Friday, August 14, 2009

Smart Chicks Kick It!!!!

The blog title above is not a song title (though it should be!). It's actually the first of those very exciting announcements I was dying to share with you!

Coming to a city that may or may not be near you--next September 2010-- YA authors Melissa Marr, Kelley Armstrong, et moi are kicking off the:

Smart Chicks Kick It Tour!!!

Details are still in the making but so far we got:

6-8 Cities
6 Authors/City

Our Tour, Our Way
Author tours are usually organized by the publisher. All we have to do is show up, which is great, but we started thinking maybe we'd like to try something different. Organize our own tour, just the way we want it. Pick the cities. Pick the authors. Organize the events. So, in Sept 2010, we'll do just that.

It's Your Tour, Too
Setting up our own tour is great. But it's not really about us. It's about the readers--getting out and meeting them. We'll be looking for input from readers to help us make this the kind of tour they want, too. And because we can't get to every city, we'll also be setting up a virtual tour component. We're still in the planning stages, but watch this page for more details.

Appearing at every stop:
Kelley Armstrong
Melissa Marr
Alyson Noël

Appearing at one or more stops:
Rachel Vincent
Mary Pearson
Jeri Smith Ready
Kimberly Derting
Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Carrie Ryan
Mary Pearson
Jackson Pearce
Jess Verday
And more to come . . .

I can't even tell you how excited I am to be part of this--and will keep you updated as the details come together!

Have a great day everyone!



  1. I probably should start reading books or something of that nature. Know of any good ones?

  2. I love this! How fun!

  3. Ah how did you pick your cities? You should come to Pittsburgh!

  4. Yay! Cannot wait! :D (Hope you guys have an LA/Southern CA event. Would love to see you again. ^^)

  5. ah! this is so cool! hopefully you'll be near me, or i can come to you!

  6. Hey Everyone- thanks so much--we're really excited about this tour, and not all the cities are final yet, so stay tuned . . .

    And Blase--there are sooo many good books of this type out there- I highly recommend Melissa Marr's, Kelley Armstrongs, Libba Brays . . .the list is long!

  7. Anonymous8:39 PM

    blase, i recommend wake and fade by lisa mcmann and lj smith's books - vampire diaries (being made into a tv show starting sept 10 2009 on cw), night world series, and secret circle series... those are my other favorite books and they have the same topic as alyson noel's amazing books... you know alyson noel has a few more books... i'm going to start reading them soon once i finish coraline by neil gaimen :D... can you tell i love to read?

    and ps alyson you should come to baltimore md! cuz i would totally come to meet you cuz you are amazing!!! if anything tell me when you're going to be near malibu cuz my great aunt lives in malibu cali and mabye i can go visit her and see you when you're there :D

  8. This is just awesome! Like amazingly cool of you guys. Your the type of authors that really make the material for a reader special- the kind of authors who care about their readers and not just a nice paycheck ( which isn't a bad plus!)

    I hope you guys can come to Miami, there's not many events down here for readers sometimes and its sad. However, here or not, I still think its such a great idea to do!

    Wish you guys the best!

  9. Hey Katie- Good suggestions, thanks! And Malibu- your aunt is one lucky lady is is beautiful there!

    Let's All Live In A Book- Aw,thank! Melissa & Kelley are awesome, I'm just glad to be part of it! And Miami-- I LOVE it there!

  10. Kajikitsune8:52 AM

    I love all of the authors that are going to be on all the stops!!! I hope you come to Florida!

  11. Hey Kajikitsune- I know, it's a great group! I can't wait!

  12. Hey I'm sorry I havn't been on the blog in so long. I just wasn't able to get on the computer. ^.^ I didn't see what you responded to the last request, so i'll ask again...
    If you have the time, could you read and comment on the beginning of a short story I am writing?

    P.S: I will definitley be there at the signing in Mission Viejo on the 12th. My birthday will be on the seventh, so it will be very cool for me to finally meet you so close to it!

  13. Hey Peri- Cool I look forward to meeting you! As for your story, I'm sorry but due to legal reason I'm not allowed to read unpublished works though I wish you all the best on it!

  14. Can't wait!! Come to Jersey!!! :)

  15. Hey Alyson! I hope this lines find you well.
    So! I read Saving Zoë and I LOVED IT! It was so great. I kind of teared up on the last chapter when Echo writes on her diary. I loved most of the characters and how the story developed. Although, I can't help but feel sorry for Parker. And I was kind of shocked when he didn't end up with Abby.
    I love when authors put another reading inside the book. Have you read anything by Carol Goodman? She does an awesome job at it. And Zoë's diary was a great insight into her.
    Anyways, congratulations on the tour! I hope you come somewhere near the East Coasts. Hopefully, I'll be not busy with work and the university.
    At the moment I'm reading The Catcher in the Rye. A Separate Peace was really sad, and hunting, like you had said.

  16. Hey Lucia- Oh good, I'm so glad you liked Zoe and A Separate Peace!! I LOVE Catcher in the Rye--I love any and everything JD Salinger wrote--he's one of my all time faves, and I hope you like it too!

  17. Maggs4:14 PM

    please please please please come to Victoria! in BC, canada on ur tour! I would just love it! like heaven.

  18. Hey Maggs-- Noted! I'll see what we can do!

  19. Anonymous5:23 PM

    alyson you should come to Maryland! they have great crabs (not that i eat crabs but that's what everyone comes here for) and also its near the whitehouse! (less than an hour away) and if you do PLEASE tell me when you do! cuz ill deff come to a signing if you can have one :D

  20. Hey Katie- Oh, I love me a good crab cake, no doubt about that!! I'll be sure and add it to the long and growing list!

  21. Anonymous12:47 PM

    lol how many places do you have on your list? you must have over a hundred! i dont know how you keep up with that and keep up with your fans and your story deadlines! you must have a hectic life! :D

  22. Hey Katie- Hectic--yes--that sums it up!


  23. I absolutely love your Immortal Series books and I'm so excited that this tour will be coming to Cincinnati! Can't wait to meet you! Good luck with everything and congrats on Dark Flame!

  24. Lori- Awesome! Look forward to meeting you in September!
