Monday, March 03, 2008


For me, one of the best parts about working on a new book are the things I get to do under the guise of "research." And working on my new paranormal series, MY IMMORTAL (please note, title may change!), which I handed in today (yippee!), gave me the perfect excuse to delve into all sorts of interesting research type activities

Things like:

Spending the day at Santa Anita Race Track betting on the ponies while enjoying lunch at the Front Runner restaurant-- just like the characters in my book.

Undergoing a past life regression with the the best selling author of MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS, the amazing Brian L. Weiss, M.D.-- a fascinating experience!

Slurping down a date malt (trust me, it's waaayyyy better than it sounds!) with gobs of whipped cream and a cherry on top at the beloved Crystal Cove haunt, the Shake Shack.

And taking a psychic/mediumship development class with the kind, compassionate, and very funny-- James Van Praagh.

And now I'm trying to drum up more "research" for book #2. . .

What about you, what sort of "research" do you engage in to assist your writing? Or, what's your dream research assignment?


  1. Hmmm.. Most of my research involves attending high school softball and/or basketball games. My dream research assignment? Hanging out with Derek Jeter all day. :) Looks like you had a blast, Suzanne!

  2. Hey Keri-
    I met Derek Jeter once- at a NYC bar-- very, very cute! Did I say very??

  3. OMG!!! WHAT??? Details, details, details, don't leave anything out.. Keri :)

  4. Okay, but I'm warning you, I'm bound to disappoint you--but here goes:
    Upper East Side bar on a Thursday night in the mid 90's-- Derek Jeter sitting on the bar stool right beside mine-- I think he just won Rookie of the year or some such thing (sorry, I'm not much of a sports fan), we talked a little bit, he was very cute and nice, and then-- EVERYONE started to recognize him, and he was SWAMPED, and me, not being big on athletes and waaayyy more into arty types, gladly gave up my bar stool.
    Though I'm sure he didn't miss me--I think he moved on to Mariah Carey soon after!

  5. You gave up your bar stool?? Think of the 'what if's'.. What if you stayed and chatted? What if he asked you to go hang out somewhere else? What if you married Derek Jeter? :) You lucky, lucky, girl, but my butt would have been glued to that stool. Thanks for sharing. You seriously made my day. :) Keri

  6. Hi Alyson:
    My research is a LOT of Internet reading--just allowing whatever I'm looking up to take me in a million directions because you never know what you might use.

    And asking a lot of questions of people. Whether my local sushi chef or the person next to me at a cocktail party.

    I guess my research is being a "student of life." :-)

  7. Erica-
    Wow, actual human to human contact! I've been so immersed in writing the last few weeks-- I've forgotten how to do that!

  8. Lots of my research involves spending hours in castle ruins, learning to use swords, halberds and other weapons of the past. Part of which entails visits to places that have castle ruins. I often find myself reaching back into my memory of visits to other parts of the world, wishing that at the time I had thought to write things down.

    And then there is studying people...all kinds…in all kinds of situations. You never know when some odd quirk you witness will later help bring a character to life.

  9. Hey JL-
    Wow, that is some coool research--I'm envious! A long time ago, I stayed at a castle in Germany (the name of the city escapes at the moment)--it was very cold, but completely wonderful too!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I keep trying to convince my hubbie my research requires me to go to exotic tropical locations and frolic on the beach. :) Ok, this year I get to go to Misque, which is a pretty good excuse to spend a week in Hawaii.

  11. Hey Misque writer-
    Travel DEFINITELY qualifies as research. Especially when it involves warm tropical beaches!

  12. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Oh, you poor thing. How very much you suffer for your art! ;-)

    See, this is why I envision writing a book set in, say, Tuscany one day. Or, really, pick any exotic location. I could see myself renting a farmhouse for the summer (or whatever season is best; since I've never been to Tuscany, I actually can't say) and then writing. Then I can call it research *and* it will be tax-deductible. I'm sure the IRS won't have any problems with this at all...

  13. Hi Booklady--
    Ah... Tuscany . . .

    Let me know if you need a roommate!
