Friday, July 25, 2008

R. I. P.

Randy Pausch died today.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Randy was the Carnegie Mellon University computer scientist whose "last lecture" about facing terminal pancreatic cancer became an Internet sensation and a best-selling book. He was 47.

The same age as my brother-in-law (my husband's twin), when he died of that horrible disease a few years back. And, like Randy, my brother-in-law lived large, was always ready for fun, and still managed to make a difference both in his community (he had a building named after him), and with anyone lucky enough to know him. Leaving a legacy in lots of good memories and two wonderful kids that I'm just crazy about.

If you haven't read Randy's book (it's on the NYT bestseller list), or watched his lecture on YouTube-- I urge you to do so.

And though there are so many noteworthy things that he said-- I'll leave you with this:

"We don't beat the reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully."

Have a wonderful weekend everyone--- and don't forget to Live Full!


  1. What a nice tribute, Alyson. I'm so sorry to hear that your brother in law lost his battle with PC. A close uncle of mine died of this horrendous disease less then a year ago. Cancer sucks.

  2. Keri- Yup, cancer really does suck. And I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle.

  3. Hi Alyson:
    We used the Last Lecture for a spiritual study guide at my church. Our little group came to feel like we knew him. I wept when I heard, really did. But I know millions of people are sending up prayers of support for his spirit and his family.

    Live a vibrant life. Words to live by . . . .

  4. Erica- It's staggering to think how many millions of people he managed to touch in such a profound way--including me . . .

    Thanks for stopping by-
