Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Heavy Metal

What does sushi have to do with public humiliation? And why did I title this blog post HEAVY METAL?

For answers to those burning questions and more, come on over to the Teen Fiction Cafe by clicking HERE. We're talking about embarrassing moments this week and would love for YOU to join us!

Also, yesterday was an amazing day as I learned that the foreign rights to my upcoming books EVERMORE and BLUE MOON sold to Goldmann (a division of Random House!) in Germany --at auction!!!!!

Also, EVERMORE sold Spanish and Catalan rights to Mondadori!!

And I'm planning an exciting new website makeover to introduce the new series, the unveiling will take place sometime in Dec/Jan!

Speaking of EVERMORE . . .for your chance to win an Advanced Reading Copy stop by Kelly Parra's Secret Fates Blog Extravaganza look for my post and leave a message. Kelly's giving away a lot of great prizes so be sure to check them all out! All you have to do is click HERE.

Oh, and, it's not to late to vote for YALSA's Teen's Top Ten Award (SAVING ZOE is nominated!) just click HERE!

And don't miss the interview with Stacy DeKeyser on the previous post- her new book is amazing!!

That's it for now-- I'm off to Beckman High School in Irvine to talk to some students!

Be well!



  1. Thank you so much for stopping by at Beckman today and answering all my questions! I truly enjoyed your visit! :D

  2. Anonymous5:29 PM

    It's been busy for you lately!

  3. Hey Kanwal- Thank YOU! I had an awesome time talking to everyone! If you have more questions, feel free to e-mail me at alyson @ alysonnoel dot com

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Hey Amy- it's been crazy busy-- but in a good way!

  5. Hey Amy- it's been crazy busy-- but in a good way!

  6. I heard about this!! Amazing deal, Alyson! Wow.. Couldn't happen to a nicer author!! Sending bunches and bunches of high fives. :)

  7. Hey Keri- Thanks so much! I'm still celebrating!

  8. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Congrats on the EVERMORE sales and buzz-can't wait to read it!

  9. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Wow! So much good news. Congratulations. :-)

    (Sorry. Been crazy here and I'm a little behind in the blogosphere...)
