Saturday, November 07, 2009

Build Me Up Buttercup

(Blog title courtesy of The Foundations)

So yesterday I was working on Riley Book Number 1 (no title yet, so that's what I'm calling it until further notice!) and I was writing this scene with Buttercup (her yellow lab) and at that moment I wanted a yellow lab of my own so bad I can't even tell you. It was just like writing about Italy when I've been chained (figuratively speaking!) to my desk for weeks on end, or describing food in a scene when my last meal was hours ago--that sort of salivating feeling filled with so much, well, wantingness! Then just after I hit my word count, I headed over to some friend's house for dinner and there on the couch was their yellow lab who was so incredibly sweet and well behaved, well, it seemed like a sign . . .

But well before I make the transition from fictional dog owner to real dog owner, I'm giving away five signed copies of SHADOWLAND, (in stores November 17th!), and answering your questions in a podcast interview over at Free Book Friday Teens, just click HERE! for your chance to listen and win!

Okay, back to Riley's adventures for me . . . have a fun weekend everyone!




  1. We have a yellow lab (she's our second, we had one in the UK too) and everytime I have a dog in a book it's always a yellow lab..... and like your friends, ours is very well behaved and the sweetest, cutest dog ever :)

  2. Alissa2:39 PM

    I completely know what you mean! One of my main characters I'm in the middle of writing about at the moment has two yellow labs as well and you have no idea how badly I want one now! I've been thinking about the dogs named Moose and Murphy and now I want to steal the dogs and make them my own! But my parents refuse to let me have a dog. The most I've ever had is 1 cat at a time.

    I'm definitely signing up for that giveaway! I love free book friday!

  3. Sara- I am so envious of you right now--you've no idea!! You are one luck lady living in NZ alongside Flight of the Concords Brett & Jermaine (they're your neighbors, right?), and now you've got my dream dog too . . .


    Hi Alissa- Moose & Murphy are adorable names--just perfect!! Maybe your parents will let you start with one, see how awesome that is, and move on to two--a girl can dream, right! Good luck!

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    In shadowland I know that Ever could possibly falling for Jude while Damen is trying to find a cure.
    So saying that does that mean Shadowland won't have much of Damen?

  5. Hey Anonymous- Nope, Damen is definitely in Shadowland!

  6. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I had a bad feeling he wasn't.
    Thanks for clearing that up!

    ps; I bet Ever is going to feel terrible if Damen finds out about Jude. I know I would. I mean he loves her so much, poor Damen. :(

  7. Awe.. Definitely post pics.. :) Yellow labs are the best.

    I'm writing about Malibu and I can't wait to book the trip. :)

  8. I dont know much about yellow labs but the way buttercup is described in the book they sure sound cute. I signed up for free book friday, and i hope i win this time =] **Crossing Fingers**
    I saw this shitzu in the puppy store on my way to the mall and i wanted it so bad that i went all the way home and asked my mom. She said she would think about it and by the time she sed okay the dog was gone.. I was so sad, and now i have no pet =[

  9. Keri- You are going to LOVE Malibu--it is so gorgeous there!

    BrooklynzAngel- Oh no! That is a very sad story, but hopefully he went to a good home!

  10. Alexa7:15 PM

    YES!! It seems like the Overheard in Shadowland feature on The Immortals Series website is updated. YAY!! Haha. Just a week unti lrelease.

  11. Hi Alexa- Wow, you're fast-- I just found out about it myself!
