Thursday, August 20, 2009

Very Exciting SHADOWLAND news!!!

First, the cover:

Second, the new release date:

November 24, 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers Everyone!!!




  1. The cover is absolutely gorgeous!

    And I'm so excited about the new release date - I now only have to wait a few more months for the book!

  2. Emily9:28 AM

    AAAAAHHH!!!!! YAY!!!!! I am so excited that Shadowland is coming out earlier than its original release date!!!!! The cover is awesome!!! Keep up the great work, Alyson!!!

  3. omg!! soooo excited!!! yes!!

  4. Yea!!!! Now we don't have to wait until January!!! Beautiful cover, too!

  5. nooooooooooo way! yay! the cover is wow! i cant wait!

  6. ahhhhh! I'm soooo excited!

  7. YES!!!! a) the cover is stunning - i love the red, and i like how it's so similar to the other covers, and b) NO WAITING UNTIL 2010!!! ::dances::

  8. Anonymous9:44 AM

    awesomeness!!! Love the cover! I cannot wait!!!

  9. Lucia9:49 AM

    Holy macaroni! You just gave the best news of the day...! The cover is really intense, I love the color combination.
    I have two questions though: Are we close to the posting a excerpt date? And is the length of Shadowland going to be the same as Evermore and Blue Moon?

    Congratulations :)

  10. OH MY GOSH! I'm so excited!! :)

  11. I'm practically hyperventilating! It's beautiful, Alyson! and how cool that it's coming out sooner than expected.

  12. excited...I loved the first two and am so anxious to read the next :D

    XOXO Naomi

  13. Love the cover and I love the new release date even more!! Let the countdown begin!!

  14. Oh that is fantastic news!!! YAY!!! Cover is spectacular btw.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous10:43 AM

    omfg! that is sooo cool! i was so sad we had to wait until 2010 and now we dont! yay!!! and i totally lurve the cover...

  17. This just made my day!!!! The cover is by far my favorite so far!!!! I'm so posting a picture of it on my blog!!!!!

    Great job! Your work just keeps getting better by every book!!!!

  18. OMG!!!! I am sooooo excited! Love the cover and the new release date! I can't wait!

  19. Ooohh, that's so gorgeous and so exciting! I love it! And the new release date has gotten me extremely excited!

  20. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Eeeep! Can't wait! And LOVE the cover. :)


  21. The cover is gorgeous! And the new release date!

  22. OMG!!! I love, love, love the cover!!1 It's absultley beautiful!!! And I'm so glad that it comes out eariler too! Can't wait! *Happy Dance Time!*

  23. Anonymous2:16 PM

    OMG I CANNOT WAIT!!! im gonna get it the day of1 can you put it on the kindle? i know most of your books are :D

  24. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oh lord i`m more excited than i was for blue moon!

  25. The cover is EXTRA Awesome and I'm so excited that it's coming out early. Yippee! Doing the happy dance!!

  26. Love the new cover!!!! :)

    Can't wait to pick up SHADOWLAND. :)

  27. The is amazingly beautiful. How do you keep getting so lucky with covers for this series?

    And yay for the November release date! Something to read over Thanksgiving :)

  28. WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! YAY! I was thinking I'd have to wait until next year! WOOT WOOT! CELEBRATION!

  29. I am screaming my head off since the release date is earlier!!!! =D
    *dances and sings some random song that comes into my mind.*

    How is Unnamed Immortals Book #4 coming along?

    Now only 4 days, 3 months, 4 hours and about 28 minutes(My math is horrible. LOL.)

  30. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Hi :)
    The cover is amazingly well done.
    Congratulations on the upcoming release date.
    I am looking forward to reading SHADOWLAND.
    All the best,
    twitter: @RKCharron

  31. Anonymous4:59 PM

    OMG!!!! I absolutely love the cover! I am so glad the release date has changed too! Awesomeness!

  32. AHHH! this is really, really great! i can't believe it! yay! it looks amazing! i can't wait! i'm so glad we don't have to wait as long! while i had semi-prepared myself, i wasn't too happy about waiting. yay!

  33. Rebecca5:35 PM

    OMGAWD!!!!!!!!! I love the red!!!!!!!!

  34. Aw, thanks so much to each and every one of you!! I'm so glad you like the cover and the new release date!!

  35. Wow!!! Love the cover!!! And congrats on the new release date. So exciting!! I can't wait. =)

  36. This has got to be the best news I got today! You definitely made my day. :D

  37. Anonymous6:44 PM

    AHHHH! I'm so excited! The cover for Shadowland is fabulous! I love it! And I'm so happy that the release date was moved to November 2009! January of 2010 was a really long time yet to wait! YAY! I totally can't wait!

  38. OMG i am soooo happy now!!!!!! that just made my day and i was so upset before ya!!!!!!!!

  39. Anonymous5:52 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Kajikitsune8:02 AM

    AMAZING COVER!!!! Thank you for releasing it earlier!

  41. Ashley9:52 AM

    oh my! i'm so excited about the new release date! i randomly picked up your immortal series and i couldnt put them down!
    you are an amazing writer and please dont stop anytime soon with the immortal series! LOVE IT.

  42. Anonymous9:53 AM

    The cover is awsome! and...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT IS COMEING OUT EARLY YAY! (did a little happy dance)

  43. » αℓεxα☆12:43 PM

    Can I just say one thing? The cover is gorgeous! Wow, I saw Tempted's cover (by PC Cast) and now Shadowland's cover. The 2 books I'm waiting for... I finally get to see the covers (the release dates are close to each other)! I am so thrilled the release date is closer than ever. Once Shadowland hits to stores, I'll be running to Borders! I hope that it'll be in paperback. I don't really like hardcover!

    Back to the cover.. It's gorgeous! The red glow, the thing she's holding. I hope the upcoming covers will have the glow, girl, and (no other g to use) object that relates to the storyline. The covers get better and better! Keep up the good work! Can't wait till I see #4's cover. I hope it's a green glow... lol! Oh, I was happy about the cover so much yesterday... I ended up drawing some fan arts. No idea how to send it to you.. Will figure out how!

  44. Hey Alexa--thanks so much! I'd love to see the art, if you want you can send a jpeg to:

    Thanks again!

  45. Anonymous9:26 PM

    i cant wait to find out what happens between Damon and Ever, and Jude!!!!!!

  46. Anonymous10:40 AM

    omg i know.. alyson always tricks me.. that's what i love so much about those books. like i always like to guess what happens at the end but she always makes it even more interesting so that we get soo hooked we can't stop reading. and then you're finished and are like gosh darn it.... now i gotta wait till november. but that's what keeps the suspicion! (cannot spell without spell check lol)

    ps i did my book report on blue moon! i could have chosen 7 of the other books i read but blue moon was my favorite and i just had to choose it!!!

  47. Hey Katie--Thanks so much for choosing BLUE MOON for your book report--that is sooo cool!!


  48. Wow! That's like the best new ever! :). Can' wait until is out... though I would have to wait a few days more since I live in Panamá (Central America but the wait would be worth! :). So you know you have touched a heart of a girl (kinda old girl I'm 26 years old) with your amazing story...

  49. Thanks Keysha! And by the way, I've been to Panama, an old high school friend lives there now and I went for a visit--it is just LOVELY!!

  50. I was so excited about this, as soon as it was posted i printed out flyers to hang around the book shop i work at. Already orders are flying in! It's so hard to obtain this in Australia, but we're definitely pushing it for you Alyson. Can't wait to read it!

  51. Aw, Jenners that is so incredibly sweet of you!! Woo-Hoo for Austrailia--someday I'll get there!!


  52. Kelly7:10 PM

    love the cover! :) it's sooo pretty! :) i always love the covers..they are just soo colorful & so vibrant.
    & the best part of all..
    SHADOWLAND comes out on my BIRTHDAY! :O that's sooo cool!
    i'll have another thing to celebrate!

  53. Hey Kelly--Thanks so much and happy birthday to you!!!

  54. Anonymous1:39 AM

    oh my god.... i'm so curious how this book goes. The cover looks gorgeous btw!

    Specially since the end on Blue moon, with the no crying on his shoulder and kissing part because he will die :|

  55. aleah6:31 AM

    OMG!! seriously??!! i thought it will be release next year, wohoo! i'm so excited! can't wait till november comes :)) ohwell i hope it will be release here in the philippines on time... :">

  56. You have been to Panamá? How cool! Hope you enjoyed your stay here... once again thanks for the great great news...

  57. Alyssa5:29 PM

    I love the cover! All of the covers are gorgeous! I'm so happy for the new release date! Six days before my 18th birthday! That will be one of my presents then. :) Does anyone know if Shadowland is being released in paperback? That is what it said on I hope not. I hate when they switch it up. :-(

  58. Anonymous7:51 PM

    oh and kelly our bdays are close! mines is the 12th so it will be my early bday preasant even though ill have read it by then haha. oh and i've been to panama too! i've actually been through the panama canal on a boat! it was cool! now whenever i'm in history class and we talk about the panama canal i'm like IVE BEEN THERE!! haha

  59. Hey Keysha- We LOVED it! It's so beautiful there!

    Hey Alyssa- SHADOWLAND is going to be released in hardcover, it will be avail in paperback about a year later. And I'm told that at some point EVERMORE & BLUE MOON will be in hardcover as well for those who like their books to match!

  60. Anonymous5:41 PM

    OMG! YES!! I can't believe Shadowland is coming way earlier than its release date of Jan 2010??
    Seriously, that is freaking awesome! Now I'm even more pumped. I have a third book to read before the end of 2009! Thanks for updating your blog! I love your series and I was dying at the end of Blue Moon to find out what happened... :D

  61. Anonymous7:52 PM

    is that a different girl on the cover? just wondering because it doesn't look like the same one on evermore. it's still a great cover though :)

  62. Hey Anonymous- I'm really not sure--could be!

  63. Hi Alyson! I'm new to coming to your blog but i just saw this and just had to say something.

    When I picked up Evermore a few weeks ago...It gripped me and I couldn't put it down. I fell in love with the whole essence of the story and I'm so intrigued to find out more of Damen and Evers love. I'm guessing it's more deeper then what we have read so far??

    Blue Moon through me for a loop and had me aching for more! Then when I saw the release of January 2010 it was like a heart attack!

    Now, I',m jumping for joy and I'm So excited!!! I love the cover and can't wait to find out it's meaning and continue on! November is my birthday month SOoOO lot's of good things in November to come!

    I do have a question, Where did you come up with Ever's name and fit Damens name to his character?

    I love the name Ever and had hardly heard of that and I love hearing snippets of behind the scenes stuff.

    :: Tierra C. ::

  64. alyssa12:54 PM

    I was also wondering where you come up with Ever. It's one of my favorite girl names and I was so surprised to hear it in Evermore. I love the combo Ever Juliet. :)


  65. Hey TLC- Thanks so much for stopping by--I'm so glad you're enjoying the series and hope you continue to!

    To answer your question, I've always loved the name Ever and was hoping to use it in a book someday, and it just fit really well for this one! As for Damen, well, that's the name of the street my husband was born on!!

  66. Hey Alyssa-

    Oh, I agree--that's a really nice combination! I'm not sure where I first heard it, but the name really stuck, and I'd been holding onto it, waiting to use it in just the right book--and the Immortals series seemed like a good fit!

  67. so excited!!!!
    can't wait!!!
    thankyou thank you thank you for writing such wonderful books!

  68. Hey Shay- Thank YOU--hope you like it!

  69. Morena1:11 AM

    woot woot!!!! i cant wait to read this book!!!! i hope damen lives!!!
    i<3him!! lol yay!!! ps: love the cover!!!!!

  70. Shandon3:22 PM

    OMG I LOVE The Immortals Series!!! Im Doing Them For My Novel Studdies. I Love The Creativity And Love And Passion I Them And i cant wait for the Third one!!! YAY!!!!!

  71. Wow, thanks so much Shandon--that is so cool!

  72. Emilee2:12 PM

    i absolutely love your books!! and the cover is gorgeous!! i cant wait for shadowland to come out!! i want to write a book too and i love your style of writing!

  73. Olivia3:14 PM

    Wow!!! The cover looks great!! Is it true that there will be 6 books in the Immortals series?

  74. Hey Emilee- Thanks so much!

    Hey Olivia- Yup, 4! ;-D

  75. Mary aka Poppinz8:22 PM

    OMG OMG OMG i only started reading the immortal series two weeks ago and ive read the first two books and they were SIMPLY AMAZING!!!! they were so good i couldnt put the books down!! Thanks for creating an amazing series and so excited to hear the 3rd book is coming out sooner than expected!!!!!

  76. Hey Mary aka Poppinz-- Thank you so very much! I am thrilled you're enjoying them, and really hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!

  77. M A R L i12:43 AM

    Heyyy I'm from Australia and i still haven't found blue moon and i'm going crazy ! so are all my friends (i got them hooked) i have looked everywhere in the library, book stores etc. i love the new cover for shadowland :) all of the covers are great haha xx

  78. Hey MARLI- The series is being distributed by a different publisher from what I've heard, so it tends to take a bit longer . . . so sorry about the wait, but I hope you and your friends like it when you do finally get your hands on it!

  79. OMG! so excited! absolutely love the cover! November 24th, really? you're not pulling our legs, right? OMG! you're not! woo hoo!

  80. Hey Kayla-- It's even better now--it just got moved up to 11.17.09!!!

  81. ooo god!!! i'm soooo excited!! November? can't it be sooner?? soooo cruel to wait XD

  82. Hey Yas-- Thanks! I'm afraid 11.17.09 is as soon as it gets!

  83. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Woot that's awesome, all three in 2009! I love the cover and how it fits with the others. Love the colour range! More importantly, I loved the story in Evermore and Blue Moon =D Is there a paperback version of Shadowland or can it only be pre-ordered in hardback?

  84. Hey Anonymous- Thanks for all the kind words! To answer your question, SHADOWLAND will be released only in hardcover and about a year later a paperback will follow. I'm also told that EVERMORE & BLUE MOON will be released in hardcover at some point for those who like their books to match!

  85. I am a 37 year old mom who bought these books for my daughter. I ended up reading them and LOVED them. I can't wait to find out what is going to happen to Damen and Ever. Blue Moon totally left me hanging. Anyways, I am thrilled Shadowland is coming out in Novemeber. What a treat. I hope this book doesn't leave the reader hanging like Blue Moon. I can't take it!!! LOL. Thanks for the good read and keep up the great writing.

  86. Hi Savannah- Thanks so much-- I love hearing from my adult readers! I hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!

  87. Anonymous5:01 PM

    omg my heart almost stopped when i saw the 2010 dates but then it leeped when i saw the november 2009date. oh and thinks for writting such an incredible series alyson noel.=)

  88. tatum lynn5:06 PM

    im soooo exited! i love all the books expecially that series! i read like a book a day, so im sooo exited to be reading that. both books made me cry and i cant wait to see what happens next. ahhhh!!!! thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. your an amazing author..... love the cover and gunna love the book. i know it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  89. Hi Anonymous-- Thank you so much, I really hope you like it!

    Hey Tatum- A book a day? Wow, lucky you!! Thanks for all the kind words!

  90. Anonymous1:12 PM

    alyson noel you are now by far my favorite author! i can't wait to read the next book!

  91. so excited can't wait till the realese im pre-ordering it so invigorating

  92. Hi Tunesia- Wow, thanks so much! I really appreciate it!

  93. Thanks, Anonymous-- I hope you like it!

  94. OH MY GOSH! I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!! I'm SOOOOOO excited!!!!! i finished Blue Moon within a was amazing, so was Evermore, i love these books so much and i aspire to be an author some day and i cant get enough of your books! :D


  95. Thanks so much FrankieBaby--and all the best on your writing!

  96. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I really got lost in the first two books, took me 5 days to finish both. I loved them and i was dreaming about the story. Thank you alyson for writing this beautiful and amazing story.
    -Desiree G

  97. Anonymous12:04 PM


  98. Thank you so much, Desiree!!

    Thanks, Anonymous--hope you like the rest of the series too!

  99. Leanna9:03 AM

    I love the cover its so pretty, i can not wait to read it!!!!! soooooo exited!!!! i just cant hide it,

  100. Thanks, Leanna!

    Hope you like it!

  101. Bella2:08 PM

    I'm only 11 and I loved and comprehended every word in
    these books! The is SOOOOOoooooooo......... PRETTY!!!!!

  102. Thanks so much, Bella!

  103. OMG i'm sooo excited! I finished both Evermore and Blue Moon within two days! I couldn't put it down! I'm so ready for Shadowland!

  104. Anonymous10:02 AM

    im so happy!!! i just finsihed blue moon, and after that iran to my computer to check online about shadow land, yeeeep!!! i soo excited to buy it when it comes out in november, and not 2010.

  105. OOOOMMMMMGGGGGSHHHHH yess i jus read blue moon like 4 the 100 time its sooo good cant waitt till shadowland and the cover is stunning <3 the redness =) =P

  106. Hi Jen- Thanks so much!! You are one fast reader!

    Hey Anonymous- Yup, it got moved up to 11.17.09--hope you like it!

    Hey Kat- Wow, thanks!!

  107. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Im so excited! I have read all the other books in the immortal series! I can't wait for this one to release!

  108. Thanks so much Anonymous--I really hope you like this one too!

  109. Gabbie:)4:18 PM



  110. Thank you Gabbie-- I feel pretty lucky that my publisher has such an awesome and talented art department!!

  111. YES! I am SO excited! Only like a month and a half! lol. I was seriously SOOO mad when Blue Moon ended! THESE ARE MY FAVORITE BOOKS. they need to make a movie :)

  112. Aw, thanks Carrie--so glad you're enjoying them! A movie would be a dream come true--fingers crossed!

  113. Anonymous2:37 PM

    IloveTHEcoverANDiCANNOTwait! IamBUYINGitRIGHTwhenITcomesOUT!!!!!

  114. Thank you Anonymous--hope you like it!

  115. Lyric Rae4:18 PM

    The cover is amzingly gorgeous=) all alyson's covers are..OMG I cant wait till she tells Damien to see how he takes it. I would be soo upset if i that happened to me.Ever is like a real person to me because Alyson is soo good at writing that Ever littearly pops out the book because her emotions are so real and shes not perfect like most authors make the charcters she mad a huge mstake that maynever allow her to love damien the way he and she wants.I cant wait to see if they find a cure and see if there actually still togather after everything they went through from the first book. Gosh im soo excitedd. Thanks Alyson your an amazing writer.

  116. Lyric Rae- that is the prettiest name!!!

    Thanks so much for all the kind words--I am thrilled you're enjoying the books and just hope you continue to!

    Have a great day!

  117. Anonymous5:04 PM

    alyson i love your series and today i found out that my spanish teacher does as well cat wait it is only 1 month and 3 days! yes

  118. Hi Anonymous--Thank you so much--and how cool about your Spanish teacher!!! Hope you like SHADOWLAND!

  119. J. Love7:07 PM

    No puedo esperar hasta que Shadowland sale y Noel alyson es la mejor los autores nunca!(i can not wait until shadowland comes out and alyson noel is the best authors ever!)

  120. J. Love- You are too sweet--thanks! Wish I knew how to write that en espanol!!

  121. Hi
    I'm from Hungary,
    The new cover is meaning!it was a good idea.
    I'm so excited about the new book, I love reading the others, the story was great!i always respects the writers how can they write books,which is so perfect, and readable.You must be imaginative.As the architect must dream the building what she want to built, the writer as the same dream about the book. I always wish a great book to read but its so difficult to find the perfect book.
    Your books are great.


  122. Hi Alexandra-

    Wow, thanks for visiting all the way from Hungary!! I've always wanted to go there and am thrilled that my books are now being published there! I really hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!

  123. Anonymous12:30 PM

    My friend and I just screamed so FREAKING LOUD that our voices are hoarse. lol Getting Shadowland today!!!!!!!!!!!

  124. Anonymous1:02 PM

    okay i was dying for a good book to read and came across evermore my accident. it was after college so i thought why not... and read it, well lets just say i finished it at 3.30 in the morning!! it was amazing and loved it so much that the next day i looked for the second one online and ordered a copy, it should be arriving soon and you can imagine i was jumping for joy to find that the third one has just been published, so i ordered a copy at waterstones.:)
    i think your books are amazing and you must have a great imagination to come up with this!!
    thank you so much for occupying my mind other than work for a change!! :)

  125. Hi Anonymous (1)- LOL! Thanks for your enthusiasm!

    Hi Anonymous (2)- Wow, thanks so much, I'm thrilled you're enjoying it and hope you continue to!

  126. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Omg wow great cover i hope Ever fixes Damen in the third book cuase it wouldnt be a happy series after that if she didnt fix him

  127. Rani-May & Taylia5:06 AM

    I loved your books i cant wait for Shadowland. i LOVE the cover btw Taylia and i are hooked on this series keep up the good work

    -Rani-May and Taylia

  128. Anonymous- Thanks!! Ever & Damen have a big journey ahead of them . . .

    Rani-May & Taylia-Wow, thanks you guys!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!

  129. Hi!!!
    I absolutely LOVE your series Alyson!
    But I'm in Australia and I was wandering if it's already in stores now!?
    I have to know what happens to Ever nd Damen!

  130. Hi!!!
    I am SOOO exited that there is another book in the series! I absolutely LOVE the series Alyson!

    Although, I was wandering if it has come out in Australia and when it will come out!?

    Will there be more books in the series? I'm hoping there is! I love the characters and the story-line!

  131. Hi Liv- Thanks so much! I'm not sure if it's out yet, it's a different publisher for Australia so I don't have all the details, but it should be there soon if it's not already!

  132. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Hey Alyson! You are by far my favourite author. :P Love the new cover and am awaiting for my package in the mail XD. Also, I have 2 questions I have been dying to ask you.

    I live in New Zealand and I was wondering if you have ever been here, or plan to one day. Heheh. :P

    Also, how many books will be in the series as I am a bit confuzzled.

    I absolutely LOVE the books and your writing techniques! thanks.

  133. Hi Anonymous- Thank you so much--I hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!

    To answer your questions:

    1. Nope, never been-but am hoping to visit someday--fingers crossed!

    2. There will be 6 books in the series, Dark Flame (book 4) will be in stores in the US sometime in spring/summer 2010 (don't have an exact date yet), and I'm writing Book 5 now . . . also, in Sept 2010, Riley, Ever's ghostly sister, will be getting her own series!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  134. Anonymous2:24 AM

    OMG i carn't wait to see what happens in book 3, the cover is so beautiful, i need to find out what happens between ever, damon and jude and can they can find the antidote to fix damon and evers problem i carn't wait to find out. Thank you Alyson for writting the books cause THE IMMORTALS is a wicked series.

  135. Anonymous2:26 AM

    i carn't wait to see Rileys series and i love you're writting

  136. Thank you, Anonymous--hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!

    Hi Anonymous- Radiance, Riley's book, was really fun to write so I hope you enjoy it!

  137. Anonymous1:04 PM

    i am actually in the middle of writing a story. but i'm not sure what's the best way to do it?
    I was told by an author at a writor's conference that you should write down all the good ideas you have and write a story around it.

    What do you think Alyson?

  138. Hi Anonymous- While I think it's a good idea to keep track of all of your story ideas--I have a whole file full--they won't necessarily all work together! I think it's important to figure out what your story is really about. Who is your character? What does she want? How will she try to get it? What obstacles will she face? How will those obstacles change her? Will she get what she wants in the end or face defeat? And how will she accept that?

    All stories are about transformation--the journey a character takes to get from A to Z and how it changes them along the way.

    Figuring out that journey is both the hard part and the fun part!

    Hope that helps--and best of luck!


  139. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I love the cover.

    Can't wait till it is realised.

  140. Anonymous2:14 PM

    i am only nine and have read all the books and am on chapter12 in shadowland i think roman is a b witch

  141. Melissa10:11 PM


    the only thing is I'm REALLY upset because I'm one of those OCD book freaks who need their series' to match, and I have to wait till NOVEMBER 2010 to get Shadowland in paperback!?

    Still, Alyson, you are a greattttt author. I love the Immortals series, it's freaking amazing, and I couldn't express that enough.

    I have a question, you might've been asked this before but I'm just wondering, because a lot of people compare this book to the Twilight Saga (even though they are really nothing alike, I've read all the books, Immortals and Twilight, and they are VERY different stories) but, and well, first off did you read the Twilight Saga? And did they inspire your characters, even in the least?
    Thanks, and KEEP WRITING, YOU'RE AMAZING. =)
    superr excitedd for Riley's seriess, too!!

  142. HI Melissa- Thanks for all the kind words-and sorry you have to wait for the paperback! To answer your question, in a word: No. I did not get my inspiration from Twilight--nor did I read past the first book in the saga. I got my inspiration from my own life and the grief I experienced when I lost several loved ones in short succession and almost lost my husband as well. It got me thinking a lot about life & death, mortality & immortality, and the true nature of those things. That, to me, are what my stories are really about!
    Hope that helps!

  143. Anonymous2:53 AM


    The only thing is Im an Aussie...
    And I cant find it in any stores...

    Do you happen to know where I colud find a copy? Im DYING to read it!!

    PS The Cover ROX!!

  144. Hi Anonymous- it's a different publisher who distributes to Australia, but I hear that they're going to start putting them out a little quicker! Hope you can get your hands on one soon!
