found Evermore in Coles bookstore in Orangeville Ontario. I am not very far through it but i love it!!! I cant wait till July/ August to read the next one and my sister is coming back from her Student Exchange at Germany. She has been changed into a reading machine so i am going to get her into your books. I am wanting to be a part time author when i grow up and i am already starting to write my second book but i never finished my first book. Love your books!!;}

  45. Hey Superpower-
    Aw, thanks so much! I really hope your sister likes it too!

    All the best on your writing!!


  46. Anonymous3:05 AM

    hiya x i was just wondering if blue moon is going to be released in England/UK? sorry if thats a silly question, but i brought evermore while on holliday in America.
    oh by the way LOVED evermore and cant wat to read blue moon < cover is amazing

  47. Anonymous3:18 AM

    hiya x me again i forgot to say 1 thing. I heard the stories about the series becoming a TV show and once again wanted to know if that would air in England/Uk?
    And again LOVE evermore and the cover is truly awsome
    - hannah x

  48. Hey Hannah-

    Yes! The UK rights have been sold, and while I don't know the release date yet-- it will be sold in England!

    As for the TV show . . . I don't have any of the details yet, though I promise to announce them as I get them!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  49. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Alyson you are the BEST EVER! Evermore is one of my favorite books of all time and it has such an AMAZING story to it! I LOVE the cover for Blue Moon! It's beautiful! I don't think i can wait for august! You are my favorite author! YOU'RE THE BEST! My inspiration!!

  50. Kayla-

    You are too sweet! Thanks so much for taking the time to write such a nice post--hope you like BLUE MOON!


  51. Anonymous6:11 AM

    jeeez! i`m addicted to EVERMORE. i can`t wait to have a copy of blue moon!

  52. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Most amazing covers! I looked at the cover of EVERMORE and knew I had to read it. xD
    I love EVERMORE it was like the best book I've read in so long. It's driving me crazy to read BLUE MOON!

  53. Thanks so much, anonymous!!

  54. Alexa G.5:22 PM

    wow, its awesome!!!!!!!!!
    i absolutely fell in love with Evermore, the story line was genious! your very creative! i cant wait for Blue Moon to come out, August seems to far away!

  55. Hey Alexa- BLUE MOON will be out on July 7th now instead of August!!

    So glad you liked EVERMORE!

  56. Omg i cant wait to the next one comes out. it looks so good. You rock alyson i read evermore so many times !!

  57. Abi - you are too sweet!! Thanks!

  58. The cover of Blue Moon is AMAZING! My best friend Arely and I just can't wait for it to come out. Evermore is so enticing, so I am so excited for Blue Moon to come out!

  59. Thanks so much, Hollywood17--I really hope you and your friend like it!

  60. I can't wait to read Blue Moon Alyson!! My friend Holly let me read Evermore and now I'm hooked. I love the book and I'm sure I'll love Blue Moon too!!!

  61. Hey Arely-

    Thank you so much! And please thank your friend Holly from me too!

  62. John Bielic7:59 PM

    Hah i almost love it more than the cover of Evermore!, Hope the story is as amazing as the cover :D.

  63. Salisa1:09 PM


    I love the cover, and I'm the BIGGEST fan of Evermore, more than Twilight.

    I can't wait to read it.
    I've just read the excerpt and its awesome, I really hope she chooses Damen though.

    I love the book trailer and I wish it soon becomes a movie! I heart Damen, especially in the trailer!!
    I just wanted to ask if Evermore is sold in the U.K. because I can't find it in the major stores, like Waterstones or WHSmith.

    Also is Blue Moon coming out on the 8th of April (meaning that it is out) or the 4th of August?

    Finally will there be more books to the series, I hope so?!!!

    Good Luck, I know Blue Moon will be great, and keep writing

    Your Biggest Fan =P


  64. hi alyson its autumn again... i cant wait tell your book comes out blue moon i love them!!! anyways i was just wondering if you got the names if the other 3 books in the immortal series im just curious to know... i know i asked you this already but i could find ur reply well anyways wish you luck on the other 3
    books i love them

  65. Anonymous2:51 PM

    hi alyson! I really thought evermore was amazing! I was wondering if blue moon will come out in the middleast?

  66. Anonymous2:52 PM

    hi alyson! I really thought evermore was amazing! I was wondering if blue moon will come out in the middleast?

  67. marley5:18 PM

    hmm, Blue Moon is almost out. i can't wait. though i'm not one to freak out about a cover, i am one to flip out over books. i read Evermore in an afternoon, loaned it by an absolutely hysterical friend/classmate. and then read it again. i love the immortals series and can't wait for blue moon. i really think that evermore should be the new craze rather than twilight, which i don't exactly approve of. umm. luck writing. my sister really likes your other books too, though she has yet to read evermore.

  68. Hey Marley-

    Thanks so much--to you and your friend!

    I hope you like BLUE MOON and the rest of the books in the series as well!

    Thanks for stopping by-


  69. xForeverxSacredx2:34 PM

    Love tha cover! After I read Evermore, I seriously couldn't stop thinking about it! You are such an incredible author! I CAN'T WAIT fer Blue Moon! And I think this should be made into a movie or TV series! [[If it is made into a TV series or movie, Taylor Lautner should play Damen!]]


  70. Thanks so much everyone--for all your kind words!!!
    I really hope you like BLUE MOON and the rest of the books in the series too!

  71. Hey Alyson, I have a question:
    When exactly is Blue Moon coming out? I'm sure someone's told me, I just can't remember. Thanks!

  72. Woops! Never mind, I found out at the top of this page... he he. Sorry for the confusion!

  73. Hi Alyson! I just wanted to let you know that I think this cover is amazing! It makes me want to read the book even more than I already do! You are such a great writer and I am looking forward to reading more of your books!

    I do have a couple questions for you though...
    -Do people ever compare your books to the TWILIGHT series? And if so, how do you feel about that?

  74. Hey Maycie-

    Thanks so much, I hope you like the book too!

    To answer your question- yes, I get that all the time. But I'm not the only one, TWILIGHT is such a huge phenomenon it makes every book that follows seem far more derivative than they are. The handsome, sophisticated vampire/immortal was first brought to light in 1897 when Bram Stoker wrote Dracula, and then revived again in the 1970's when Anne Rice wrote her amazing vampire books - so obviously, these kinds of stories have been told for a very long time and will continue to be.
    But to be honest, other than both books containing love stories (which the majority of books sold in the marketplace have), I really don't get it. My books involve near death experiences, chakras, ghosts, mediums, auras, elixirs, alchemy, mystical dimensions, time travel, psychics, telekinesis, etc. and to my knowledge, her books don't.

    Hope that answers your question-thanks for stopping by!


  75. I was so happy once the book came out! GREAT COVER! The book is great! Alyson Noel really is a great author! The only thing I wasn't too happy about is the way the book ends!!!!!!!! I MEAN COME ON! NOW I HAVE UNTIL FEBRUARY!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. And also. This series is one of my favorites! Close to twilight. And I can compare this to twilight with the whole love story and immortal thing. My friends thought it was a copy of twilight until they read it. BOTH R A GREAT BOOK!

  77. Thanks so much VV--I hope you like the rest of the books in the series too!

  78. Melissa.9:12 PM

    I have been scouring my city for a week looking for this books and still have not found it. I cannot wait to find it, I am sure that it will be just as incredible as Evermore! xoxo.

  79. Hey Melissa- Oh no! I've heard that it's sold out in a few places, but sometimes if you ask them to order it they will (without charging you extra) and then they'll call you when it comes in!

    Hope you find it soon--and hope you like it when you do!

  80. You are an amazing author! My friend lent me Evermore and i couldn't put it down! It has definatly been moved up to my number one favorite book! I am so excited for Blue Moon! Can't wait!

  81. Thanks so much, Sarah! And thank your friend for me too!

  82. OMG! i loved evermore! i picked it up at random bc i thought the cover was pretty(kinda sad "don't judkge a book by it's cover but i totally do...that's what attraced me to twilight) but anyway. it was amazing! i stayed up all night to finish it and it has been torture wating for blue moon

    but i do have a question...the publishing date says the 4th of august... but i keep reading that it's already out...and you can order it on amazon...why's this?

  83. Hey rhi-

    Thanks so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed EVERMORE! And I buy books for their covers sometimes too--that's how I found Melissa Marr's WICKED LOVELY--the cover is gorgeous and the book is fabulous!

    As for the early release date- yeah, BLUE MOON was released a month early on July 7th instead of August as originally planned. And just so you know ahead of time, SHADOWLAND will also be released a month early on Jan 5, 2010, instead of February!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  84. Anonymous12:01 AM

    I loved evermore, when i first started reading it i couldn't stop, i've read every sneak peek to blue and im so excited, exactly 6 days until it comes out, i know it will go by slow for me

  85. Hey Anonymous-

    Good news--BLUE MOON is out! It came out early and is now in bookstores everywhere--as well as Target, Walm-Mart, & Costco!

    Hope you like it!

  86. Hey Anonymous-

    Good news--BLUE MOON is out! It came out early and is now in bookstores everywhere--as well as Target, Walm-Mart, & Costco!

    Hope you like it!

  87. omg! that's sooo awesome about the books being released early! i have to go to richmond and buy them now! lol! i saw wicked lovely and almost bought it but i didn't know if it would be any good so i put it back but i geuss i'll read it now.

  88. Jess S4:20 PM

    Great cover!
    I just discovered Evermore on the weekend. Of course I've already finished it! Are the books available in Australia at all? I don't think I could wait for postage and delivery from US. =(

  89. Hey Jess- Thanks so much, and yes, the books will be available in Australia for sure, I just don't know the dates yet!

  90. ok i have a question about blue moon. what is a Rogue Immortal? Are they Immortals that went bad? I'm in the middle of blue moon and i'm going crazy! lol! can't wait till shadow lands!

  91. Hey rhi- Yup, that's exactly what they are!

  92. Addicted1011:54 PM

    Wow. I just finished blue moon yesterday, it is soooo additcting because i couldn't keep my eyes off the book! i even spent the whole day reading! i can't wait until shadowland comes out! will there be a fourth book??

  93. Hey Addicted--Thanks so much, I'm thrilled you enjoyed it, and yes, there will be 6 books in the series! SHADOWLAND, the third book, will be out in Fall 2010, and three more will follow in 2010/11!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  94. jc040511:59 AM

    I just read Blue Moon and the book was great! One problem, several times in the book, pages of Blue Moon are missing and pages from another book are there instead, has anyone else had this problem...the other book is something like "things to do when I'm not running" I think...

  95. Hey Jco405-- Please send me an e-mail to:

    Regarding this matter!



  96. Anonymous12:36 PM

    hi,my name's moriah and i'm 11,and i loved this book sooooo much!!! i finished it in just 2 days, and the book is incredibally wonderful! well i have only read part one.evermore!but it was awesome and my mom said she will buy me bluemoon! OMG! I CAN'T WAIT! oh and i hope a part 3 comes out.and i really would like to see more of the immortal books,by alyson noel! you are a great writer! and i have a good feeling about book 2.and when i was about to finish evermore i was thinking,what will i do when its over?what happenes i looke in the back of the book and saw that there's a book 2! and i would have to say my favorite part was........hmmmm......i guess i would have to say-mmmmmmm............well evrything.
    well keep on rockin'
    your fan,moriah!

  97. Hi Moriah- Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked EVERMORE and really hope you will like the rest of the books in the series too because there will be 6 of them, and the third one, SHADOWLAND, will be in stores on November 24, 2009 (they moved it up a couple months!)!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  98. Anonymous2:57 PM

    im reading evermore! its amazing.
    but does blue moon like a second book about ever bloom?
    is she in blue moon?

  99. Hey Anonymous- Thank you--I'm so glad you're enjoying EVERMORE! To answer your question, yes, BLUE MOON is also about Ever & Damen, as is SHADOWLAND (in stores on 11.17.09) and the rest of the books in the series (there will be 6!). Thanks for stopping by!

  100. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Alyson, i simply have on thing to say.. Your books are fantastic. i read Evermore in about 3 days. i was really hooked. i also just pre-ordered my own copy of Blue Moon. i can't wait.

  101. Thanks so much for the kind words and the pre-order , Anonymous!! It is very much appreciated!

  102. Anonymous10:01 AM

    im love these books i find evermore and blue moon soo additive,i have read them both more than one time,alyson you are one of my favorite authors,you are a wonderful writer!!

    your fan,

  103. Emily- Thank you. Really, you made my day!!


  104. Jess0125959:30 AM

    I live in England and I recently brought Evermore. I read it in one day and loved it so much! I can't wiat for Blue Moon. I was just wondering when it would be released in the UK? Or has it already been released? I cannot wait to read it!

  105. Hi Jess- Thanks so much for stopping by--all the way from England!! I'm so glad you liked EVERMORE and hope you like the rest of the series as well! And to answer your question, BLUE MOON will be released in the UK in March 2010-

  106. Jess01259510:07 AM

    Thank you, Alyson! And I love the cover. Its gorgeous! I can't wait to read it!

  107. Anonymous12:43 PM

    When does it come out in the UK? it looks great :)

  108. Hi Anonymous-- I think it'll be out in the UK in March!

  109. Anonymous9:53 AM

    hi ummmmm this might sound stupid u when you said arch did you mean march 2010

  110. hi love the book evermore i can't wait to read blue moon when it comes out in the uk! i love your work and i can't wait to read more :D

  111. Aw, thanks so much Rachael! I think BLUE MOON comes out in March in the UK?! Thanks for stopping by!

  112. This is the book i like the most!!! :D the cover got my attention!!! It's an awesome book and cover!!!

  113. Thanks so much, Ryan! I agree that the art department did a great job!

  114. Anonymous10:26 PM

    hi there alyson, im lauren from down under in sydney i gotta say, i have read evermore and blue moon in 2 days! i love both of them but very upset with the ending of blue moon i hope this has a peachy ending because there is nothing worse then hard arch im a 24 years old a single mum and i gotta say when i go bed at night i even dream it.. sad i know but they defently make an impact! the question i have is how to come up with such a beautiful story and the imagination involved is beyond myself! i would love to learn to write but i would worrt that my story would come of similar to someone else's!! anyways thankyou for writing the stories and i cnt wait for the rest of the collection to be released! making every girl wish they lived in such a fairy tale world
    reguards Lauren.

  115. Anonymous11:44 AM

    i love evemore and cant wait to read blue mooon and shadowland i have ultimately gone on a crazed adventure trying to buy each one hehe its like my fascination with harry potter and twilight all over again i love evermore soo much i think your an AMAZING writer! i was just wondering if you knew when dark flame is coming out

  116. Hi Anonymous- the Dark Flame release date is still under consideration, but I will announce it as soon as I get it!

  117. Hi Lauren from Sydney- Wow, thank you so much for writing such a beautiful comment, I really appreciate your kind words! You know, you should def write if you want to--the truth about story telling is there are no new stories, just new ways of telling them--and it's your personal voice and experiences and way of seeing the world that'll make yours different from everyone elses!
