Thursday, August 06, 2009

Who'll Stop the Rain?

So if you read the previous post, then you know that author, screenwriter, story guru, and all around amazing human being (and I don't use that lightly, in this case it's true) Blake Snyder has passed away, leaving this world way too soon.

It's taken me a few days to collect my thoughts on this loss, probably because I, like many others, felt it so deep. Blake was one of those rare individuals with a passion for both life and story craft that was hugely infectious, you couldn't help but smile when he was in the room.

I'd read his books a few years ago, and always recommend them to anyone even remotely interested in story craft as they are truly life-changing, or at least they were for me. But I didn't get the chance to see him in person until the RWA convention in San Francisco last year, taking the stage in front of hundreds (thousands?) of writers, mostly female, and he was so giddy with excitement about the craft of storytelling he actually giggled--resulting in my best memory of the entire weekend.

Then, last April, when my local RWA chapter invited him to come speak, I seized the chance to sign books alongside him. Afraid of coming off like the semi-crazed fan that I was, I couldn't help but gush, over and over again, about how much his books helped me with everything from plotting my novels to crafting synopsis and back cover copy. And rather than being put off by my rabid, fan-girl, mumblings, he couldn't have been more gracious or kind--that's just who he was. And when he bought a copy of EVERMORE and asked me to sign it--well, it was a moment I'll never forget.

We exchanged a few e-mails, and I was on the verge of e-mailing him again, but being so busy with the deadline for book #4 (still untitled!), a story for an anthology (KISSES FROM HELL), and copy-edits for SHADOWLAND--I put it off, thinking I had plenty of time--something there's never enough of. I should know that by now.

And though he's no longer with us, his passion for story and people will always live on in the brilliant legacy he left behind in his books, his movies, and his passion for those whom he reached.

I'll be speaking at my local RWA chapter on Saturday morning about the craft of writing YA, drawing on some examples of how Blake's methods influenced my books, among other things. If you get a chance to stop by, I'd love to see you there. The cost is $10 for members and $20 for non-members. Details for the event can be found HERE.

Carpe Diem everyone!



  1. Kajikitsune3:37 PM

    I feel very sorry for you loosing someone who you have just met. That hasn't happened to me yet and I hope it would for a long time.

    Here is a question for the Immortal series: How many books are there going to be in the whole series?

  2. Hey Kajikitsune--You are very fortunate--and I hope it continues that way for you.

    To answer your question, there will be 6 books in the series, SHADOWLAND comes out on Jan 5, 2010, and in Fall 2010, Riley will get her own series!

  3. Kajikitsune8:45 PM

    You have got to see this!

  4. I'm really sorry for you loss. I can only imagine how hard it must be, and then again, imagining can only go so far. I never got to meet him but it was one of my many goals to do so. I loved his book, 'Save the cat! Goes to the movies.' It made my first screen writing class a blast.
    - I know it must be hard to concentrate and work with all on your mind. I wish you luck. I'll keep both of you in my prayers.

  5. Hey Kaikitsune- Yup, I posted that! And they tasted as good as they looked!

    Hey LetsAllLiveInABook- Thanks. I never start a book without referring to his "beat sheet" and I keep checking it all the way through!

  6. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Hey, I am chapter 17 in Evermore. My mother had bought it for me as a gift. At first I was too much involved in another book. But when I started I was totally and completely in love with it.
    You should make it into a movie, make it exactly as it is. Email me sometime, #1 fan Lynn Hoppe Thanxs.

  7. Hey Lynn Hoppe-- Thank you so much, and thank your mom from me too--I'm so glad you're liking it!

    As for a movie, well, it's really up to Hollywood not me, but a producer has optioned the dramatic rights so fingers crossed . . .
