Wednesday, September 02, 2009

How to Save a Life

So today I'm posting my first week's progress toward Living My Five, talking about a really great and worthy cause I've stumbled upon and putting out the call for you to share any tips you may have on living greener, kinder, more charitably, etc. Just click HERE to read and share!

Also, I did two really fun interviews this week with some really great giveaways!

To read the Shooting Stars Magazine interview and enter to win a signed copy of EVERMORE click HERE.

To read the interview over on awesome YA author Elizabeth Scott's blog and enter to win 4 of my books, click HERE.

Also, not sure if I mentioned it before but The Smart Chicks are confirmed for San Francisco--woo-hoo, one of my fave cities!!

And both EVERMORE & BLUE MOON were nominated for the "101 Best Fantasy Books"!! Click HERE to stop by and vote for your favorites!

Also, the EVERMORE & BLUE MOON translation rights were just sold to Serbia--yippee!!

And, last but not least, we now have a title for what was previously called: UNTITLED BOOK #4




Okay, back to the deadline crunch for me!

Have a great day everyone!



  1. OOOOH! Love the title for book 4. Just out of curiosity, who came up with it?
    Also, I know you're really busy, but I hope you will write a post when you read A Wrinkle in Time. I'm really curious what you think about it (I don't know any adults who have read it, even as a child).

  2. I LOVE the title! It's so cool!
    And to NiGeLa: My mother read the whole series when she was a kid. I'm reading them now. I'm on the fourth book, but I skipped through the third one (I was like 9 don't judge me!!) so I think I'm gonna go back and read the whole book.

  3. I LOVE the title for Book #4 Dark Flame....that is great!

  4. Dark Flame. I think I love it! :)

  5. to Alissa: I would never judge anyone on what/how they read. I have no idea how many books I'm in various stages of reading right now--I start it because I'm interested, then something causes me to lose interest (to quote the movie "UP":'squirrel!'). But I would love to know what you think of A Wrinkle in Time, too.

  6. Hey NiGeLa- Thanks so much! Actually, it was my husband who came up with it--I said FLAME and he said DARK FLAME--et voila! And I will let you know about WRINKLE IN TIME, may be a while til I get to it . . .but I will get to it!

    Hey Alissa- Thanks so much!

    Hey Kelsey- I'm just so relieved that it's done!

  7. Woo Hoo!!! awesome. I cannot wait to read it. And double awesome tht your coming to my area of SF. I cannot wait

  8. Love the title!

  9. EEEEEEEP! No WAY! Coundn't have come up with such an AWESOME name! NOW I'm just wondering what it means, and what significance it has in the book! You. Are. Amazing! But I have one question: Are we anytime close to an excerpt date for Shadowland? I have been beating my brains out wondering how Damen will take this!
    YOu rock!

  10. Anonymous3:06 PM

    yay!! You're coming to San Francisco!!!!! So excited for Dark Flame!!! I love it! You just made my day@

  11. Claudia3:08 PM

    Sorry! i forgot to leave my name on that last comment... but you definitely made my day! I'm soo excited!

  12. » αℓεxα☆3:36 PM

    I didn't know what could make me feel happy until I saw that the new book after Shadowland will be Dark Flame! I was way off. I kept on guessing Black Magic but that sounds too Harry Potter to me!

  13. Anonymous3:53 PM

    omg! i cannot wait! i'm so excited that you're writing 6 books!!!!!! i'm gonna preorder shadowland in october :D

  14. Like DARK FLAME!! ;)

    Congrats on the nomination!! ;)

  15. Hey Ravenous Reader- Woo-Hoo--can't wait to meet you!

    Let's All Live in a Book-- Thanks!!

    Thanks Katherine! It is significant to the book, but I can't say how just yet--too big of a spoiler!

    Thanks Claudia-- Looking forward to meeting you!

    Hey Alexa- We had some options with magick in the title, but they didn't quite work . . .

    Thanks you so much, Katie! I really appreciate that!

    Hey Keri- Waving!!!

  16. » αℓεxα☆6:41 PM

    After completing this series and then Riley's, would you consider writing more paranormal romance fiction? I really think you should stick to this genre. This is a random question but do you listen to any music that's Asian? Just out of curiosity... :D

  17. Congrats on the new title, Alyson! Soooo...I was shopping yesterday at Costco and was so excited to see Evermore for sale there. Of course, I picked up my copy. Can't wait to read it. :)

  18. Hey Alexa- Yes, I'd definitely consider it because it is so fun to write and am already pulling together some ideas . . . as for the music, hmmm, not really, but if you have any good recommendations I'd love to hear it!

    Hey Susan- Thanks so much! I hope you are well!

  19. Kajikitsune4:12 PM

    I have just one thing to say about the title Dark Flame!Since you said that you would listen to some Asian music, if recommened, I know of a group that might intrest you. Dir en grey. They are a J-Rock band. Two of my favorite songs are Glass Skin and Yokan.

  20. alyssa4:56 PM

    I must have missed something: there are going to be six Immortal books? If so, awesome. :D

    I entered that contest! It took me about two minutes to find the horse names in my book hehe
    I hope I am right because I am short on money and haven't got a chance to read Fly Me to the Moon and Art Geeks and Prom Queens yet. :(
    But, when I turn eighteen (less than two months - yay!) I can work at Borders! I called last week and Kelly, the manager, said my application is perfecto! I just have to wait until I'm 18! Can you say..."Discounts?!" hehe

    Anyways, Dark Flame sounds intriguing...and I cannot wait for the cover of Shadowland to be released. I am off to start an "Immortal Series" group on!

    ttyl ~alyssa

  21. Anonymous5:44 PM

    alyson i agree that it is fun to write! i love to write too and i hope to be a published author in the next few years. I am writing like three books and plan to publish at least one of them :D

  22. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Drake Flame. sound great i am getting inpatchint already lol.
    sorru about my spelling

  23. Hey Kajikitsune- Awesome-- I will check it out--thanks!

    Hey Alyssa- Yup, 6 books--and Huge Congrats on the job at Border's--I always thought it would be so cool to work in a bookstore!

    Hey Katie- My fingers are crossed for you--go after your dream!!!

    Hey Anonymous--Aw, thanks!!! I still have to finish it though . . .


  24. alyssa4:42 PM

    do you know when we will find out who won the contest?

  25. Hey Alyssa, She should announce it soon since I think it's over now, but she's picking the winners and sending the books, not me, so I can't be sure of exactly when, though she's really great so I'm sure she'll get to it soon!

  26. alyssa8:58 PM

    ok thanks! I'm crossing my fingers! :D

  27. Wow love the title(:

  28. alyssa5:19 AM

    My school library just got Evermore! I saw it in a big stack of YA books that just came in! There was already a girl who had requested it and its not even available for check out yet. Just thought I would share! ;)

  29. Hey Alyssa- I love it! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  30. oh my gosh!!!

    Congratulations!! I absolutely love the title! Nice teamwork with your husband ;)

    I dont know how you do it... but your writing is amazing!

    Can't wait for Shadowland :)

  31. Thanks so much, Laura!!

  32. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Hello, i just finished shadowland today in the morning, and i was wondering when dark flame comes out? i know it comes out in 2010 but you do you have a deadline?

  33. Hi Anonymous- Dark Flame is finished--but I don't have a release date yet, though I'll be sure to announce it as soon as I get one!

  34. Loooove your books :-)keep you hanging on all the way through
    just read the 3 books from the immortal series and cn't wait for dark flame to come out :-)... I know that you said there where 6 books to the series.... and that you are working on a book from Reily's perspectie... is that going to look back in time sort of like a stand alone story or wil it be threaded into some future events of the existing characters also.... Are the books from Reily's perspective the last 2?....

  35. Hi Marsha- (Love the UK!!) Thanks so much for all the kind words, I'm thrilled you're enjoying the books! To answer your question, there will be 6 books in The Immortals series, and Riley's series is totally separate--it's about her life in the afterlife, and picks up from the point after Ever convinced her to "cross over."
    Thanks for stopping by!
