Monday, July 06, 2009

Good News/Bad News

So, there's good news and bad news . . .

The good news is:

I was interviewed in the Orange County Register yesterday in the Arts & Entertainment section and heard from lots of old friends because of it!

The bad news is:

My laptop is currently residing in the Apple hospital in the Intensive Care Unit.

The good news is:

BLUE MOON was in the Target circular in the Sunday paper!! (page 5 , right next to Linda Howard's, James Patterson's, and Janet Evanovich's books!)

The bad news is:

This backup computer has an unfamiliar keyboard that will be held responsible for all of today's typos.

The good news is::

BLUE MOON is officially out tomorrow!!! (Though I know lots of people already found early copies!

The bad news is:

I am still waiting for my copies as they've yet to arrive!

The good news is:

There will be no more bad news in this blog post!

Have a good day everyone and a special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to awesome author and friend- Jessica Brody!!!!



  1. I just picked up my copy of Blue Moon at Target. Can't wait to get started.

  2. Thanks for the birthday shout out! I'm glad to see that you're getting your computer fixed. No more crashes!

  3. Tina- wow, it's in Target already--cool! Hope you like it!

    Jessica- Yes, I feel like I (temporarily) lost a limb--didn't realize how bonded we were until I had to hand it over to the Apple tech!

    Hope your b-day is going great!

  4. Kajikitsune2:22 PM

    I didn't even think of checking at Target for Blue Moon. I'm very happy that it's coming out tomorrow. I have been waiting for Blue Moon since I finished Evermore which was in Janurary I think. This has been a really good week so far!

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  6. Well, so sorry for your pc... =(

    I almost lost my life one day when I woke up, sit down in the chair and my oc didn't turn on :S

    I hace to wait like a week until amazon send me the book, but TOMORROW is the DAY!! YEEEI!!

    Thanks, Alyson!! =)

  7. I can't wait for shadowland I got Blue Moon today and already finished it the ending was such a cliff hanger when does the first three chapters of it come out? LOVE your books!!!

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  9. I went to Target with my little sister and I went straight to the book section and checked for Blue Moon. They didn't have any copies but did have the bar code with the price that said "Blue Moon $8.99"
    Later, I was reading from Public Enemies and a guy that works there walked past me and had a handful of Blue Moon copies. After he left I went straight to it, but I didn't buy it.
    Until tomorrow I'm getting it at Sam's Club.
    'till then I can't wait to read it.

    <3 Libiel

  10. Kajikitsune- Still waiting for my copies too--hope you like it!

    Astrid- I know, I nearly had a panic attack--but now I am adjusting, kind of!

    Hey Kath--Well, it's SHADOWLAND just went into the copy edit stage so probably some time after that!

    libiel- Aw, Sam's club- awesome! Hope you like it!

  11. I can't wait to get my copy! I was just thinking today, wondering if today was the day Blue Moon comes out! I want to pick up my copy soon, but I am absolutely broke right now! My older sister (who is 15 years old, unlike my 12 1/2) steals all the neighborhood jobs. She takes the lawn mowing and the babysitting. The only way I have to make money is to watch my friend's guinea pig for a week (which I don't mind at all because he is so cute and my friend gives me a way-too-high amount of money for watching him). I don't have any good jobs to do. But hopefully I will be able to buy Blue Moon soon! I also need to buy My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult (my all-time favorite book, with Evermore of course coming extremely close!). I'm weary to see the movie because of how different the ending is.

    Okay, I'll stop chattering! Can't wait to get the book soon and probably end up reading it in a day!

    God bless,

  12. Can't wait to read Blue Moon! Just read Evermore over the weekend and LOVED it! (And I'm definitely not in the YA crowd at 28!)

    Was wondering though ... do you know if and when it will be released for the Kindle?

  13. I just got BLUE MOON this morning and I have already finished it! It was FANTASTIC!! I loved every second! I Can't wait untill SHADOWLAND comes out!
