Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks!


I just learned that the release of SHADOWLAND has landed me at #17 on the USA Today Bestsellers list, and at #5 on the New York Times Children's series Best Sellers List and I couldn't be happier--more gobsmacked--more amazed--or more grateful!


Since it's the third book in the series it was no longer eligible for the individual NYT best sellers lists like before, and yet, with only three books out, it was directly competing with series titles featuring as many as six books or more!

And there's just no denying the huge part played by YOU!

Your enthusiasm, excitement, and support went a long way toward making this happen, and I just want to thank each and every one of you for being so dang awesome! Your letters, e-mails, messages, art work, videos--all of it--never fails to make my day--and I just want you to know how much I appreciate it!

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!



  1. Hi Alyson!

    I just got my very own copy of Shadowland a couple of days ago. When I dropped by my local book shop on release day they couldn't order it yet. Apparently, we're a bit slow here in Germany. But on Monday I could finally pick it up. Since then I read as much as I can every day. Today I even read it during my lecture about German pop literature in the 1980s. Shadowland is simply far more interesting ;o)
    Thanks for writing these awesome books! Keep them coming! :o)

  2. Alyson!

    Congrats! Just wanted to let you know that I finished Shadowland and LOVED IT! You do such an amazing job writing this wonderful story, and it keeps me coming back for more every time. I'm so thankful for you and all the wonderful writers out there, and I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving!!


  3. I havn't yet got it... waiting on the first before i get everything done.. but its on my to buy list....You are one of my top 5 favorite writers. And I can not wait to finish this book.

    Hope you have a wonderful, filling and pleasant Thanksgiving.

  4. Lucia8:42 PM

    Well, it's easy to love/buy/support/vote for books when the author is as great as you :)!

    Happy Thanksgiving weekend!
    I'll be working, sadly.


  5. Thanks so much, Kathi! I think Evermore just came out in Germany so you are way ahead of the pack!

    Hi Jenna- Yay- I'm thrilled that you liked it! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too!

  6. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Love Shadowland!

  7. Now that's something to celebrate! Congratulations on all your success.

  8. Now that's something to celebrate! Congratulations on all your success.

  9. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Hey Alyson

    Please Email me At
    because I want to be a writer like you. but I need help with editing and alot more so please please email me if you would like to read my book and help me.

    Lindsay Daughtry age 16

  10. Hey Alyson

    Please Email me At
    because I want to be a writer like you. but I need help with editing and alot more so please please email me if you would like to read my book and help me.

    Lindsay Daughtry age 16

  11. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Haven't got the chance to go get a copy of Shadowland yet, but I just thought I would leave a comment telling you that I love the first two books!! You're an outstanding author!!

  12. Lucia- Thanks!

    Victoria- Yay-I'm so glad!

    Jana- Thanks so much!

    Lindsay- I want to wish you lots of luck on your writing, but I'm sorry that I cannot help you with editing. I barely have enough time to write my own books--and due to legal reasons, I'm not allowed to read unpublished books!

    Star Shadow- Thanks so much--I hope you like it!

    Darkang3l- Thank you so much!!

  13. Well Thank you too Ms. Noel i think your an amazing writer and i respect you so much for giving readers like us not only great stories to read but a chance to speak with you and meet you whether in person or here on your blog. I think your pretty dang awesome yourself for that!
    BTW: The Damen and Ever interviews were funny and super cool!

  14. I posted my review of Evermore tomorrow I'll post Blue Moon:

  15. Alyson i know this is way off topic but have you seen "The Blind Side" ? If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it :)

  16. Wow! Congratulations! I love your books, Evermore will always be my favorite! :)

  17. Thanks, CozyLittle--I'll have to check it out!

    Thanks BrooklynzAngel- Glad you enjoyed them--they were fun to do!

    Hi Tori- Nope, never have! Thanks for the recommend!

    Thank you so much, Kirthi!!

  18. » αℓεxα ☆6:00 PM

    Happy late Thanksgiving! I couldn't go online often.. Anyways, I drew some fanarts. How do I send them to you?

  19. Just finished Shadowland, and all I can say is wow. It's a really good and I cannot wait for the next book! I don't wanna give anything away to people who haven't read it yet, so I'm just gonna say I got nervous around the Jude parts, but really liked the ending. Bye! ~Hannah

  20. Finished reading it! LOVED the depth! Looking forward to summer 2010.

    Bellas Novella has a glowing review up!

  21. Hi, I'm from india and I read your 1st two immortals series book.. but to get your book here in india, I really have to wait a lot.. I want your third book as soon as possible.. I'm eagerly waiting..

    I just want to thank you, that you are an amazing writer and you really inspire many more to take up writing.

    Thank you and great job!!!

  22. Holly- Thanks so much! I'm so glad you liked it--and thanks for the review notice- I'll check it out!

    Hannah- Yay! I'm so thrilled you enjoyed it!

    Hi Alexa- Really? That's so cool! You can e-mail them to me at:!

    Anubhuti- Aw, I've always wanted to go to India- it's one of my dream vacations--hopefully someday I'll make it there! I'm so glad you're enjoying the books!

  23. » αℓεxα ☆3:38 PM

    I sent an email to you this morning with my artworks. Hope you have a great week. :D

  24. this is awesome alyson! congrads! :)

  25. Hi Alexa- My computer crashed so I'm really behind on my e-mails, but I'll def look for it! Thanks so much!! :)

    Thanks, Shelli!!

  26. Natalaia3:30 AM

    hi I'm brazilian and i'd like to know when we will have the second book of the serie in portuguese ... I really want to read it ... thanks and could you please send me the date for my email ? thank yoy

  27. Anonymous8:36 AM

    hi! my name is natalia, I am brazilian and i've read your first book .... I'd like to know when we will have the next book here .... love your books !
    kisses and happy Thanksgiving!!

    ps: I've sent you another comment but I don't know if you got it ... = *

  28. Hi Natalia-

    Thanks so much, I'm so glad you're enjoying the books! But the truth is, I really don't know when Blue Moon and Shadowland will be released there as it's a different publisher from my US one!

    Thanks so much for stopping by though!

  29. Hi Alyson!

    I just finished Shadowland and loved it!!!
    Today I went to my local book shop and you might like what I found there:

    Evermore is the book of the month and put on display in the recommendation area!


  30. hi!!
    i love evermore, but in italy there's lonely evermore :(
    i wait impatiently blue moon :)

    and congratulations!!

    elisa (age 13)

  31. Hi Kathi- Wow-thanks so much for sending the photo-that is so awesome! So glad you enjoyed it!

    Hi Elisa- Yay, I'm so glad you enjoyed it--and I really hope you like Blue Moon too! :)

  32. At first:

    Alyson I´m truly soooo happy for you!!!
    You do a good job XD

    And yes in Italy is only Evermore in the Bookstores (in German) so i had , really, to wait a week for blue moon and now that i finished I´m soooooo exited (and i must wait a second time -.-) to have shadowland in my hands to read it ^^

    and Alyson, i LOVE your books and i LOVE how you write ;)

    I´m hoping there are coming too books how the other one XD

    good work (or writingXD)

    love lena

  33. Thank you so much Lena--I'm am so glad you are enjoying the series and hope you continue to! Thanks for stopping by!

  34. That is really cool that you can do that :) And I think it is really cool how you respond to your blog :) you ROCK ;) Any way I just finished reading Shadow Land and I loved it. It feels like I want to be in it... or i WISH i was in it ;) are you writing your next one? or are you already done?


    Ronnie :)

  35. Yaya Alyson ,
    you are awsome! lol
    I love your books
    hopefully i will get shadowland
    both evermore and blue moon
    were exciting and addictive to read.
    when i first read evermore i was overly excited lol
    and bue moon OH!MG WORDS UNDESCRIBALE LOL ure awesome . luv yas lol. :)

  36. Hi Ronnie- Aw, thanks!! I'm so glad you liked Shadowland! And yes, Dark Flame is finished and I'm about to start Book #5 now (no title yet!)

    Hi Amber- Thanks so much--you are too sweet!! Hope you like the rest of the series too!
