Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weekend Update!

Hey all you teen readers, just wanted to let you know that today is the last day to vote for YALSA's Teen's Top Ten Award. Did I mention SAVING ZOE was nomintated? I did? Okay, well anyway, if you want to vote before the polls close, click HERE.

And speaking of teen readers, this week Jessica Brody is featuring author Jenny O'Connell on Free Book Friday! Jenny's written ten teen tomes in the last five years and she's giving away a signed copy of her latest novel, RICH BOYS! To listen to the podcast interview and sign up to win, go HERE.

And finally, I wanted to give a shout out to the awesome librarians, teachers, and students at Arnold Beckman High School! I had an awesome time speaking with all of them--they couldn't have been nicer!

Well that's it for now--have a fun weekend everyone!


  1. Woo hoo! I can't wait to tonight's real Weekend Update. ;)

  2. I know, Tina Fey's been on fire lately! And Amy Poehler is Hi-larious!

  3. I agree. So, what did you think of SNL?

  4. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are amazing! I fast forwarded through the rest!
