Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The Snuggie vs. The Blanket

I have a confession to make.

One that is somewhat embarrassing, and will definitely require a bit of explaining, but here goes:

I, Alyson Noël, am obsessed with The Snuggie.

You know, The Snuggie, as featured in mid-day or late night TV commercials, as well as Sunday paper circulars. It’s like the Chia Pet, or The Clapper for a new generation, and I just can’t get enough of it.

Not that I have one, mind you, and not that I even want one (though if any of you do have one and would recommend it, then please, let me know!), all I know is that every time that commercial airs, I drop everything to watch those happy, smiling people wearing their backward robes (because that’s what they are, right?).

Cheering in a stadium, cutting a dance move on the couch, cuddling a baby, eating popcorn, working on your laptop, making a phone call, handling the remote control, brewing a pot of tea—and, according to the website, they're also good for "nighttime pub crawls" as well! There’s virtually nothing you can’t do in a Snuggie--even the family dog can get in on the act with their very own, matching Snuggie!

And ever since they came on the scene, The Blanket just seems so cumbersome, obsolete, and downright unfashionable, doesn’t it?

So what about YOU? Do you have a Snuggie? Do you want a Snuggie? Or would you rather just turn up the heat?


  1. LOL! This is so funny. I was in Albertson's today getting groceries and there at the checkout was a display of Snuggies! I was so jealous because the people on the box looked so warm and I was freezing from Ice and sleet outside this morning! I say get one.

  2. April Lollar4:59 PM

    Yes, it is horrible... but I have one and love it! It is absolutely the cheesiest thing I have ever owned but it makes me so happy. A good book and a snuggie = pretty perfect evening.

  3. » αℓεxα ☆5:37 PM

    U haven't been online much but thanks for posting my artworks. Oooh, hope you had a nice birthday... I love octopus!! Whenever I eat it Vietnamese-style, it's the only thing I eat as long as it doesn't run out, haha. In my absence, I got two books done: Evernight & Hunger Games. Right now I am reading Catching Fire and soon I will start on Mortal Instruments, hehe. Well, happy winter. Almost Christmas, eh? Time flies!!

  4. Hey Amy- It started as a joke--but now I'm seriously considering it!

    April - Everyone who has one raves about it! And hey, cheesy or not, it's all about being happy!

    Alexa- Very true! I was on deadline for the Riley series, then Thanksgiving happened, then my d-day happened, then I went out of town . . . so many excuses!! And YAY for Vietnamese food--I LOVE it! When I lived in NYC we has a great Vietnamese restaurant down the street-oh how I miss it sometimes! :)

  5. hahaha! On Black Friday, I won a free "Toasty Wrap" which is the same thing as a Snuggie, and it came in very handy in the car when I was really cold or trying to sleep [because we didn't go to bed Thursday night-my friend and her family are insane, but i love them dearly] and it's pretty comfy.
    My sister and I were all, "i'm never getting one" we thought it all seemed...cheesy =D but i actually really do like having one.

  6. Paula7:07 PM

    I love snuggies! I don't have one, but my best friend does and every time I go over to her house, I steal hers :) You should get one! They're really warm and comfortable.

  7. Hey V.S.- Go for it!

    Molly - You won one? LUCKY!! :)

    Paula- Yep, so far everyone who's tried it, loves it!

  8. I thought i was the only closet snuggie lover! I don't have one, but I'm coveting the leopard print one! Hmmm, maybe for Christmas :)


  9. L8Bloomer-- Yes! The leopard one is sooo exotic! :)

  10. Lol - I never thought I'd say this, but I would have killed for a Snuggie at the outdoor cinema last week. A blanket just seemed so inferior.

  11. Oh dat is funny Alyson u made me lol. My hubby always makes fun of it when it comes on. I forget what he calls it ill have to ask him again. But yeah I bet the moment u put one on u would want to live in it on a cold winter day. Of course aren't u from so cali? Here n northrn ca its coools like right now would b great to snuggle w one of those snuggies!

  12. I don't know if I want one-I like my blankets. But they would be good for reading-then I could cover up more of my arms. But a pub crawl in a Snuggie? Hmm...

  13. No desire for one at all. I like it cold.

  14. Lucia8:52 AM

    Snuggies: Another example of how consummist society has become.
    I think Snuggies are the most useless thing. Put a sweater on! A jacket! You know?
    I would rather look like an eskimo, wearing a bunch of sweater and a warm, big jacket.

    Anyways. I hope everything is good!
    I have finals next week, then: TEXAS AND THE WARM FOR TWO WEEKS!! Excitement. :)

    What are you for your break?

  15. Shelli- LOL! :)

    Hayley- See, they really do come in handy!

    Martha- It is COLD at night these days!

    GreenBeanTeenQueen- I know--that pub crawl claim is hilarious!

    Victoria- Brave girl! I am a complete and total weather wimp!

    Lucia- Hmmm, well, I actually think it's more like a case of capitalism run amok! Have fun in Texas! As for a break--me? There are no breaks these days--maybe next year! :)

  16. My mom bought our dog one for Christmas. :)

  17. » αℓεxα ☆3:20 PM

    Yep, Vietnamese food are really good. Have you tried pho/Vietnamese noodle soup? It is very good!! I must have it every weekend. Close enough. Whenever it's the weekend, my parents make really nice dishes. Try some egg roll/cha gio, rice vermicelli/banh hoi, and rice vermicelli soup/banh canh. Hmm, it seems like all we eat is rice, lol.

  18. LOL...I so want an Arkansas Razorback Snuggie! My thirteen year old is horrified, which makes me want one even more. We have family in Arkansas, so I'm hoping someone will get me one. I think it would be perfect for sitting on the deck with my laptop and the dog. Not right now, because we were just downgraded to a winter storm warning. The blizzard fun is all over for today. :(

    Back to Snuggies...They have them for different colleges. Our Walgreens has the Iowa and Iowa State versions.

    If no one gets me one for Christmas, I am definately buying my own!

  19. Anonymous5:36 PM

    this is funny! anyway i would like the blanket

  20. why dont pople just wear a robe its basically the same only a snuggie closes in the back or it slips on i dont really know but still?!?!?

  21. Onesoccernine- yep, it's a backwards robe--that's why it cracks me up!

  22. Anonymous12:31 PM

    hey Alyson it's Renee ya know from your b-board and i was reading your blog post on this i have to say that i would recamend them to you because my friends entire family has them including her three dogs and i used them when i was over there once and they realy do work! but it's up to you if you wanna get one! just thought i'd let ya no because you asked for feed back, soo yeah here ya go!!

  23. Hi Anonymous- Oh, I love the fact that their 3 dogs have them too--that's so cute!!

  24. did you know they now make snuggie's for dogs? they look so funny.

  25. dct78- Yep--they're really funny, aren't they? :)

  26. ALEXA!!!! Mortal instruments is one of the best series' you will ever read... The books are really good and like our own Ms. Noel =), Cassandra Clare is really nice and down to earth, She even signed my book at one of her book readings =) I hope u enjoy, I did!

  27. Brooklynz-Angel- I'm doing a signing with her next Fall-- I can't wait to meet her!

  28. Anonymous5:27 PM

    A Snuggie?! On a dog?! Like pit bulls and German shepherds? I must Google Image this.

  29. Hey Anonymous- So far I've only seen them for small dogs- but you never know . . .


  30. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I just got one from kohl's as an early Christmas present. Can't wait to try it! (I hear they are warm...)


  31. Hey Anonymous- Lucky you!! Enjoy! :)

  32. Anonymous11:54 AM

    i don't know why, but i am obsessed with my snuggie too!

  33. Hi Anonymous- Yep, that seems to be the general consensus among Snuggie owners! :)

  34. Ms. Noel! that would be so awesome, Where would it be?

  35. How about a Slanket?
    Sounds like a combination of the snuggie and the blanket, and can be yours for only 29.99 from Skymall!

    I'm sorta just obsessed with the name of this thing :)

  36. BrooklynzAngel- more info can be found here:

    Kai- That is hilarious!! And as a former flight attendant, I spent a lot of time reading Skymall magazine!

  37. I don't have a snuggie, no. However I did buy my older brother one for Christmas that makes him look like Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and it's made of micro fleece. Pretty awesome.

  38. Devon- LOL! Great gift--and I bet he loves it!
